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Raceworx Micra Blog

###### me!!!


How much did that set you back in total then? and how much bhp are we talking?
the red one with the sr20

how much was the engine?
How much would you say labour would cost etc?

I really want to do this to my micra.

the engine cost me £400 from a guy i know with loom... then i fully re-built it, i did all the work myself i wanted about 170BHP from the inital engine tune.. the project was running close to 6K with all the custom bits that i had to have made ect ect
right iv just had quote from 2 people for 2 different ECU's to be fitted and mapped
the autronic:-
Cost for SM4 £1295+vat, Fitting and mapping would be around £850 to
£1000 +vat depending on how long it takes to fit.
so thats £2295+VAT!!!!!!
the HKS Fcon-pro V :- £2200+VAT!!!!
im sorry but i feel these guys are taking the #### abit i think its cos iv said micra nd they dont realy want to work on one!!!

im now stuck in a rut as i carnt go any furthur without sorting an ECU out i want one that will alow me t use an SR20 maf and TB for the turbo engine.
surely an emanage ultimate would be capable? and at £400 odd quid you are gonna be on a winner compared to those prices. i hate the way we get different treatment just because of the car we choose to mod. bhah, their loss!

speak to ed mate im sure he would be your best mate if you offered him £1500 to supply fit and map an emanage ultimate.

just a thought i was quoted £1600 inc VAT and fitting for a Gem standalone ecu. very handy piece of kit.
Davey C said:
speak to ed mate im sure he would be your best mate if you offered him £1500 to supply fit and map an emanage ultimate.

best advice ive read all day.
Type-R said:
if ian could build a sr20 im sure he can wire in an emanage! tuning it now thats a whole different ball game lol!!

stevie wonder could fit one..its making it work like you said :D

imo ED is the guy to speak to
i have a couple more avenues to try but i will still proably talk to ed about an ultimate as i want to know what there capabilities are.. mapping isnt an issue i know an ace mapper near me and i can get dyno time dirt cheap.. i want a decent ECU thats all.
iv spent 3 1/2 hours cleaning today shame i havent got a decent camera but you can see it alright lol.. Tcut, Mequires polish and wax, tyres done side skirts were put on yesturday when i serviced her aswell... pint is glass smooth, the inside of the windows just needs doing now aanyway some pics :-



OH and its raining now!!! :mad: ahh well...
Raceworx said:
i have a couple more avenues to try but i will still proably talk to ed about an ultimate as i want to know what there capabilities are.. mapping isnt an issue i know an ace mapper near me and i can get dyno time dirt cheap.. i want a decent ECU thats all.

DTA, Superb ECU's
Have you actually used DTA? So many people quote stuff on ECUs and have never even used one or know how too...

In any case blue emanage would do this K11. Spend big bucks to write nice things on a spec sheet if you want, but for fuel and ignition blue is all you need. If you want to go further sure, fit ultimate, get launch control/TTGS no limits on injectors etc and it will do tonnes more. I did another pulsar this weekend. On ultimate, the poor guy blew his 5th gear on the way home, too much power ? ;)

BTW imo DTAs software is not that nice. I've used alot better. Experience does count. Hows this though. I mapped a GTIR with blue e-manage a while ago, it was 0.1 second slower (got an 11.7 1/4) than a higher tuned and totally stripped out GTIR with Motec mapped by norris designs. I know both owners well, as you can imagine the guy I mapped with the blue was very chuffed, and the one by norris was not quite so lol.
sorry to hijack the thread, but seeing as were talking about it ill chip in.

ed, i will be in the same boat as mr raceworx soon, once the tomei cams and other bits are fitted. am i right in thinking to get the best out of the cams all that needs adjusting can be done on a blue emanage?

thanks for any help. stew.
the figures and times ed is producing with the e-manage say alot, i personally don't 100% trust piggy-back units, but bang for buck, if i couldn't work on my own ecu's i'd go e-manage ultimate and a good mapper (ed seems good, and tracable if any poor work was done) everytime.

ed - in regard to the norris thing, i got hold of a re-mapped 300zx "chip" from a well known uk tuner, you would not believe how little they had changed, and how little they obviously knew about nissan ecu's
pete, I can TOTALLY believe that, I have had to fix and re-map/config many e-manages from other so called "jap tuning specilists" its astounds me. When they dont even know how to set up the things and then try to correct the strange mapping results they are getting with using crazy correction on airflow maps etc makes me cringe/cry/stare in amazment. The price people have also paid for these bodges is even more amazing!

K11Stew, when you change cams you totally change the way the car breathes, its totally likely therefor that all the timing and fueling maps will need optimising to some extent. Basically you could end up with worse performance with cams than without if they are not mapped into to do the job.
Blue e-manage I charge 150 to fit + £25 hr mapping. The extent of mods on the car affects how long this will take but your looking at 2 hrs for a normal tune up.

yes, as much as i would like a r/r 1, its not portable and 2, its not real life.
im either going to use an apexi power FC with GTiR wiring loom modded to fit... as im going to use an SR20 TB and MAF or a HKS FCON PRO-V iv not wuite nailed the ecu down but iv got a parts list ready for the new CG13DET.

i would have gone e-manage if i wasnt going big turbo in the near future for now ill run with what iv got lol..
That E-manage ultimate I fitted last weekend was an upgrade - from power FC! the only thing the power FC can do that the e-mananage cant (Nissan specific) is increase the rev limit, in every other way it can do more.. I dont see what maf etc has goto do with it as the ultimate e-manage for example can run with anything, or infact you can remove the maf all together and run on a map sensor instead if you felt like it! size of turbo makes no difference.

I am only saying this since claiming not to use something that is perfectly suited for the job just because you want to run a large turbo (what one by the way?) is inaccurate and not true.
GT25R aiming for 200WHP not disclosing any more details than that yet.. if you can tell me that the ultimate will run with an SR20 TB and a suitable map sensor.. then the jobs yours once the engine is built and in as long as it less than 1.5K lol
GT25R is what I have on James K11. Superb turbos. Should spool up very fast on his and make a huge fat chunk of torque! :)

Ultimate would easily run with SR20 throttlebody, and you would need the greddy map sensor. FYI for me to supply the whole lot (EMU + Loom + MAP sensor) is £620 to have it fitted is £200 and to map is 25hr.

Blue e-manage would do the job as well, but may not cope with larger injectors as well - but thats a limitation of your stock ecu - NOT the blue e-manage, however it would require much less mapping than the EMU.


would you be up for mapping my turbo setup?

Garrett T2, Daveys top mount cooler, emanage blue, and thats about it at the mo..

im gonna get an adjustable wastegate so i can run as little boost as possible untill i get injectors and a 2mm spacer...

can you let me know please?
No problem, cant do anything untill after JAE, but no problem.
the thing that makes me edgy about the e-manage is, as an example, the cg ecu code takes a reference from the maf for 13 seperate things, not all directly load related, but used for referencing and being used as a condition for many things, when you remove that reference things will either be accessed all the time, or not at all, or at the wrong time, that i dont like.

i appreciate thats how piggy-backs operate, and they work, but that would worry me a little.

the new self mapping options i felt were a good idea on piggyback units, as it enables the unit to maintain a value, because i wouldn't trust it as a set value, the reason for this is the nissan ecu doesn't always use one set value for - example - the fuel map, sometimes its not even used, so if your aiming for 15:1 with x amount of fuel setting on the piggy-back at a certain load at a certain rpm, that may not always be the correct amount.

however people still see good results, if you see good results who am i to argue

if you understood that, your doing well

but ed, i'll be honest, i don't use the e-manage, so don't know a huge amount about it, im not going to pretend i do
Pete, I agree, which is why the ultimate is so clever, It doesnt interfear with the signels going to the ecu. even if you change the maf you select what the correction is and the stock ecu sees what it would anyway, - the blue doesnt do this. The EMU doesnt even modify ecu signels when changing injectors, it intercepts the duration and then cuts or adds to this. Again that stock ecu has no idea this is happeneing. The emu also interfaces with the crank angle sensor so again in altering the timing it does this without altering anything the ecu sees. The EMU is almost standalone which is how its able to on some cars remove stock rev limit and do so much. It just uses the stock ecu for reference for everything it does. :) ;)
thats sounds fair to me.. will it remove the stupisd 112mph speed limiter though?? as its just not quick enough with the power it will hit that in no time on the straights..

it wont be for a while though as im not spending as much cash ont his one as i did the SR20 well same amount of cash just not as fast lol
if it really has a limiter youll need a de-limiter unless you use the ultimate that can also de limit cars.
so the ultimate can de-limit thats fine then... trust me it has a limiter its sad knowing i can only hit 112mph
wel howcome ive done more then 112mph and i also know other people in micras who have done the same ? (on private roads, blah..)
Pete :- 2000 nats CG13DE...

Rich.. you have gone above 112MPH indicated speed on the speedo but trust me its not actually 112mph mine hits a limiter at 120MPH indicated* the red one did aswell that was a 1998 CG13DE.. about 4.5K RPM in 5th gear anyoone who says they have gone mroe than that in a facelift micra id take that with a pinch of salt.. both of mine have had this limiter.

sunny i think those speed cut limiter devices would work but i dont know.. if needed oill get a video of it next time im at bruntingthorpe.
LOL my speedo says 100, when i went brands hatch, i have maxed out if fifth gear dnt no how fast it was speedo needle went off the clock. Hence i want to get the 1.6 gearbox on my car now. But whats the point if it has a limiter.
well iv got my engine to work on its a 1.3 auto the one Rlees baught but didnt need.. was a journy and a half getting there with richmicratwist in tow... we nearly crashed when rich decided to sing sheffield wednesday songs as loud as possible down the intercom whilst i was trying to drink some fanta..deffand and chocking with tears streaming from my eyes trying to controll a car isnt funny :p

many thanks to Rlees hope the neighbours didnt complain to much :D
can i ask you where you got your sr20 head gas flowed and ported and how much it cost, unless you did it yourself. thinkin of doing it to my cg head as it's off the engine.

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