tday i helped costa inspect another micra to replace his crashed SR.
its a red 1997 1.0 vibe 3dr for £399 mot & taxed.
twas raining which didn't help but on initial appearance the outside looks clean but its usually deceiving.
i wanted to check the engine cold but the guy who got the key, started her up to drive inside the garage away from the rain.
anyway she cold starts fine and the milage says 84k but upon cranking i saw a hint of blue smoke before steam plus the timing chain tensioner is rattly noisy so engine's quite worn.
guys were friendly at first, if not too friendly. gut feels the offer seems too good to be true. car in the garage, I got my checklist and commenced the thorough long inspection of everything.
first common check is chassis and straight away the crossmembers all rusty holes, MOT failure, £100-150 to replace front frame.
outer sills been patched but peeked under and both inner sills have 2 big holes each, £60
LH main beam faulty
LH outer gaiter split £5
silencer blowing straight out £30
fan card blown £5 conductive paint
stereo broken
rear brakes binding after releasing handbrake
clutch bitepoint was low and clutch cable adjustment nut was at 1/2-3/4 way down the thread so its getting abit worn £30+
LH rear bumper is slightly cracked n rocking loose so its been in a rear knock
and then i went to grab my laptop to check the sensors and costa noticed the guys face dropped
plugged in, coolant sensors reading ok, battery 11.8v
started her, lambda working, alternator 14v, ecu coolant sensor was rising very slowly and temp gauge barely registering and coolant peaks at 76C during idle. when i test drive down the road the gauge then raises upto normal halfpoint.
so either the thermostat is stuck open £10 or the temp sensors are reading too low.
overall it'll cost prob an extra £250 on top of the £399 sale price to fix her up for the mot in august = £650, subtract the £130 to scrap the crashed SR = £520, which he could've either spent towards a better non-rusty high end micra or spent fixing the damaged SR.
so thats the reason why its so cheap.
imho I'd walk away due to the rust holes.
but costa was very enthiusiastic and egor to buy it for £370 that he was offered as he thought yea a local mate could weld the crossmember and sills for cheap. he called his mom to come over with the money.
meanwhile he noticed there's no tax, trade guy says soz mate the post offices prob shut now and he couldn't offer tax after dropping to £370, twas originally £499.
bullcrep and my alarms ringing.
further prodding i pushed the back of the sills/rear arch and poof another big rust hole on both sides, £60.
now costa was having doubts. i pointed out the repair costs, the extra £100 tax disc, to put his ego and ambitions to one side and think about it long term, and if he had doubts I'd walk away.
if he'd want the car I'd try offer £300 for the missing tax.
he went over to ask and the guy went mental lol
ranting, "oh FFS what dya expect for a £399 car and you bring this guy to friggin probe every inch of it for such cheap motor rather than some 2k leguna..where the heck you get this guy from!?..take ur money and get the feck outa here!"
lol i think i pissed em off

hehe "thanks 4 ur time, byye"
drove him back home laughing at how close he came to buying a wreck. well we both learnt bout the non-friendly side of buying cars eh.