well this weekend was long i removed the entire dash and all the heating vents loosing coolant etc
in the process i removed the already broken afr gauge
the old alarm system has been removed and the car still works so thats a result!
removed the remains of the old aierial system
removed virtually all the sound deadening from behind the dash!
by-passed the dim dip system and chucked that box!
today fitted it all back together slowly making sure its right and rearranged all the wiring just to make it neater and to stop any possibility of it rattling and being very annoying!
got all the dash in and then realised i had routed the wiring for the centre cousoul long so had to pop the dash back out to do that properly and in the process due to being annoyed i damaged the sun strip
had to rerout the aierial again to day due to the excess wire wound up and left behind the dash! so i ran it accross the roof a few times and left myself with just enough to reach the radio and seems much better already!
had to rewire the radio as it had been bodged about a few times so it was a terrible mess and the drivers speaker worked when it wanted too!
all in all a progressive weekend although when i filled up the coolant again the idle speed has dropped ill kkep an eye on it and simply adjust it as needs be!
im thinking about wheels again!