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My facelift K11


Any updates on this mate, its my kinda micra! the lower the better :p Cant wait to get mine

Hey, thanks, I've been mega busy, nothing to do with the Micra unfortunately, that's why I've only just seen your posts.

It's looking exactly the same as before:

I've just been putting some milage on it, averaging around 400 miles a week. Goes everywhere this little thing, taken abuse from speedbumps, pot holes, fields and multi-story carpark ramps with ease. Might have to raise it if this winter's going to be like last years though. Rear n/s tyre still scrubs occasionly if I've got about 100kg of weight in the back. Need rear camber.


Engine has stayed the same sadly, I really need more power. The 1.0 litre feels like it gets slower each time I drive it (think I'm making up for it by going lower than I care for) it's still no slouch mind you, above 5000rpm in 1st and 2nd and it gets aggresive, hitting 60mph in under 9 seconds with the rear bench removed and less than 1/4 tank. With the bench in and 3/4 of a tank, on a slight incline, from idle I must be looking at 14+ seconds which isn't great.

I'm going to tweak it somehow, to lower the powerband again. Last time I went back to the stock exhaust cam, but that felt like it reduced power too. Maybe I'll have to file the dowels to get the overlap set right. Going to look into the ga16 t/b again too, maybe make a raised spacer to keep the ga i/c/v in the hope that'll make it more simple. Possibly combine that with ga16 injectors and a crude way of adjusting a/f/r. But still have other things in my life which have taken priority so not got around to testing anything yet.

Nearly bought an Audi A4 though that I was offered cheap as I need a better daily, got beaten to it though. I am still looking at other cars to either become a daily or a second car project. There's too much choice, but there's nothing that I've fallen for. A 100bhp Micra would be a good compromise maybe.


Wheres he gone :-( gone to find work out ways to make it lower i hope

I could go 10mm lower at the front pretty easily by winding down the coilies, or more by removing the helper springs, but then I'd be on the floor. Don't think I can go lower on the rear though without custom springs and alot of arch rolling, and I'm already near the bumpstop. I won't be going any lower I don't think, as the tyres will scrub and exhaust will scrape even more than they do now, the risk of cracking the gearbox or sump will also increase and it'll just look odd without the right wheels and tyres.

I'll probably have something to have a proper update with fairly soon I hope:grinning:

Maybe it's time to drop a 1.3 in there

:down: I know, it's just not something I could do on my own over the weekend, with my rather very limited knowledge. Would certainly like to give it a go at some point, as there's some very helpfull blogs on here that make it look simple, but I can't afford to mess it up without having another car to rely on. Have spoke to Frank about helping out with a high comp 1.3 which sounded promising, but that was a few months ago.
I could still go turbo, but that's quite a project, which I don't really have the time for as of yet. In March though;)
What exactly have you done to the engine to get such a good 0-60??

Not much actually:grinning: CG13 cams, modified GA16 airbox with 1.5" CAI and K&N panel filter. Which makes a decent improvement. Then the rev-limiter's been removed/raised to 8000rpm and ignition advanced to +20° to make extra use of the cams. And these 98-99 1.0 Micras came with a lower ratio gearbox, lighter flywheel and iirc lighter driveshafts than other Micras, which all help with the acceleration. 165/55/13 tyres help with the gearing too, however that means my 60mph is actually only about 57mph:wasntme:

I only get a good 0-60 (ok 0-57mph@60mph on the clocks) when everything is setup right: reduced weight, no passengers, less fuel, perfectly flat surface, 4000rpm launch and a quick clean shift to 2nd at 7800rpm. On a typical day commuting to work with seats, bags and half a tank, a slight incline, and shifting at 5500rpm from an idle it's quite sluggish and not quick at all, decent for a 1.0 in my opinion, but could be much better, there's more noise than drama. It's this type of typical everyday driving that I want to improve on, hence why I want to lower the powerband and increase torque where I'm going to be needing it.
wow I'm impressed that you can get so much more out of it with doing so little. It's got my juices flowing now!!
Problem is I now have a 1000 other questions to ask!
I won't clutter your post with them now tho lol
Hey, thanks, I've been mega busy, nothing to do with the Micra unfortunately, that's why I've only just seen your posts.
I could go 10mm lower at the front pretty easily by winding down the coilies, or more by removing the helper springs, but then I'd be on the floor. Don't think I can go lower on the rear though without custom springs and alot of arch rolling, and I'm already near the bumpstop. I won't be going any lower I don't think, as the tyres will scrub and exhaust will scrape even more than they do now, the risk of cracking the gearbox or sump will also increase and it'll just look odd without the right wheels and tyres.

I'll probably have something to have a proper update with fairly soon I hope:grinning:

W00P! whats the sump/gearbox clearance like then? also rear torsion arm, if your so low and its started to go back past the centre point how far is it off the body lol.
wow I'm impressed that you can get so much more out of it with doing so little. It's got my juices flowing now!!
Problem is I now have a 1000 other questions to ask!
I won't clutter your post with them now tho lol

It's not that good really, it can be quite surprising for a 1.0 litre in the right circumstance, but I'm still dissapointed overall, it's lacking the mid-range I need for a daily.

W00P! whats the sump/gearbox clearance like then? also rear torsion arm, if your so low and its started to go back past the centre point how far is it off the body lol.

No torsion bar on Micras. If you mean panhard rod, then thats just gone past the point of being at it's longest(horizontal) so it now pulls the axle to the n/s on bumps, I'm using a custom bush from Frank that has shorten the rod, so the body is perfectly aligned with the axle now.
Clearence is ok lol. The exhaust downpipe and the under engine cradle are lower than the sump and 'box. And as long as the ground is even they'll lift with the wheels over speed bumps. It's when driving off-road or down s#it roads where you've just got to think ahead.
No torsion bar on Micras. If you mean panhard rod, then thats just gone past the point of being at it's longest(horizontal) so it now pulls the axle to the n/s on bumps, I'm using a custom bush from Frank that has shorten the rod, so the body is perfectly aligned with the axle now.
Clearence is ok lol. The exhaust downpipe and the under engine cradle are lower than the sump and 'box. And as long as the ground is even they'll lift with the wheels over speed bumps. It's when driving off-road or down s#it roads where you've just got to think ahead.

Yee sorry i wrote that quickly on my phone an djust didnt think i ment the Pan'ardddd rod (Y)
I remember speaking to frank and he wasent sure if you used one with it going past its longest point.
I was wondering really how far its off hitting the body now it has gone past its longest and is returning.....

Haa, coutry roads/cambered roads/speedbumps where a no no in a couple of my previous cars so im use to the lowered thing. :doh: joys of getting beached on speed bumps and having to get out and lift it over best you can lol :laugh:

Cant wait to get a micraaaaa :-(
Hey dude, sorry if this has been covered but are them capri alloys a straight swap onto the k11? Car is looking awesome buddy, keep up the good work :)

did you not send this picture to Kev? It deserves a month of the 2012 calendar

:blush: Thanks mate, but no lol, no I've not sent that in. It's only a quick shot taken from a phone camera and touched up with curves. And I'm not that interested in it being in the calendar to be honest, too much pressure and hype for my little runabout to live up to:grinning:
Are they a straight swap? ive seen a set and need to know :p


The alloys? No, the centre cap fixture need milling, and then it's re-drilled 4x100 for Micra, with custom studs and nuts to hold centre caps on all done by superls who I bought them off.

My first comparison photo :wasntme:


CG13 from an auto:)

Plan is to swap the 1.0 with it, strip down the 1.0 as a bit of a learning experience, clean and rebuild it with a skimmed head (-1mm for 10.5:1 c/r) and will possibly open up the ports diy style. Then use it to mock-up the GA throttle body and GA injectors (although if I'm going to fit a larger t/b I may as well go for the SR instead right?) turbo, downpipe and the charge pipe. But they won't be fitted onto the 1.3 until March/April time, after mot and insurance renewal.
Well take a good look at it 'cos it won't be staying that low for much longer I don't think lol. Weather forecast looks like snow so I'll need to higher it if I want to drive, then I'll prob just stay at that height when I've put the 1.3 in, then probably raise it more for a sleeper look when it's turbo'd. But I suppose it'll depened how much I miss those double takes people give it at the minute.

Made a start on partly stripping/checking the 1.3. Covered approx 70k miles so just want to check it over while I can. Cams and buckets look fairly clean. Spark plugs are both sooty and damp, rain water got into the intake manifold and down the plug holes :eek:

Water pump also seemed a good place to check to see if it's been looked after i think:

Looks like it's in great condition, which is good.

Lost my 12mm socket somewhere which is a bummer as most of the bolts on the engine is 12mm, halfords tomorrow ftl. Also got stuck removing the GA injectors from the rail and the GA i/c/v from throttle body, just keep rounding the screws, what do you guys do, I've been through 5 types of + screwdrivers and can't find any that fit with enough grip to turn 'em fwn

So I had a go at polishing the cam cover, looks like it could come out quite well:
Cheers Frank, I'lll try that tomorrow.
Frank, I remember you using the sandpaper on glass way of skimming the head quite a while back now, but how successfull was that?:grinning:
Cheers Frank, I'lll try that tomorrow.
Frank, I remember you using the sandpaper on glass way of skimming the head quite a while back now, but how successfull was that?:grinning:

twas sand and diesel fuel iirc matt, and it needs to be plate glass ideally (a glass shelf or whatever)
its great for honing a dead flat surface, but it took me ages to remove 1/2 a mm :eek:
and you have to jetwash all the galeries out thoroughlyafter eh



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Test fitted the turbo.

It'l be on one day.

Removed the head.

Lots of crap on the pistons, including some orange bird sh*t :S

Head looks pretty good, quite a thick flaky layer of carbon though.

Will give it a good clean, send off for 1mm headskim for 10.5:1 cr, then I'll polish the ports out upto inlet gasket.

Removed a valve, mainly to see if I could.

Came out easy enough, but getting the collets back in was little tricky. Home made tool ftw.

Washer welded to a broken spanner handle, my first propper welds too :)

Made a metal cover for the GA I/C/V. This throttle body will go on the 1.0litre with the GA injectors, whether they'll work as well as I hope I don't know, will at least try it out.

Thinking of using an SR throttle body on the 1.3turbo, with a seperate MAF sensor, as this should give me more scope to tune the A/F/R depending on where I place it, (prewastegate, predumpvalve, postdumpvalve). I was going to do some work to the inlet mani, but if I need to increase fueling I'm pretty restricted with the side fed CG/GA ones, so I'll be wanting the topfeed injector rail and mani. Do all coilpack Micras have topfeed injectors, or just the 1.4 (cga3) ones?
looking good matt (Y)
i found the SR t/b too big personally, even a small amount of throttle is quite a big apperture on that big 60mm butterfly :eek: and i got on better with the CG t/b (without the maf connected)
and definately go for the preturbo cutoff CG maf, i dont think maf,s like pressure (map,s are better designed for sensing pressure eh) and my maf was happy sensing the unpressurised extra airflow preturbo,
you can fit QG or SR topfeed injectors and CGA rail to a CG mani no probs mate
Thank you Frank.(Y)
Will stick with the CG t/b for now then. Would a SR MAF work though? It would be alot easier than cutting one out of a CG t/b. Some old threads on ciscos but nothing about how well it worked.
Thank you Frank.(Y)
Will stick with the CG t/b for now then. Would a SR MAF work though? It would be alot easier than cutting one out of a CG t/b. Some old threads on ciscos but nothing about how well it worked.

dunno mate tbh, i tried a GA cutoff maf on the turbo setup, and it seemed ok for about 20 miles then played up (baguete had problems trying to tune his nistune to a GA t/b iirc fwn)
My first time on this forum in a LONG time, and all I can say is your car is awesome. If it had a 1.3 running bike carbs, i'd cream. Got me tempted to get one!
get a flat head screw driver and a hammer and tap the washer under the injector screw a few times,(Not smashing just decent taps) you can then undo the screws very easily.
My first time on this forum in a LONG time, and all I can say is your car is awesome. If it had a 1.3 running bike carbs, i'd cream. Got me tempted to get one!

Thanks slyboogie. I know nothing about carbs, quad tbs would be interesting. But I'm giving this turbo a shot, looks promising.

get a flat head screw driver and a hammer and tap the washer under the injector screw a few times,(Not smashing just decent taps) you can then undo the screws very easily.

Cheers Sam, the screws came out quite effortlessly with the molegrips though.

CG 135cc v GA 198cc

SR 292cc
how'd the seat modding go, or i miss'd it?

Hey, I think it was near the bottom of page 4 when I did it, around August. I essentially removed half the foam from the base, re-shaped the metal sides and used old carpet to firm it up more.

Result is good, it's now more huggable as you're sat 'in' the seat, which is what I was after, rather than the horrid pearched feeling sat on the stock ones, and still very soft. If I do get it out again I'd probably remove even more foam from the base and the back though. Or just DIY a complete fixed frame like Frank did as they're quite heavy.
sweet, i'd be doing something shortly,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,got my interior strip'd out at the minute.one by one full submerg'd/wash'd in the bath twice maybe 3 times. ton's of muk comes out.gonna wash out inner shell/roof too when dash is taken off.their thas enough of my blog,:grinning:,,,,,back to you
Time for an update, I believe.

Micra's still looking the same as before, just a little dirtier, and photo'd in the same damn location. I need to get more creative.

Have been working on the spare engine instead.
Completely stripped the head, bathed in dilluted bleach and detergent. Worked well, came out shiney.

Started to give it a light port and polish treatment, diy style, in the manner of "you never know 'till you try it out". Have read from various sources that you can't really go wrong with porting on a turbo engine, so nothing much to loose. It is starting to really come out well though, if I do say so myself.










Exhaust ports need some more work, trying not to remove too much material, just casting marks and those ugly steps, that's an awkward spot to reach though.

Just started to custom fit a 50mm throttle butterfly into the 45mm Micras throttle body. May post up a detailed guide if successfull. I'm doing it this way as opposed to sticking on a ga16 t/b in order to keep the idle control, and I can also remove the maf and replace it with a sr20 one upstream for a smoother air flow. And because it was all spare.

Plans for all this:
First is to remove a little more material from the back wall/nr valve guides of the inlet ports.
Polish the ports, although there's alot of conflicting info about how much to polish the intake.
Possibly buy Kev's kent cams.
Double spring washer for 120% 'harder' springs, to reduce valve noise at high rpm.
Port-match and smooth the intake manifold, with 50mm t/b raiser to increase plenum capacity.
Fit 50mm throttle body, with some form of ghetto ram air intake.
Cat'less exhaust mani with larger downpipe.
ga16 injectors and fpr to suit.

And swap it all over onto the 1.0litre after the MOT. Set a 1/4 time for a 998cc K11. Then when I get a spare weekend I'll swap the 1.0 for the 1.3 followed by the turbo:D
Sounds like a bloody good plan imo, but I've already got a few setbacks... it's going to be a long un.

Over the next few weeks I'll be sporting a new set off wheels and a more civilised ride height.
hi mate i successfully done the ga16 butterfly into the cg13 throttle body, got a machine shop to do the hard bit then all that was left to do was file the edges off the ga butterfly and tweak it to fit perfect

GA bore on CG TB

GA butterfly bolted in (you can see its not 100% closed)

Filed to close perfect

good luck!
I'll be keeping the wheels in the garage for now, they may be back on, or they be put on something else..

markbognor doesn't like this.

Me neither tbh, but my mum keeps taking over it to learn in and moans its too low ffs. So I'm having a couple of months of a more regular looking micra, also it's just time for the mot so don't have to worry about it being too low. Will be interesting to blend into the croud for a change, may put up some girly stickers and go sleeper. But whatever happens things will get more interesting;)
hi mate i successfully done the ga16 butterfly into the cg13 throttle body, got a machine shop to do the hard bit then all that was left to do was file the edges off the ga butterfly and tweak it to fit perfect
good luck!

Hi Stani. Thanks for that, yeah machine shop would have been sensible, should have done that in the first place as using flap wheels are taken a while lol, half way there, looks ok though. It's the finishing touches that are going to make it or break it I guess.
when you said 98-99 1.0 Micras came with a lower ratio gearbox. is that true ?? and if so is it by a large amount and which ones had the lower ratio box mate. also love the look.
when you said 98-99 1.0 Micras came with a lower ratio gearbox. is that true ?? and if so is it by a large amount and which ones had the lower ratio box mate. also love the look.

I've only read the figures, I have no idea if it's huge or not as it's the only 'box I've used.

Here's a quick graph I've put together showing the speed you can achieve at 8krpm on stock sized tyres, for each of the gearboxes:

Full data can be found below on a spreadsheet(if my upload works, damn PDFs):


  • micra gearbox graph.jpg
    micra gearbox graph.jpg
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  • micra gearbox spreadsheet alternative.txt
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  • micra gearbox spreadsheet.pdf
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