Time for an update, I believe.
Micra's still looking the same as before, just a little dirtier, and photo'd in the same damn location. I need to get more creative.
Have been working on the spare engine instead.
Completely stripped the head, bathed in dilluted bleach and detergent. Worked well, came out shiney.
Started to give it a light port and polish treatment, diy style, in the manner of "you never know 'till you try it out". Have read from various sources that you can't really go wrong with porting on a turbo engine, so nothing much to loose. It is starting to really come out well though, if I do say so myself.
Exhaust ports need some more work, trying not to remove too much material, just casting marks and those ugly steps, that's an awkward spot to reach though.
Just started to custom fit a 50mm throttle butterfly into the 45mm Micras throttle body. May post up a detailed guide if successfull. I'm doing it this way as opposed to sticking on a ga16 t/b in order to keep the idle control, and I can also remove the maf and replace it with a sr20 one upstream for a smoother air flow. And because it was all spare.
Plans for all this:
First is to remove a little more material from the back wall/nr valve guides of the inlet ports.
Polish the ports, although there's alot of conflicting info about how much to polish the intake.
Possibly buy Kev's kent cams.
Double spring washer for 120% 'harder' springs, to reduce valve noise at high rpm.
Port-match and smooth the intake manifold, with 50mm t/b raiser to increase plenum capacity.
Fit 50mm throttle body, with some form of ghetto ram air intake.
Cat'less exhaust mani with larger downpipe.
ga16 injectors and fpr to suit.
And swap it all over onto the 1.0litre after the MOT. Set a 1/4 time for a 998cc K11. Then when I get a spare weekend I'll swap the 1.0 for the 1.3 followed by the turbo

Sounds like a bloody good plan imo, but I've already got a few setbacks... it's going to be a long un.
Over the next few weeks I'll be sporting a new set off wheels and a more civilised ride height.