NISSAN Micra Radio Code Please!

Hi there! Please, can you give me the radio code for BP3349 3 6363840? The other number is 7 643 349 318. The battery died after a couple of months nobody used the car, and the first owner never wrote the code down in the manual/service book :(
Hi there! Please, can you give me the radio code for BP3349 3 6363840? The other number is 7 643 349 318. The battery died after a couple of months nobody used the car, and the first owner never wrote the code down in the manual/service book :(
Hi, try either 2960 or 0960..........

I can't get my Nissan Micra radio serial no - without removing radio. I saw elsewhere s.o. give radio codes for 2008 model (wh. I *think* I am) as 2549 or 0549 in reply to a particular BP serial no.

My main question is: are there are only 2 codes for a given year, as above? or are there loads of codes, depending on the BP radios? (If only 2, I could try entering them).

2nd question - are above - 2549 - and -0549 - right?

Many thx for any help

I can't get my Nissan Micra radio serial no - without removing radio. I saw elsewhere s.o. give radio codes for 2008 model (wh. I *think* I am) as 2549 or 0549 in reply to a particular BP serial no.

My main question is: are there are only 2 codes for a given year, as above? or are there loads of codes, depending on the BP radios? (If only 2, I could try entering them).

2nd question - are above - 2549 - and -0549 - right?

Many thx for any help
The codes are specific for that radio serial number NOT for year of manufacture....
Hello all

Any chance someone could get code for NISSAN MICRA car radio with the following details:

Part Number 281853HN4B
Model AGC-3220YF-B
Serial: DW37N22901263HN4B
Date: 07.26.2013

Thanks in advance

Battery disconnected and radio no longer working
Found my details - can you help with code?

Details from radio case of my Nissan Micra:

S/N: PP3001MB0042854

PART NO; 28185 BG10A


(s/n def "PP" not "BP")

Many thx
Sorry can only decode BlauPunkt units, think 'PP' prefix means that it was made by Fujitsu an 'DW' means it was made by Daewoo.....
Nissan micra model- PP 3001M-B. Nissan part no 28185 BG10A. Serial no CL081690086649 code please ;)
And to add to my post immediately above, a serial number beginning with 'CL' means it was made by 'Clarion' so again, as it is NOT a Blaupunkt unit, I can not supply an unlock code for it..............:rolleyes:
Hi there, was hoping somebody might be able to help! I changed my battery and the radio is now locked out. The serial number is BP334947234752, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance ?
Its also constantly says wait 1hour :(((
Read through some of the code request threads already posted on here, both of your questions have been answered many times. When you have done this come back here and post the radio serial number that you have found and as long as it starts with 'BP' I'll give you the unlock code. ...............:rolleyes:

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