last week little pollymobile 1 came back sick.
me friend said she took it to 2 prev garages for a fix and then after the 2nd garage it was overheating, hard to start, high idle rev & stalling when stopping. so she thought she'd ask me to hava look first before getting to another garage. (heard she previously had a tendency to break several cheapo bangers, prob lack of service)
she came over, car idling very high. temp gauge reads high after being driven down the road and coolant tanks empty so popped the rad cap off, jeez nothing in there. so i poured some coolant in and it must've been running dry cos i had to pour in alot, no wonder it overheats quickly.
purged air out, left rad cap off to check if it bubbles slightly from a leaky gasket. instead, when i cranked the engine the whole lot came gushing out like a fountain, coolant everywhere! yikes thats not good 
fitted rad cap and tried again, she fails to start and coolant/gas is just gushing into the overflow tank
took sparkplugs out to look inside and they were all pooled in coolant, cyl 4 was oily. very very bad.
oil level was at low and found some mayo on the oil cap.
ok so its clear that the overheating has resulted in a seriously blown head gasket. she's not gona be driving this for afew days.
moved my car outside and her car in the garage to rip the head off to change the gasket and find the cause.
dunno what sort of monkey garage she took it to but some of the valve cover bolts were loose/missing, exhaust mani nuts loose, spark plug 1-3 only finger tight and seems they pryed the sparkplug leads off with a friggin screwdriver damaging the rubber seal and the stem is just hanging loose from the lead head (they coulda just pulled it)
pulled head off, the soft composite gasket had proper fused to the Alu cos of the heat so it seperated in chunks. will take ages to remove all this
inspecting the gasket closely i found a sooty residue at the bottom the gasket where cyl4 was blowing past the gasket ring into the cooling jacket which may have cause the fountain of coolant to gush out earlier.
carefully used an old card & razer to scrape the old baked gasket off the head & block, was such a tedious, long slow process making sure theres no scratches. started off at one end, got sick of it quickly. to finish over the next few days
phoned nissan bout a new oem MLS gasket, quoted £65. wtf it used to just cost me £35. had to be ordered from amsterdam apparantly.
ordered a £28 gasket on ebay instead that i thought looked like the nissan gasket, turned out be a normal composite type. meh it'll do, couldn't be bothered to change it.
ordered £9 can of gasket remover in hope of making the removal easier and less risk of scratching
tried it on some areas are sure it soaks, loosen and gunging the smaller residues but has minimal effect on the thicker residues. bah, back to the razer that took forever
checked the head warpage and is just within spec, she's lucky there's no more damage
finished off with 1200 wet dry, sucked oil outa the bolt holes, retapped threads, dry with brake cleaner, reinstalled gasket, head, cams etc
took off the temp sensors & thermostat to test they're in spec. sensors fine but the thermostat is stuck closed. aha this must be the cause.
the old thermostat musta seized shut, engine overheats, Alu engine swells hugely, crushing the gasket rings, under compression the gas blows the coolant outa the cooling system and overheating more under induction the coolant is sucked into the cyl, flooding it and making it harder to start/run & stalling
next day got new thermo from local shop. doesn't have a bleed hole but doesn't matter.
looked inside cyl and damn cyl1 is wet

cranked engine with plugs out to build oil pressure and dry the cylinders.
plugs back on, prime fuel pump, try to start.
she refuses to barely start, maybe a little stutter from cyl1. bugga
plugs out, and cyl 2-4 were flooded. ah ffs!!
cranked again to clear cylinders. plugs back in.
this time crank like heck cos it either works or not. throttle floored, she slowly tries to fire, getting better gradually.
eventually cyl1 fires. misfiring, i rev her abit. exhaust plooming away behind. after afew hard revs she clears up and runs on all 4 cyl. idle is too low so readjust the idle screw. with rad cap off i rev her to check for blowing, seems fine
kept her running to heat up. temp gauge goes to middle, stabilizes then fan kicks in, temp reduces abit, fan goes off. running normal after few minutes. she works

water in cats n exhaust has steamed away and now runs smoke free.
cooled her down then retested again later and yet again she passes. plugs out and all cyl were nice n dry. changed oil cos it was black and prob never serviced since i sold her it last yr.
called her to pick her car up, she was dead happy.
the gasket, oil, coolant costed £60 so charged her £100. i read this job'll usually cost £350+ but i'm doing it for a local friend and she's pretty tight on cash.
neway £40 profit later on, there's one happy client and i'm glad to her her out