The wheels arrived yesterday, but I was out all day with some kids at a competition, so first thing this morning I got on with some measuring. They have a 101mm backspacing, exactly the same as the current wheels, which is a shame, I had hoped that they had a bigger back space to move them in a bit, this equates to an offset of -13, the current 6x13s are +13.
Here's how they compare on
The fronts are going to need a little spacing, just to even the poke up a bit.
They are pictured here with the 5th 6x13 with the backs/mounting faces level. I currently need to own some 7x13s!
Here's how they compare on
The fronts are going to need a little spacing, just to even the poke up a bit.
They are pictured here with the 5th 6x13 with the backs/mounting faces level. I currently need to own some 7x13s!