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Napster's SR MICRA

lol.....nah it didn't come to a huge amount.....eninge came to like £600 then other mods about £1000.....so let the saving begin! lol
wheres a pic of my black headlights? i feel un-loved :( lol

im sorry mate!!! seeing as Kristian did yours anyway.....i thought id put his up as had them to hand quicker and where the same!!!

i could have put quite a few up but not much point imo!! anyway sorry!!

Curtis: thats fair enough.
this weekend will be servicing my G/F micra and my own!

oil change, spark plugs, fuel filter.

will clean, the induction kit and check battery terminals! fluids in all tanks aswell!

silly question but are "all" "oil filters" interchangable between years (facelifts etc) and "engine size??? or they are different for each?

this weekend will be servicing my G/F micra and my own!

oil change, spark plugs, fuel filter.

will clean, the induction kit and check battery terminals! fluids in all tanks aswell!

silly question but are "all" "oil filters" interchangable between years (facelifts etc) and "engine size??? or they are different for each?


oil filters are the same..iirc all nissan oil fiters are the same. i know the sr20 oil fiter is.
got the right bulbs for the march nipples now :) so they are ready to go!!

may possibly fit them after xmas i think!! and get a square number plate to fit.

few new photos!!!


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can't wait to see the march nipples fitted. i've still got the ones off my old micra, but i've got the cover aswell ;), and no. i'm not selling it, it's eventually gonna go on the hulk:)
can't wait to see the march nipples fitted. i've still got the ones off my old micra, but i've got the cover aswell ;), and no. i'm not selling it, it's eventually gonna go on the hulk:)

cheers!! yeah i cant wait either!! ok i wont ask lol!!!

as u have a cover, u know where to fit / drill . line up the nipples so they fit the cover etc, but i dont know so could you maybe get me some dimensions please!! i know thats alot to ask so you dont have to!!!! if i dont get a cover, i could just fit them anywhere etc!!! with in reason of course
cheers!! yeah i cant wait either!! ok i wont ask lol!!!

as u have a cover, u know where to fit / drill . line up the nipples so they fit the cover etc, but i dont know so could you maybe get me some dimensions please!! i know thats alot to ask so you dont have to!!!! if i dont get a cover, i could just fit them anywhere etc!!! with in reason of course

I'll take a pic of the back of the cover with brackets on and edit the dimentions onto that for you. should have it done before chrimbo for you
these where going to be possible calandar photos till my crap camera decided to save them at small resolution :( plus the weather was pretty shocking while taking these!!


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yeh same about the weather there! this is what i was going to do....go to a nice location with something to look at in the back ground and take some photos....but its to late now...deadline was yesterday for calander! oh well maybe next year!
yeh same about the weather there! this is what i was going to do....go to a nice location with something to look at in the back ground and take some photos....but its to late now...deadline was yesterday for calander! oh well maybe next year!

i sent off other ones instead mate :) but probably didnt get selected! will have to wait and see!
nice photos mate :D shame about the quality, you will have to borrow my Digi SLR some time and do a proper photoshoot :D
nice photos mate :D shame about the quality, you will have to borrow my Digi SLR some time and do a proper photoshoot :D

thanks....and yes mate id love to have some photos from ur awesome camera!! you coming exeter meet???

Headlights look sweet mate!
SHould have mine on by the meet :D

thanks Robert, yeah im sure they will be fitted for the meet! will txt you soon bout driving up arrangements!!
Hmmm, new oil cap??

Have you painted your cam cover?


Hey James!! yes new oil cap. no havent painted cam cover yet!!!
tinted my front headlights now :) i got round to it in the end so you cant tell me off anymore lol!!!

cars had her service now :) running very sweetly! think she is performing better aswell with the new spark plugs!!

looks gr8, love the colour coded splitter, haven't seen many like that :D

thanks bud! not many colour coded? i guess most are on the facelift versions and their micras are silver so the black goes well!!! personnel taste really!! i prefer colour coding now :)

plus the rest of the kit needed to be sprayed green so i thought id do it all
thanks bud! not many colour coded? i guess most are on the facelift versions and their micras are silver so the black goes well!!! personnel taste really!! i prefer colour coding now :)

plus the rest of the kit needed to be sprayed green so i thought id do it all

yer i love colour coding stuff, personally i dont like any black plasticy stuff on cars.
yer i love colour coding stuff, personally i dont like any black plasticy stuff on cars.

well thats your taste and nothing wrong with that!!! i dont mind really!!!! as loads of micras i see have black bits and aslong as the colour sheme stays like that then they can look quite unique and stunning, using the original black bump strips with black splitters etc!!!!

anyway...you'l be able to see my micra at the meet if you make it!!!!

well here are some photos from Exeter meet!!

havent done anything else and plans for her are on pause! so updates may be slow im afraid.


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your cars lookin the mutts nutts! i need to get me some of those lights theres several around on ebay. i like you nismo decal and im rather fond of those skirts too.
thanks you guys!
curtis......get a k11!!!! lol!! then you can get the lights! although nothing wrong with a k10!!!!
Danimicra8.........cheers, she is pretty much at the stage where i am more than pleased with her, and now saving my money!
its doing little touch ups now!
im actual concentrating on my g/f micra and another mate of mine which is doing some mods!
hi, not sure if you got the pm, so i thought i'd post it in here.
i've just measure my cover for you. and the studs are 44.5cm apart. so if you measure a center line in the boot/plate recess then measure 22.25mm either side of the line. the cover allows for +-5mm either way anyway.
it's hard to measure how high to put them because the cover doesn't fit bang on anyway, so i'd fit them where they look right, then if you do get a cover, you can always 'slot' the holes for the nipples so that you can silde the nipples/cover up or down accordingly.
the plate size needed for the cover is a 12"x6". that'll fit it exact.
good luck. especially filling and painting the boot where the standard grab/light cover handle goes.
napster i swear to god i just saw your car go past newcastle central station a few hours ago

same kit and alloys
and the handles wern't painted and rear led's

was it you or has someone just copied your car?
was not me!!!


however, im sure the alloys couldnt have been exact same as mine, but.....oh well!!!

a pic would be great if you ever see it again!!!
very interested to know now!!
wooohhhh.....hold on there guys!!!!! id have an ST or speedles k10 (lol) ! was tempted when he said he was selling but i just couldnt buy it :(

Speedle: "bored" :( ........ :down: i think i just heard my micra beep with sadness!!!! ive touched pretty much everything i wanted to achieve!! performance, ice, bodywork, interior!!! next touches require lots of money and time!!! what i havent got really

i was tempted by the wide archs but alot of money due to extending the axel so that it actually looks good!

more bhp: i would but not going turbo! i would do cams and remap but its money and time getting it up to Fusion Motorsport!!

i now have three jobs and at university!!! so im a busy man!!!

i dont know what else you want to see??? i have the march nipples ready with brand new bulbs just waiting for time and weather!!!! car really needs touching up in places!!! paint flake!!!! sucks!!!

im saving now.........for future plans!!! i have one of the most unique micra in Cornwall and im happy!!!!

napster :down: