Turbo Spindal RPM?


Not sure if this is a hard question to answer or not, but would anybody know what RPM the spindal gets upto?

For example,

Your engine is running at 4000 rpm, what is the rpm of the turbo (Estimate).

Don't worry about asking me why. But I will tell you this right now, It's nothing to do with blimmen electric turbos, lol.



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Which is why they use fluid bearings instead of normal metal ones most of the time :)

And why ones with metal bearings cost a hell of a lot.
All bearings are 'fluid' Well ball bearings may be a slight exception but the idea is oil separates the surface regardless so there is never metal on metal contact.

Turbine speeds vary on the size of the turbo. Larger turbos spin slower. Basically the tips of the turbine blades must never exceed the speed of sound or they wont last very long. Larger turbos have larger radius blades, hence why they must spin slower.

Okay, thanks for all your input, my next question, this is where you might say stupid stuff towards my idea, as always all comments are welcome and idea will be binned.

In image "Image014" this is the bit that powered the aircon for my Micra, before I remove this I have had a thought.

Image "Image016" what would the estimated RPM be of the pulley powering the Aircon Block?


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well the bottom pully on the engine (crank pully) is about the same size as that is it not? so it will be near enough 1:1, i.e. 2krpm would be 2krpm on the pully 5k is 5k, etc.

to speed it up you would either have to put a bigger diameter pully on the engine, put a smaller one on the pump, or more than likely to get the sort of speeds you want you would have to do both of the above,

large pully on the engine, small pully on the pump.

if you had a 100mm dia pully on the engine (i think this is similar to the standard one) and a 30mm dia on the pump thats a 3.33:1 ratio, so 1k engine rpm would be 3300 pump rpm, 5k engine would be 16666 pupm rpm

so really to work out the pully sizes

you neet to know 2 things, the crank pully diameter and the speed you want the pump pully to run at a certain rpm.
Excellent, Cheers mate.

My idea is, and I know I'm going to get some Hater comments, lol.

Take off the exhaust section of the turbo and some how attach it to the air section, but removing the main unit, just thought this might remove some strain off the exhaust.
So essentially your planning on making a supercharger from the compressor side of a turbo ?Cool
Yes. As I already have the belt and Pully all I have to do really is put the two together. And that's the hard part.
Well I'm not doing that question until I've nabbed a turbo from the scrapyard so I have it in front of me, at that point I'll probably give up.
the amount of work vs power gains would mean its much easier to fit a super charger or turbo charger. but its always worth having a go :)
The main reason for this idea, I don't really want to fill my spare engine space with pipes everywhere, Looking at your K10 ST and Turbo'd K11's yes the engine looks impressive, but at the same time I wouldn't touch it with a barge poll.

Ideally I do really need to see a turbo'd micra up close, to see if it is really worth doing it.
have a close look at solarices supercharger setup. its neat and tidy and well made. plus your never going to get the rpms to create boost.

belt driven turbochargers (ie pro-chargers) use planetary gearboxes to get the rpms needed for boost. simply sticking a pulley (whatever diameter) on the end if a turbo charger isnt going to work.

try to find a supercharger for the job if thats what you want to do..
simply sticking a pulley (whatever diameter) on the end if a turbo charger isnt going to work[/B

why not, as to put it at its simplest form a gearbox is just full of different sizes 'pullys' i.e. it changes the size of the 'pully' to give a higher or lower speed. but instead of pullys it has gears, shichever way you look at it, its still the same principle.
im also unsure if you'd get any benefit or if it would even be possible, to achieve what youre aiming to do...im not gonna say you couldnt get it hooked up but id be concered about it making any decent boost, though ive not looked into it :)

Nex, i dunno if youd fit it in the engine bay tbh...not that ive measured it up...mines got about, just enough space left over to squash in a squirrel or two.
Nex the mini supercharger fits nicely on a ma10. It even lines up nicely with the crank. However, this was as far as I got before selling it :)
I didn't realise there was a supercharger for the micra, they must be very rare, might look on flea bay, I know the Mini Superchargers go for about 250 quid.

I wanted to use the pulley idea because I have the Aircon block doing nothing and hoping that there might be enough rpm to power a turbo.

The only way I can think of getting enough RPM is by doing a reverse Pinion - Spur Gear sort of setup, so where the Aircon block is a Pinion and place a Spur Gear on another pulley, then there's the problem of getting those items and belts etc which makes this idea bigger than what I expected in doing. Might just ask for a Turbo as a wedding gift, lol.
why not, as to put it at its simplest form a gearbox is just full of different sizes 'pullys' i.e. it changes the size of the 'pully' to give a higher or lower speed. but instead of pullys it has gears, shichever way you look at it, its still the same principle.

because apart from the logistics of actualy attatching a pulley of adequate size to the turbo without it falling apart, (the exhaust turbine housing being an integral part of the turbo charger itself) there is of course the question of how on earth you are going to get a suitable pulley to have the turbo run at 100,000+rpms?

lets say you have a 10" pulley on the crank ( you havent but bear with me) and a 1" pulley on the turbo/supercharger. the engine would have to turn at 10,000 rpm in order for you to get 100,000rpm on the turbo. so to get boost at 2500rpm throughout the rev range you are going to need a crank pulley of 40" in diameter.......... now do you see the difficulty of doing this without planitary gears? :laugh:
Once again, cheers Ant. I have been looking up and down on google images, some look simple superchargers others look impressively never going to happen in a million years.

Surely having a 1.4 you wouldn't need such a large request of RPM.

Well, I might let this settle for a bit and look more into it, there's a book on ebay on how to build a supercharger, but I'm going to look more into it anyway.

Cheers Guys.
You can try building your own microprocessor, and no doubt you will achieve success. The term standing on the shoulders of giants exists for a reason :)
The main reason for this idea, I don't really want to fill my spare engine space with pipes everywhere, Looking at your K10 ST and Turbo'd K11's yes the engine looks impressive, but at the same time I wouldn't touch it with a barge poll.
Ideally I do really need to see a turbo'd micra up close, to see if it is really worth doing it.

Ha ha ha ha fair enough mate, I can see your project being a fail but best of luck all the same
who said anything about just using 1 pully? not me, if you did it in 2 stages it would be easier, i agree that it is the wrong way to go, but to just say that it wont work when it could is wrong and misleading.
Cheers Baz, might just save up and get a turbo'd micra already built, lol.

Just another question I sure you guys can answer really quick, what s the difference between a diesel turbo and a petrol turbo?

I remember seeing someone on ebay selling one for his car because he bought a second hand one not realising it was for a diesel.
Cheers Baz, might just save up and get a turbo'd micra already built, lol.

Just another question I sure you guys can answer really quick, what s the difference between a diesel turbo and a petrol turbo?

I remember seeing someone on ebay selling one for his car because he bought a second hand one not realising it was for a diesel.

No difference and it kinda like saying how long is the piece on string because they come in all different shapes and size. . .the one on my astra van is tiny and the one on my dads X5 is huge
who said anything about just using 1 pully? not me, if you did it in 2 stages it would be easier, i agree that it is the wrong way to go, but to just say that it wont work when it could is wrong and misleading.

easier? hardly. the point is this was a question about a project and advise was saught. my advise is to not bother as simpler, easier and cheaper options are available than trying to create your own supercharger from a turbocharger. especialy when the technology for the procharger has been extensively tested time and time again. using more and more pulleys just isnt financialy nor mechanicaly viable and however you look at it. its not going to work.
technicaly speaking hwoever. given enough money you could make a micra k11 engine run 300bhp and lap the nurburgring in under 6 mins. but its not about "pie in the sky" engineering. not what is "possible" but what is Best in terms of simplicity and cost.
building one out of a turbo is just not going to happen.
easier? Hardly. The point is this was a question about a project and advise was saught. My advise is to not bother as simpler, easier and cheaper options are available than trying to create your own supercharger from a turbocharger. Especialy when the technology for the procharger has been extensively tested time and time again. Using more and more pulleys just isnt financialy nor mechanicaly viable and however you look at it. Its not going to work.
Technicaly speaking hwoever. Given enough money you could make a micra k11 engine run 300bhp and lap the nurburgring in under 6 mins. But its not about "pie in the sky" engineering. Not what is "possible" but what is best in terms of simplicity and cost.
Building one out of a turbo is just not going to happen.

x2 (Y)
Also, just to point out, putting a bigger pulley on the end of the crank is gonna make the engine very responsive because of rotational mass etc...

Just supercharge it. SC's make a cooler noise, and it's what your trying to do anyway, without the ghetto engineering.
Those turbos are just ridiculous, lol. What are they for blimmen CAT Monster Dumpers?

Also attached some pulley super chargers, which would be good if you could make a good bracket.


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