TOST - The Official Spam Thread

Guys.. I've something to admit... I'm really sorry... But I went to a Ford show Sunday :(. But this is one car that my signature does not apply to..
What on earth happened to the price of wheel alignment...

I've just been quoted £65 to get the FRONT wheels aligned on my Micra. What a joke.

A local tyre place does it manually, no fancy kit except for lasers and stuff. £25 all in and the guys there know their stuff when it comes to modified cars... Headed down there tomorrow. Bollocks to the big garages!
That is a bit rediculous Harlen o_O
I think my tracking check/alignment/adjust was about £25 too...
£65...?...I assume you'd get a free MUG :rolleyes:
...Nah, Sexy white wall tyres ;)
Fair play I guess... I'm awful at Fords. Thought it was a Model A :')
Does have a Model B grille though, which threw me off thinking it was a T. So glad I got talking to the owner. Such a nice fella.
That is a bit rediculous Harlen o_O
I think my tracking check/alignment/adjust was about £25 too...
£65...?...I assume you'd get a free MUG :rolleyes:
I think they heard 'Nissan Micra' and thought I didn't have a clue what I was talking about
I think they heard 'Nissan Micra' and thought I didn't have a clue what I was talking about
I get that...alot...they see I'm a girl and immediately think I couldn't possibly know what I'm talking about either... :rolleyes:

My dads workmate came round at lunch time to have a look at my brothers Audi's engine with his endoscope
^_^ ...good fun actually! ...the A4's valves are "bent to buggery"...apparently ...shame :p
anyway...had a nice little chat about how much I love Micras and miss my old one (the K10) and he showed me round his lovely, late 80's, VW Jetta, with pride LOL
I recommended he paint his engine red...he giggled...then I said that my brother should never have got the audi and should now be forced to drive something like...say...a Micra
but dads mate looked at my brothers Replica Lambo alloy wheels and said that my brother is too chavvy to have a decent car that just works LOL
After which he said to my dad "If I shaved off me beard and bought a Micra, do you reckon your daughter would go out with me?" :oops:
I get that...alot...they see I'm a girl and immediately think I couldn't possibly know what I'm talking about either... :rolleyes:

My dads workmate came round at lunch time to have a look at my brothers Audi's engine with his endoscope
^_^ ...good fun actually! ...the A4's valves are "bent to buggery"...apparently ...shame :p
anyway...had a nice little chat about how much I love Micras and miss my old one (the K10) and he showed me round his lovely, late 80's, VW Jetta, with pride LOL
I recommended he paint his engine red...he giggled...then I said that my brother should never have got the audi and should now be forced to drive something like...say...a Micra
but dads mate looked at my brothers Replica Lambo alloy wheels and said that my brother is too chavvy to have a decent car that just works LOL
After which he said to my dad "If I shaved off me beard and bought a Micra, do you reckon your daughter would go out with me?" :oops:
Sounds like a class bloke :p
he showed me round his lovely, late 80's, VW Jetta, with pride LOL

I have a soft spot for old Jettas, simply because...


bring on da h8rs
Haters representin'
Wasn't this in like Fast and Furious or something lame?
Wheels as big as the sun y0
Yeah it was Jesse's in the first. He lost it because TOO SOON JUNIOR

The fact that it's so wonderfully 90s is why I like it. Same goes for the FnF films as a whole. I like most of the cars in the franchise, no matter how garish.

To claw back some of my reputation I'll add that my love of this sort of styling is reserved only for the cars in Fast and Furious... Not **** like that on the road!
I saw a replica of the Ford Lightning used as Brian's auto parts truck at Trax last year... Pretty nice I must say.
Can I use the inlet cam from the cga3 in a dizzy head?

I know the exhaust cam needs the slot for the dizzy, but is the inlet different aswell?
you copy the 1.0 slot eh karl, offset slightly and line it up with a convenient lobe, start shallow then deepen it if you,re happy with the position (there is some "give" in the drive spider)
What type of head?

signature...please ignore anything I say...when using my phone it is either bad grammar or rubbish spelling.
Applied for another Job today...well...2 minutes ago ^_^
I've so far only found 3 advertised jobs that I actually want (since December) <_<
6th Job I've applied for...heard back from 3 so an interview with 2 and with one of them I got to the second interview stage ^_^

...getting closer :p

*fingers crossed*
Applied for another Job today...well...2 minutes ago ^_^
I've so far only found 3 advertised jobs that I actually want (since December) <_<
6th Job I've applied for...heard back from 3 so an interview with 2 and with one of them I got to the second interview stage ^_^

...getting closer :p

*fingers crossed*
Good luck!! :D.
I need a job this summer... Insurance will be a b1tch next year :L
Applied for another Job today...well...2 minutes ago ^_^
I've so far only found 3 advertised jobs that I actually want (since December) <_<
6th Job I've applied for...heard back from 3 so an interview with 2 and with one of them I got to the second interview stage ^_^

...getting closer :p

*fingers crossed*
Go you!! :D Hope you get what you want Jen ;) I've stopped only applying for jobs I want and am applying for anything! Including delivering flowers 6 days a week starting at 3am :eek: Needs must eh. Had 3 interviews last week, first one for carcraft was a no no cos it meant working every Sat/sun. Waiting to hear from other 2, commercial window cleaner and driver for Northern General Hospital.

Sent by pigeon from t'allotment
Cheers Max :p

Thanks Ade...Good luck to you too ;)
I'm getting to the point where I may start just applying for absolutely anything,
but I don't want a job that I know I'm gonna hate...I keep a shovel in my boot remember LOL
Cheers Jen ;) Well I'm afraid that I've reached the point where if these jobs don't come off this week, or things don't show signs of improving significantly, then come the weekend the car is up for sale :(

Sent by pigeon from t'allotment
Cheers Jen ;) Well I'm afraid that I've reached the point where if these jobs don't come off this week, or things don't show signs of improving significantly, then come the weekend the car is up for sale :(

Sent by pigeon from t'allotment
Oh dude that sucks :/ I really hope it works out for you.. :/