TOST - The Official Spam Thread

I love my Nissans. My issue with Pulsars is there are too many molested ones. Same can be said for Starlets too I suppose but they seem to have held up to the test of time a little better.

I'd have a Pulsar, but it'd have to be one like this

Bone stock, no bull####, as it was from the factory. When it comes to homologated cars I like them to be stock and mint.

Starlets however I'm not as defensive about - I'd run one, ruin it and make it my own.
I kind of agree... Subtle mods needed though, bleed valve, BOV, alloys... I don't like seeing modified Super Turbos.
Saw this at Asda :)

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I'm sorry, I'm 16, I like loud cars ;). I don't really know what subtle means :p.

agreed, im 31 tho.
Gtir ftmfw, most of the looked after ones will likley have rebuilt or upgraded gearboxes coz the tend to explode..... Mmmm 400hp with just bolt ons.... Yes please.

I do love the starlet tho.
Need some advice lads, Is there anyway of measuring to find out how big a wheel spacers I would need, like middle of the wheel to the arch or tyre wall to the arch? not sure

and if you want to be even more of an absolute star you could always link me to a decent set of wheel spacers to go for :D can only seem to find up to 19mm for hubscentric spacers
I've been offered a car instead of the March, took me all of a few seconds to say no, although it is still a nice jdm car. I'm buying it anyway though, to sell on for a profit :) There's not many things that will make me give up the March just yet
Work today in the stores by myself :(

One person is off sick and another took holiday and was too lazy to come in and help.

Only been here a few weeks. Fingers crossed it's all plain sailing!
Now, I'm not sexist... BUT
Pink wolfrace wheels, shown on a car with pink stickers, with a description written in pink.
... Anyone find it hilariously ironic that they're absolutely kerbed to hell and back?
Or am I just a terrible human being? :D
*shudders* I hate pink <_<
you're not a terrible human being... and...It's not sexist...just a coincidence, really
...there are plenty of both men and women that can't drive round a corner to save their lives Harlen :p

ETA: £15.50 finish? LOL
Work today in the stores by myself :(
... Fingers crossed it's all plain sailing!

hope your day on your own went okay Skymera? :)

hope your day on your own went okay Skymera? :)


It went okay, steady stream of work so I wasn't overloaded.
Only time I made a balls up was when someone was nagging me to book in a Sales Order which I've not properly been trained to do. In the end he got fed up waiting and just took the goods without any of it being officially booked in :rolleyes: Well it's not ME he has to answer to tomorrow :D

I've been asked to work again tomorrow which is a good sign :) My 2 day temp work has turned into well over a month now!

On another note I started to grow a Venus Fly Trap today :) Avoided buying a "kit" as I felt it ruined things.
After buying the wrong type of peat, the wrong type of moss and using the wrong type of water last week I had to start again today .

Picked up some moss peat with perlite and other goodies for just £2.49 at Long Acres and also got 2.5L of rain water from a friend's water butt :) Fingers crossed I start seeing some results in about a month!

My girlfriend also bought another cactus which she called Jill. To go with her other cactus called Jack :D

It went okay, steady stream of work so I wasn't overloaded.
Only time I made a balls up was when someone was nagging me to book in a Sales Order which I've not properly been trained to do. In the end he got fed up waiting and just took the goods without any of it being officially booked in :rolleyes: Well it's not ME he has to answer to tomorrow :D

I've been asked to work again tomorrow which is a good sign :) My 2 day temp work has turned into well over a month now!

On another note I started to grow a Venus Fly Trap today :) Avoided buying a "kit" as I felt it ruined things.
After buying the wrong type of peat, the wrong type of moss and using the wrong type of water last week I had to start again today .

Picked up some moss peat with perlite and other goodies for just £2.49 at Long Acres and also got 2.5L of rain water from a friend's water butt :) Fingers crossed I start seeing some results in about a month!

My girlfriend also bought another cactus which she called Jill. To go with her other cactus called Jack :D

I grew a couple of Venus Fly Traps a couple of years ago :D Awesome plant, because you can 'feed' them they almost become a pet as opposed to a plant. :D
Is there any decent 'photoshop' apps for iPhone/pad?
Don't have a pc and fancy having a go
There is official adobe photoshop "express" but it has mixed reviews're probably better off going through the various "photo editing" apps and downloading any free/trial ones and seeing which you like best, or find easiest to use...then...if you want, buy a "full" version...or just stick with the free one ;)

I think Gimp (the software I tend to use) did have a mobile version in development at one point but I haven't heard anything of late <_<
Jen319 said:
There is official adobe photoshop "express" but it has mixed reviews're probably better off going through the various "photo editing" apps and downloading any free/trial ones and seeing which you like best, or find easiest to use...then...if you want, buy a "full" version...or just stick with the free one ;)

I think Gimp (the software I tend to use) did have a mobile version in development at one point but I haven't heard anything of late <_<

I compile the development version of gimp on Linux :)

It's very good, I come from using photoshop and not very used to the gimps way of doing things

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I compile the development version of gimp on Linux :)
It's very good, I come from using photoshop and not very used to the gimps way of doing things

I love gimp...I used to make banners for a people on a forum...constantly...for 3 years :p
....haven't for a while I'm rather rough at blending now...I used to be smooth as a baby's behind LOL

EG: haven't made anything that I found as pretty as that in a long time <_<
I even used to make little animation banners ...

...kinda miss that :(
Anyone know where I can get a rising sun fuel filler flap for my K11? Or is it a custom jobby that'd be silly money?
Dads Birthday naturally :p


...just for reference this will fit in a K12 micra...possibly a K11 too...but I found it too awkward to lift and slide across the flat seats on my own *is such a girl*
...and having had to put the passenger seat forward to fit it, I couldn't take anyone with me I took the Almera round to Wickes instead and made asked my brother to lift it in for me :p

ETA: To clarify, I had test fitted one of his old wheel barrows, in my K12, which is only any good for holding rust....mostly as that's what they're now made of LOL