
I wish I couldn't get to work! I have to leave late at 11 today, so hopefully it will get worse!! But then if my new speakers can't get here today I won't be so happy! :) :(

unfortunately brum isn't that bad, i have to get to work today. It's nice to have a bit of snow. The weird thing is that it actually doesn't feel quite as cold as when there wasn't snow!
I'm in Leicester, got a good covering of show here and the main dual carriageway that we use to go to work is at stand still.

I'm going no where because I can work from home on our website and it's not worth the risk.

got over 4 inches of snow outside, a icerink for a hill, a shut M25 and somehow have to find the ability to drive 80 miles to work.


Hmmmm no trains!
Iv just got to work and thats in Brum aswell, its getting worse but fingers crossed they close down early today and let me go home! :D
weve got a light dusting, some blistering flurrys of snow every now and then and the skys are heavy black. but so far. nothing on the main roads and just a light covering on the side streets.

but ive got to be in lincoln for 9.30 tomorrow morning and its supposed to get worse tonight.... brilliant.

i live in grimsby on the east coast (midlands)
got over 4 inches of snow outside, a icerink for a hill, a shut M25 and somehow have to find the ability to drive 80 miles to work.


Don't bother mate. Loads of people have phoned in here to say they can't get in, and it's just accepted. I drove back from Exeter last night and got stuck around Guildford. Roads had turned to ice, not gritted (well done sussex/surrey highways). Was glad i could walk into work though! Having a snowball fight at lunch :D
manchester i cant get out of the friggin house the snow is mad deep i live quite high up near the pennines its great haha
ive got quite heavy snow but its not really staying its also sunnt :S wtf man!
i wanna get out the snow bike!!!!
Nuthin up here, a little bit of hail around 12 but otherwise clear up here in Aberdeen ;)
Well Yorkshire's got a good dumping of snow :D

I drove from Brighton to Leeds last night, a four hour journey took six hours purely because the South East was so bad with snow. The M25 was a nightmare, it was so heavy that you couldn't see the lanes and a fair few people were sliding all over! luckily Dexy's an automatic (not good for starts but smooth gearchanges help in slippy conditions) and has a very long wheelbase so I coped fairly well.
havent seen a flake of snow for about 4 hrs now and theres none lieing around either...

i think we missed it.
Theres some snow here (a covering but nothing serious -- looks slightly similar to some of the pics on the news tbh), but most of it is arriving tonight (apparently up to 12 inches)...but as we're in the north east, we'll just get on with it. :D
well it snowed hard last night up here in the north east then when i woke up it was raining/hailstorm then started snowing again but roads dont seem to bad up here sun is out but what about tonight when im at work can`t see nissan shutting down just because of some snow god when the roof came in because of heavy rain fall and it flooded the place we were still working even when lads were soking wet
Where are you Antony? It's really bad here and I've just got an e-mail from work saying it's due to get worse at three (its already getting REALLY dark here) and they're sending everyone home.

Speaking to my mate in brighton and he reckons I'd be stuck there if I'd stayed over :S Really gutted, I could have been stuck with my mates on the south coast...
Where are you Antony? It's really bad here and I've just got an e-mail from work saying it's due to get worse at three (its already getting REALLY dark here) and they're sending everyone home.

Speaking to my mate in brighton and he reckons I'd be stuck there if I'd stayed over :S Really gutted, I could have been stuck with my mates on the south coast...

Yep I'm down near Brighton and its pretty mad here. Starting to snow heavily again too!
Thing that i dont get is you can still see the road and grass through the snow (ok its not as black and green as usual but you can still see it) and yet they still shut everything down, down south...its even weirder when you consider most of the 4x4's in the counrty live in that region aswell.
i went to cumbria yestarday for the night at workington, woke up this morning and was about 2 feet of snow! had to wait for the council to come and clear the roads! thats me just home now lol
we've got a big dosing of snow had to abandon the car down the road bloody bus tryed turning round and nearly hit my car but its been snowing all day here and its bout 6-7inches with a nice ice underneath no grit!!!
there loads in my area..the main road in and out my village is snow! put it this way, i cleared my windscreen and half an hour later it was covered agian lol.
ive just been with my dad n bro pushing and pulling the mondeo up the hill lmao its bad! up here necuase of the v6 it was sliding all over managed to JUST get it up was fun though it sounded mint :D
The micra hasnt been moved off the drive and there is about a foot of snow ill take a pic lmao!
Coming back from work was stupid, the GT was spinning the wheels in fourth gear joining the dual carriage way :0.
In the end i switched to a country road since the roads into hull block up with people driving stupidly slow even if we get the lightest shower, i made a lucky choice with the country road i did take because, the other option if i'd taken it, apparently loads of people had to abandon their cars because of such deep snow! 0o.
Had to go to work unfortunatley, went to our joiners warehouse which is up an icy dirt lane in a rear wheel drive van... good fun haha. Gave up once the van ended up sideways in the lane.

Got home took my mate home and dinged a lampost ever so gently skidding round a bend. Even at slow speeds be carefull people!
im peed off, ordered a taxi for me and my girlfriend to go round her house and we got to the top of the hill and on the way down it these kids started pushing us down the hill it scared the crap outta us as we were slipping and sliding, i tell you if it wernt snowing i would of hit one of them. we were lucky we didnt crash even though it took us an hour
That's brilliant!!!

I saw the most amusing thing earlier, a 4x4 had got stuck and had to be pushed out by a transit van lol, offroader my ****
lol was funny last year, i saw a number of inccidents happen:

a modified corsa come at a corner to fast and hit the curb with his front alloy! lol he was going abit to fast & slid..

a woman in a 4x4 think it was a jeep..come up a 40mph road doing 40 in weather like this! and the raod went slightly to the right, and the back end came out on her and she hit the curb..she soon slowed down!

a skyline r33 gts-t (a rumor of having 400bhp) he went over a speed bump (where the road was slightly lob sided, the wheels spun, back end let go and hit a parked car with his rear 1/4, damged his rear arch (took the paint off) then he got stuck so aloads of people had to gove him a push lol...i just walked off.

and a 300zx auto box came out of a junction (had to use high revs to set off because of the auto box) wheels spinning trying to gian traction obviuosly failing to get any...lucky he made it onto the road snaking as he was going, then came up to a right bend back end went, luckley he got it back...was good to watch lol.

i love watching people drive in the snow..i find it entertaing. most of the time its jjusst pure comedy :p
lol was funny last year, i saw a number of inccidents happen:

a modified corsa come at a corner to fast and hit the curb with his front alloy! lol he was going abit to fast & slid..

a woman in a 4x4 think it was a jeep..come up a 40mph road doing 40 in weather like this! and the raod went slightly to the right, and the back end came out on her and she hit the curb..she soon slowed down!

a skyline r33 gts-t (a rumor of having 400bhp) he went over a speed bump (where the road was slightly lob sided, the wheels spun, back end let go and hit a parked car with his rear 1/4, damged his rear arch (took the paint off) then he got stuck so aloads of people had to gove him a push lol...i just walked off.

and a 300zx auto box came out of a junction (had to use high revs to set off because of the auto box) wheels spinning trying to gian traction obviuosly failing to get any...lucky he made it onto the road snaking as he was going, then came up to a right bend back end went, luckley he got it back...was good to watch lol.

i love watching people drive in the snow..i find it entertaing. most of the time its jjusst pure comedy :p

in chesterfield? wasnt blue was it?
Got a foot of snow in my garden here. I have snowchains for the Shogun, so have been out and about pulling people who have got stuck on the roads. Lol so much fun can just go anywhere where cars are sliding all over the place.