Castle Combe trackday October 2011
first session with the harder front springs and hard damper settings the car would power understeer at the corner exit and hard braking was quite hairy where anything beyond medium pressure the abs would pulsate and the rear would skate about badly, especially if i haven't straightened up steering before braking, and don't feel like its braking enough no matter how hard i press, tis really nervous.
now i'm reaching 7k rather than 5k last time, the rad can only support few laps before the temps rises
next i reduced the rear dampers and rear tyre pressure to help stablise the back end, improve it abit.
when braking moderately the pedal would pulsate lightly, feels like warped discs. found spots of hard black deposits on the LH disc prob caused by the ABS.
the LH CV boot also came loose and sprayed grease everywhere. wonder how long the joint'll last
halfway through, the same IC pipe had slipped apart and lost boost:doh:
cousin suggested i unplug the abs to see if it solves the hairy braking. wasn't too sure bout it, what if i lock one wheel and the car spears across?
nope, amazingly it was sooo much better. without premature interruption from the abs, entry braking was hugely more stable and more powerful. i could press the pedal even harder with confidence and feel it slow down even more till my face detaches. it only locks rarely at the end of the braking phase where i simply re-apply.
the light juddering has also gone. the noise when turning right is prob the lack of CV grease
took me m8 around.
could feel the cars slightly heavier but the extra passenger weight made it feel more planted n stabler. temps rising after afew laps even with heater on full and was running low on fuel
sat in my m8s honda civic cr-x and the outlap seems fine, fast n civilised but then next lap he opened the taps V-tec kicked in and ohhearghhhhh what the hell!

my guts been left back at the start finish. i brace my feet to the footwell and when braking I felt like i was gonna smash through the firewall. turning hard round the bends my spline had been ripped out, soo much grip. and where i would just lift off after braking to cruise through the s-bend he would already have floored it and my unprepared gut just sank

twas a scary sweaty palm butt clenching roller coaster ride but enjoyed it. so where can i buy one
fuelled up and took another m8 but on the first lap the pipe pops off again:doh: i'm gonna need to make a one piece metal inlet pipe
reattached pipe n went out before the track closes. abit nippier with no passengers and brakes workin gr8 but then the clutch finally could take it anymore upto 3rd and slipped badly

aw well
afterwards we went over to me cousins house and talked bout the civics. considering the massive amount i've spent in modding a normal small micra not intended for motorsport i could spend half that amount on a civic type r that has the same and more level of upgrades (sport seats, coilover, 180bhp n/a, big front rear brakes) as standard! and is a better starting platform intended for motorsport so doesn't need alota heavy modding. really tempting when i have the income