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Napster's SR MICRA

wiper motor done. i really like it!!! just it covers the mightymicra sticker?
before and after shots.
thanks again Sonic

I'm just glad it worked ok, I had no way of testing it after the modification, but I knew it worked before and I had faith in NeXs' guide and my abilities, the car's looking great by the way.
cheers guys :grinning:
its different looking in the rear view mirror now and not seeing a wiper blade and arm obstructing the view lol.
well before i took the motor out i connected it up and proped it up just to see and it worked fine, so i fitted it and behold..........horizontal wiper, with great thanks to sonic.
went scrap yard to find some headlights but again no new micras....thought they might have got new models in while on holiday but nevermind......

i did get these those......another arm rest.......you might be thinking...."why do i need 2arm rests" well i dont....i was going to mod this and then sell it......only problem is that its alotter bigger than the space between the seats...so i took off the seat belt and chair raiser nob thing lol and it did fit....so would be very good with someone with bucket seats......??

i got another middle console section to fiddle with as well.



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Hmmm, a centre arm rest, I never thought of that. great Idea, I used to have an sierra with a arm rest and that went to the scrappy. if I new I was going to have a micra I would have stole some of the bits out of it, like the 1.8 engine, lol & sun roof also the electric mirrors. Nevermind eh.
speedle: it wasout of a "rover" mate.......top model i reckon due to electric everything, leather seats and woodgrain dash etc!!!

ollyc98: my arm rest comes in handy now everyday!!!!

pjg1979: lol at stole some of the bits

01joelh u would be better off looking in ur local scrapyard if im honest mate...there wasnt another one around in my local scrap yard, plus we live quite far apart. but if all else fails we will see.

Whats happened to the custom splitter?

Robert lol......i havent got time now with being back at uni and a new job.....its evenings and weekends i can have ago at this splitter...but if i give you the splitter and what i want done do you want to do it for me as you want to see it so badly lol.....only joking but i have so many projects and no time.....so i will do the splitter over all other mods ok!!!!!! i promise!!!

just bare with me!!!
thanks for the interest though mate!!!
Haha. How about you just tell as all what your plans are with it? It's annoying :p I don't like secrets.

haha....secret......u crack me up mate!!!!!
im not giving up my project idea just yet ok, would be a shame to explain or show a pc of it now, but all will be revealed......just i dont know when ok!!!

but before xmas....:laugh:
Hey naps :) Love your car, I need to get mine colour coded :( and the scratches painted, and the front window replaced, the side pillar repaired, the front wing dent removed...

A bit of a list :(
Hey naps :) Love your car, I need to get mine colour coded :( and the scratches painted, and the front window replaced, the side pillar repaired, the front wing dent removed...

A bit of a list :(

why thank you very much for your comment on my micra!!!! appreciate it!!!

im sure ull have ur list getting lower and lower till you can throw the paper in the bin.....stand back and look at ur micra and say...... "Hell Yeah, that was sure damn worth the wait" lol :grinning:

urs is getting there bud. where did u get ur blue dash lights from please??

I bought mine of a company on ebay, I would recommend going for LED's, However not these as i have had to hot gluegun them in place with some modification :p

It's quite easy, Just not pretty underneath.

Also go brighter than what you think you need, the clock faces absorb lots of light :)
glue gun.....no im not up for that lol!!! cheers anyway!!!

well after ur sub / boot install...u can focus on "your list"!! then start modifing....although it may not work out in that order

honestly i am doing some splitter work in a sec.....keep us both happy lol
been awhile since an update so:

today i got more body filler to prep the splitter and gauge pod! took some shape today as spent the afternoon working on them! sorted the wiring out for a few neons now installed alond with a switch!!!

getting a few goodies soon hopefully (i guess you guys are sick of me saying that with no pics lol) but hopefully soon!!!

well......look what i help make today!!!
scooby bonnet vent fitted to a micra bonnet!!!

sadly it is not for my micra :down: but i may be tempted! this took a couple of hours so wasnt hard!

more primer tomorrow and then spraying it black!!!

ok so its not a professional job but its damn right impressive i think!!!!


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i met up with "nex" today and had an awesome time thanks again mate!
he kindly fixed my "central locking" which i will always be greatful for so now my door problems have been fixed :blush: (Y)

i got a few goodies aswell which i will begin to mod this week hopefully!!!


bonnet is also sprayed black now!
:eek: nooo! painting my bonnet black was the single worst thing I ever did to it, I regretted doing it so much!

Anyway give me some pics so I can change my opinion :p

EDIT: just realise you meant the vented bonnet... whoops.
Hey Corbs.....ohh no i wouldnt spray my bonnet black!!! only carbon fibre i would have lol!!!
yeah the vented bonnet got sprayed black!
well the goodies i got where:

super s spoiler which im going to hopefuly fit to my g/f facelift which should look cool as they never fitted the super s wrap round spoiler to a facelift!
i was going to mod another spoiler to this but decided against it!

rear strut brace.....to be fitted soon hopefully

dash pod.....not sure with these yet

march rear lights.......custom bulb holder to be made and possilby fitted to a micra in the family lol

fog lights...........many ideas for these

green gear knob...fitted

some more goodies on there way aswell :grinning:

cheers everyone


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well the goodies i got where:

super s spoiler which im going to hopefuly fit to my g/f facelift which should look cool as they never fitted the super s wrap round spoiler to a facelift!

yep the did, all si's came with them ;) what rear brace you got? were does it bolt to? rear struts or seat belt mounts?
yep the did, all si's came with them ;) what rear brace you got? were does it bolt to? rear struts or seat belt mounts?

i wish id kept my mouth shut lol as i wasnt sure...as ive not seen one...but should look awesome on a facelift!!! and i wish i had thought about it lol as you have one squarepants lol.......thats aftermarket isnt it? urs isnt an si?

custom rear brace mate. seat belt mounts!!! will have a proper look in day time and when the boot install has been remove otherwise i cant see alot lol!!!
i wish id kept my mouth shut lol as i wasnt sure...as ive not seen one...but should look awesome on a facelift!!! and i wish i had thought about it lol as you have one squarepants lol.......thats aftermarket isnt it? urs isnt an si?

custom rear brace mate. seat belt mounts!!! will have a proper look in day time and when the boot install has been remove otherwise i cant see alot lol!!!

yep mines an si, its std also is colour coded std ;)

rear strut brace sounds cool...me wants one. was thinking of making one ages ago, it carnt be that hard...bit of tube make some brakets and weld.
yep mines an si, its std also is colour coded std ;)

rear strut brace sounds cool...me wants one. was thinking of making one ages ago, it carnt be that hard...bit of tube make some brakets and weld.

me posting wrong info when i actually know the answers im guessing is down to how tired i am! sorry!!

yeah i know yours is an si. forgetful me (must be due to me getting older aswell lol)

well may have time in the evening 2moro mate to see about fixing it in place!
yeah......try making your own!!! depends where you want it to brace though
might make two, one on rear seat belt mounts (like yours) and one on rear struts. or somthings like this:

p.s pic might help abit for the bolt holes etc and what not :p


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fitted the rear strut brace this evening!!! was a perfect fit :blush:
i didnt make it.....so who did!!!

spraying it green :love: me thinks! should look good. i have to change my boot install round so doing that 2moro morning nice and early before work!

my parcel shelf and 6x9 just miss it which is good

im going to spray it up now or at least primer stage so.....maybe pics 2night

Joel i dont need any bits mate but thanks for offering
couple coats of primer and then green.......this is a sneeky insite at whats instore...hehe!!

i think i know what the boot install will change to all though not sure i can finish that tomorrow!

i know the pics are really bad but my phone dislikes taking "night shots" im afraid!!


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is this 59bhps old rear brace? i know kristian brought it but i dunno if he used it or not? did he not sell it? lol if it was i know what it looks like so does joel as i sent him a pic over msn last night :p
well cut into my boot install this morning :wow: was very careful not to ruin it although there isnt alot to fix if i did lol!!!
also finished spraying it!

heres a pic while i was fitting it together!!!
it is so close to the sub!!!

got to move the amp somewhere else now!


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all finished and boot install sorted!!!
what you guys reckon?

no pics of the mounting im afraid mate!


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do you feel a difference in strength/stiffness in the rear??

sorry late reply mate!
in answer to your question.........it definatly feels stiffer but i cant tell if thats just me? cornering is still awesome but seems to be less movement from the back if that makes sense? but it is hard to tell!
koni adjustable shocks with custom power coil springs mate! (or so i believe)
why? if dont mind me asking?
back sits about 40-45mil but with sub and now rear stut brace its really very low!
front sits about 35mil i think! not sure.


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that is one hot k11 mate, very impressive!

cheers "maat"!!!! very kind of you to say so!!!

yours is a little peach if i do say so myself. the colour scheme (red and black)are an awesome combination!!!

if you couldnt tell, mine are a green and black colour scheme :love:
woah you really turned that strut brace around :D that looks mint :D well done mate :D
cheers buddy! yeah does look good!!
more time out on the roads has made me believe that it has made a difference to the rear of the car on cornering! (although i havent been silly ok!!!!!!! thats not me!!!!)