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My "moddedmicra" K11 Super S Blog!

mint but my LED rears dont work right i dont think they when indicating they flash as in the full rear light but not just the indicator bulb
I think i prefer that colour more than black now (Y) (the two favoured colours for a prefacelift being black or white!)
Just ordered from Matt Humphris the legend :D :
Bilstein shock absorbers
Whiteline adjustable panhard rod
Whiteline front lower strut brace.
Already have the 50mm lowering springs to go on with it all :D

Can't Wait :p
Just ordered from Matt Humphris the legend :D :
Bilstein shock absorbers
Whiteline adjustable panhard rod
Whiteline front lower strut brace.
Already have the 50mm lowering springs to go on with it all :D

Can't Wait :p

does that mean i can drop the cab?
Yep :D Should be here on Friday, not sure when I'll have time to fit it though.

cool :D well how about this, not this weekend but next, we can use the lock up and swap the suspention both at the same time in a warm safe place ;) i have spring compressers too :D
Sounds like a plan, I was thinking it would be a good idea if we just did both of them at the same time.

Also just ordered:
GA16 K&N Panel Filter
Magnecor KV85 HT Leads

Has anyone guessed its payday yet? :p
love it modded keep it up i defo need to see this in real life and get it on the rollin road after see what sha is kicking out
How/Where was the mesh from? Im seeing it for silly prices in the local car shops.

I got my mesh from a garden centre, i think it was a section for a rabbit hutch lol...but cutting it on and angle and a bit of paint and its done the job fine...best bit it only cost a few quid :)
It was £15 quid from ebay, I prefer to buy it powdercoated black as I should think it would be a pain in the ass to sand and paint mesh so it suck okay.
Dude iv finaly just read all the way through the blog...and just ...wow lol..
I dont know what to say matey, car look awesome! so inspirational if you know what i mean. Have you got the new shocks yet? cant wait to see her droped even lower.!!
Get it from Japan! Talk to AMY on here, or find one on Japan auctions etc or in a scrapped imported March.
Fitted some fog lights today:



Not for driving around with them on to look 'cool' because we are getting a lot of fog atm!
mate can i come round tonight and have a look at those lifters? i am wondering if they will fit the march boot lid,
very nice mate, how did you attach the end to the bonnet? are they on both sides or just one?
I had to drill through the side, then drill through the front so i could get the nut on the other side of the nuckle. needs tidying up a bit.

Thank you moddedmicra!
no probs :D

mate can i come round tonight and have a look at those lifters? i am wondering if they will fit the march boot lid,
I'm at work 3-10 and so will the car so u can come down if u want.

This all arrived today :D :

hi mate... im new to this so aint got a clue how to use it yet lol... i just would like to know wher you got your spoiler from?? i cant find one anywhere.. could you mail me back :) cheers

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