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MY little red celebration.

Trying to source some cheap part worn tyres for my Frank wheels.
Then its sort the panhard rod time.
Then new internals time.
Panhard rod is being a pin too sort out... UGH!
Local garage said i should drill the remains out to 10mm, tap it and then thread a bolt into it that way..
Panhard rod is being a pin too sort out... UGH!
Local garage said i should drill the remains out to 10mm, tap it and then thread a bolt into it that way..

i doubt if that would be secure enough davey, the stump is welded and supported too eh.
the offside one is the easiest to remove usually (you cant get a grinder into the nearside one eh :eek:)
it will either leave the bush and rubber on the stump or else will slide off so that you can lever the bush out afterwards.
if it slides off the stump ok, then i refit the p/rod without the washer on and lever the rod off the bush.
if it is seized on, then i lever the rod off (without the washer on) then grind the side of the bush till its paper thin on 1 side, and the smack it with a chisel so that it splits open (then slides off ok :) )
If you remember from my previous posts, the stump snapped clean off! On the offside so i have nothing to bolt the new bushings too, this is my problem...
Anyone have a rear axle they don't need... Really don't want to pay ebay prices when i only need one tiny bit.
All my locals don't have a single micra, this isn't funny.
Anyone fancy finding one for me? Happily pay for it.
micra addiction? TALK TO FRANK
:grinning: then again he brings more to the msc table so realy he get you more addicted
Yoy could try mole grips on the shaft and a rattle gun on the nut. Would lend you mine if you were a bit closer :).
Tried mole grips on the shaft as tight as i could get them which involved standing on them and still span, massive bolt at the top will be put in a vice later lol.
the thead has a flat side eh davey (D shaped) so its usually easy to get some lube into the thread, to free it off :)
Still struggling one of the threads appears to be damaged i'll leave them to soak over night and if all else fails i'll head to a garage.
Completely stuck now, the thing was sat in WD over night, got the mole grips on by standing on them and still the shaft just turns in them, no one near by with an impact gun either... grrr...
The fun commences, starting to really sort out the car now.
Been in contact with someone about all the little parts i need, all the seats are going back in so its going to be a low daily driver.
Hopefully found a new pahard mount so i will get that welded on and finding all the bits i need so there are 0 bodges on the car.
Balls... Not again :(

No prizes for guessing where thats from.

In other news i sorted out my brake pads today, the calliper still seems to be seizing slightly, its very stiff to retract.
Recipe for turning this..


Into a low slow speed bump scraping ninja.

1. Get your lowering stick.


2. Hit the car with it.



3. Admire your car.


Extra steps include trapping an idiots head in a seat ibiza window.


Better photos over the weekend when she is clean but i'm so happy, its not bouncy and the ride is comfortable yay!
I am confused as too why it said the last post was by someone called k.pol?

Thanks mark needs some damn good shiney making, your stickers on it and maybe more lows.
Wow, only just looked through this thread. Gotta say that is one MEAN looking facelift! I love it.
Also need your stickers on it.

Thanks Harlen i'm quite fond off it. Not sure what else too do to it now just general tidying and making it MOT passable.

I remember reading that the Nismo pre-face splitters can fit the facelift somewhere.... Don't quote me on it. But one of those would finish the car nicely. Any type of splitter would really.
Ground the panhard mount off the disk axle, now time to get the broken one off and this one welded.
Annoyed about how shifty the rear end gets now, desperately need that sorted.
Washed it today then it rained gah!
Anyone near Nottingham want too do some welding?
Much win today. Wheels are all now silver and most of the little niggles fixed someone is coming too wed the Packard during the week as well so happy pictures tomorrow. People seem too be looking interest in this hopefully next few things will change that
Just bought a new airbag spool with wiring and i am on the lookout for a leather wheel.
Operation make my car show worthy has commenced.
I have a set of franks bushes to go on when Mr man comes to weld my new pan hard mount on.
Very close to having a very sorted little car :D

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