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MY little red celebration.

Finally new pictures, better coloured wheels, full interior, new location as well.

Wheels before my slap dash refurb.


Can see a crack in the filler in this picture, i removed all the filler i prefer the look without.




Ahh my eyes sun glare!

Magic, evil black magic.
Seriously though.
I took the lights off, all the bulbs out, removed the metal clips holding the glass to the plastic, heated in the oven at a low heat to melt the silicone pulled them apart and sprayed the inside section black.
Well i now have my leather gear gaiter and primera sport plus wheel fitted.
Look and feel awesome!


Bought myself a non car related toy :D
Did some photo whoring today and had a visit from Tomwest who dropped off some 1.3 rods crank and pistons.
Its fair too say rough and ready!







May also have another car on the way.
seriously concidering changing the grilles and maybe lights...
CG throttle body going back on, having too may issues with the GA one... annoyingly.
not a fan of the closed over grilles... looks too much like a simpleton smiling at you from in its straightjacket! like the pics tho!
Same guy selling me the axle also has a cg10 which i'm taking off him for £20. Well now i can get started at least!
Not an ideal location but started striping the new engine.
Too say its done 120k it doesn't look bad!


Plugs look good too.

Attempting too get the head off tomorrow so i can go pay frank a visit too get my pistons swapped over.
looks well looked after eh davey :cool:
most of the 1.0,s i,ve stripped had loads of life left in them, especially the crank journals.
whereas most of the 1.3,s have had crank and shell wear
haven't got too the crank yet thats tomorrows job, first time i've stripped my own engine down, scary haha.
Done other engines, mostly new and there is so much less satisfaction, this is like opening a tin without a label, you don't know whats inside until you take it apart.
Any tips for the strip down? Do i need too take the inlet off the head or can that stay put, i read your guide on the DIY section but i'm unsure haha.
Setting it too TDC wont matter since the cranks coming out but worrying about setting it back too it.
Ahhh learning curve!
How do i go about removing the lower chain?
Wow less panicing now haha.
Is it possible too do a light port polish with the valves in the head or is that a bad idea?
Ahh good, that shall be a task on the list as well. Thanks Frank. I shall be in touch some time about the piston swapping.
Also have a second flywheel that i need too get lightened researching places time!
Unless anyone has any recommendations.
Sure i had a few more questions but reasonably happy for now.
Ok this is going too be ALOT of pictures.

Engine is stripped now.

First thing first, head off. good head, no damage too the valves all seem too look ok very clean just lots of carbon.






Don't think i'll be re-using this head gasket though!



Piston tops look ok too, no damage. (The flaky crap all over them is bits off dead head gasket!)





Sump off. No big scary chunks in it, few shavings few bits of grit but all good.
Oil was a bit black but no thick scary emulsion.



Bottom of the crank and pistons, probably need a clean but happy with that.



Got excited here and missed a few steps.

Pistons out and in the MAN BOX! for storage.
There is no visible wear on the piston shells.... Starting too think this engine may have had a re-build.


Empty block, clear marking on the bores but no real lip and can still see the honing marks. This is meant too be a 120k engine...






Now i need too pay Frank a visit and get some piston swapping going on. Can't believe how easy this was...

Sorry for the picture overload.
Looking good, the lack of baked on black deposits suggests a healthy oil change regime :cool:.
It just occured too me, i could've put the 1.3 crank in... I don't need it out for the piston swap... DUH!
Well thats the next job, keep the momentum up.
Visiting frank.
My flywheel on the lathe.

I hope frank doesn't mind but a short video of the master at work.

And the god awful horrible stupid slow car of his ;)
Parked behind my comparative rocket... lol
Number plate hidden so no one steals this one.



Seriously though one of the best most purposeful looking micras I've seen and a bit of poo came out when he took me out in it!
Got my coilovers from the man who needs not be named.
Properly modified corsa ones, seem too be the more expensive german ones.
Fitting a photos too follow.
Matiz setup will then be for sale.
It can go lower on these haha ride is ok its firm but not unbearable id love too put it on 13" but no money haha front end will change slightly but tommy kaira front end isn't my style.
Thanks too someone, i wont mention names... I've just bought 2x 10mm and 2x 20mm spacers.
not a fan off the black tbh, already started painting the grille surrounds red... This forum is bloody annoying haha.

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