I was quoted 40 for the front set from a local breaker.
Not sure what he wanted for the rear pair.
Atm my budget won't stretch that far as I'm trying to acquire the steel wheels and then put new tyres on those.
The job of fitting springs may take a while also.
I'm sure the postage will be high to send here to the uk.
In the mean time I must concentrate my efforts on the brake job and make sure they are correct and replaced properly [emoji41
Edit :- Brake pads and discs fully installed.
So as for the shims passenger side had both installed but had to take one out of this side for the pads to fit.
I know this isn't ideal but I do have the part ready in case I have any issues.
And I'm aware that you can grind the lugs off the pads. I did not touch them so far but hit the carrier hard. With wire brush and dremel tool to reveal the flat surface..
The first side has already rust patches even though we had not had any rain.
Not really too bothered about it at least I know they will last the life of the car now.
Just need to run them in and get some tyres picked out next.
Everything went smoothly and if I needed them doing I would certainly install them myself again.
Should have taken a snap just forgot.
Maybe upload some when the tyres are installed.
Seems like a decade has passed for this micra wanting a new set of shoes..
Edit 2 :- Completed drum brake rust removal on passenger side. Have brushed off most of the build up on the wheels each time.
Wasn't really sure where to locate the axle stand. on the passenger side rear so just used the jack stand probably just need to place under the rear axle tho.
Did not bother to take any shots but it came up pretty good like the other side after three passes of the wire wheels for drill.
Those are dekton brand. I'm amazed at how robust and long lasting they are. After all of the jobs so far I have done I'm still using the first small one of a packet if 6. The cup brush also they would easily do the job again if needed.
Edit 3 :- air con and rear screen heater buttons now spring back properly at long last..

Now is time to figure out what else can be done next...
The heater unit I purchased is now a spare. Has the white cooker style knobs and is fs667 I will keep this handy as a backup for the lights ect.