How many penalty points do you have!?

I have no points and have been very friendly to police when i get requested to stop for a chat :D

Touch wood i want to keep it that way.

However i have been pulled for the following.

1. 1 week after driving i went down my street without my head lights on and got the full police running up to my car shouting "turn the engine off and get out of the car!" while blocking the road with a transit!

2. For doing 33 in a 30!

3. going side ways round aroundabout then smelling of alchol - got taken to the nick and everything (was one point under the legal limit) - since then i have never drink drove!

4. doing 60+ past the old BT building in manchester (30 zone) - undercover car pulled me over, asked me for my document, i could provide them so he said "right thank you sir for showing me your documents and i'm sure you'll be a model driver from now on?"

i've been tailed loads of times but never got any points :D
Titch said:
9 points in three years of driving! 6 to come off next week actually!

Be very careful mate!! A consultant i work with was in the same boat and he's now banned for 6 months! :k12cop:
Suprisingly 0 in 2 years. I admit to not following speed limits enough and have been lucky so far.
Yea man i will be.

Got my new car a few days ago (Clio Sport), so now really need to watch what i'm doing. Its all the Micras fault! lol
3 points and £60 in the bloody 1L, 66mph in 30mph zone, i just confussed (spilled my guts, everything, I did it all) had a joke about it.
Did drive passed a copper when I was drunk, will never do again, I got lucky and after whats happened to a mates bro recently, will defo never do it again!
James said:
You kept that quiet! I know you were talking about it at the Scottish meet but you should have posted when you got it :p

This one is only rented from my mates garage. Won't get mine for a few months yet.

Micra is in parts all over my garage the now, sodon't expect to see that back anytime soon. But when its back it'll be back to its former glory!
James said:
Either that, or you're an alert driver :)

Possibly, i am always watching and i know the locations of most of the mobile speed cameras around here.

When i start travelling further distances to places i'm unfamiliar with, i don't really know where speed cameras will be.
3 point in 5 years, damn undercover traffic police 45 in 30

goldstar0011 - youre lucky, i though it was a instant ban double the speed limit
Got 0 points in 5 months driving.

Been pulled twice though, both for not having my lights on "doh" I'd only passed my test a few weeks before anyway, so wasnt used to putting my lights on :D

I've apparently got a marker on my car, as a police motorbike came past me once going in opposite direction, next thing I new he was behind me and followed me home. Before turning off shortly before I got home. I asked my friends dad (who is ex police) and he said ive probably got a marker for whatever reason.
Been pulled more times than I can remember, did have 6 pts, now have 3.
0 points in 5 years driving touch wood :D very proud of that :) been pulled loads of time but find being polite honest and respectful to the police gets you out of a lot :)
i was doing fine with 0 points untill this year and now i have 6!!!!

thats 0 in one year then 6 in two months!!

still i have no problem with police but i do think the cameras are for profit. the least they could do is tell you the speed you should be doing at the same time that they have the camera signs... and maybe the speed on the back of the camera?

oh and never been pulled
m1ck97 said:
Got 0 points in 5 months driving.

Been pulled twice though, both for not having my lights on "doh" I'd only passed my test a few weeks before anyway, so wasnt used to putting my lights on :D

Mate, get used of it. I got the dirtiest look of this women that walked out in front of my car a week ago at about 9pm at night. I was driving along thinking why did she look at me like that, it was her fault. Then i realised my lights were off :D.

And i have been driving 2 years..
0 points been driving 3yrs and 8months.

Been pulled 1 once. Coppers took the mick out of my car then left.
been followed a few times. So i just slow right down and eventually they flash there lights and hurl abuse at me and then over take me lol....was told to do that by a copper mate really annoys them he says.
In 22 years on the road i've had 0 points and i've been pulled only 3 maybe 4 times.

There have been times over the past 3 years in the skyline that if I had been stopped i'd have been thrown straight in jail for sure! Strangely i've not been pulled once in it :)

been pulled more times that i can remember ( spotty teenager with a baseball cap, massive wheels and a huge exhaust and me thinkin why is this happening to me lol) most was because of the harnessess in my old car and the police thought i didnt have a seatbelt on. i find normal police respectfull and courteous and professional but i have yet to find a nice traffic cop, this may be just coincidence but its what i have found.
0 points in 4yrs driving...

no parking fines, no flashes, no chases, have been pulled tho not for speeding or out:just random checks...

i dont even run in corridors...
59 bhp is more than enough said:
been pulled more times that i can remember ( spotty teenager with a baseball cap, massive wheels and a huge exhaust and me thinkin why is this happening to me lol) most was because of the harnessess in my old car and the police thought i didnt have a seatbelt on. i find normal police respectfull and courteous and professional but i have yet to find a nice traffic cop, this may be just coincidence but its what i have found.

I know exactly what you mean!

First time I was stopped was by a police car - they just asked me a load of random questions. I was just being polite and answered them fine. He just said I didnt have my lights on as I pulled out of tesco (flicked them on shortly after), he just told me to be more aware next time.

Second time was by a traffic cop. I pulled away from a restaurant in preston, and was stopped at the end of the road by them. The guy that spoke to me was pretty snotty, basically asked if i'd been drinking, I replyed no, he was like just been on coke and water then, I was like yeah. He just said "then why dont you have your lights on" Just the way he was speaking to me was like I was a piece of crap!
3 points in 4 years.
Got pulled on my birthday for driving around a corner and my inside wheel touched the white lines.

I have a problem with the police, i have been followed, tailgated, harassed and questioned constantly - the uniform gives people a "holier than thou" complex.

They also employ people based on their ethnicity not their skill level.
My first set of points were totally justified and as such I had no problem with them at all. (averaged 94mph over a few miles) second set were a joke, again I apparently averaged 94 in a car that coulnt do an indicated 85. Those have got another year or so. Neither has made any difference to my insurance, and they dont really bother me tbh. The amount of milage I've covered. I find its a 60/40% chance of getting an arsy cop. I've only ever met two which were bang out of order, but since even just a policemans verbal word is evidence for court I never bothered to do anything about it.
Dusk said:
They also employ people based on their ethnicity not their skill level.

One of my friends was turned down it was implied to him according to what he says that it would upset the ethnic balance of the force.. Very dangerous grounds I must say.
Ed said:
One of my friends was turned down it was implied to him according to what he says that it would upset the ethnic balance of the force.. Very dangerous grounds I must say.
I care not to comment on it Ed, its a family forum and Multiculturism is the way forward... :rolleyes
Absoutly agree, I cannot comment either way since I have no personal experience. It pays to keep an open mind.
Ed said:
My first set of points were totally justified and as such I had no problem with them at all. (averaged 94mph over a few miles) second set were a joke, again I apparently averaged 94 in a car that coulnt do an indicated 85. Those have got another year or so. Neither has made any difference to my insurance, and they dont really bother me tbh. The amount of milage I've covered. I find its a 60/40% chance of getting an arsy cop. I've only ever met two which were bang out of order, but since even just a policemans verbal word is evidence for court I never bothered to do anything about it.

i think its a 99% chance to get an arsy cop :D
anyone looked at the papers today?

about the new points system that COULD be brougt in
I had 18 at one time. Got a good solicitor from work who pleaded with the judge on his hands and knees saying i needed my license for my job etc, and they just gave me more points. i've also had a 6 mth ban for totting up. Now i've only got 3 and they were from when i used to drive for a living.
R05_Micra said:
see the woman coaught putting her face on doing 32 mph, £200 fine n 6 points lol, dozy sod!

People like that should be banned, 6 points isnt enough
it's mostly van driver's that talk on their phones, tbh, blokes in particular!!!!! I haven't seen 1 women use her mobile in the car since the ban came into place.

And yeah women who put their faces on in the car are slighty stupid, they look slightly stupid too lol!!!
i had a woman behind me not so long ago talking on her phone lol i was just glad she didnt go into the back of me