How many penalty points do you have!?

0 points but been pulled 2 times.

1 for apparently racing a 2.5litre R33 Nissan Skyline Turbo and apparently speeding (just nearly stalled so put foot down on acc and clutch to get outta it and copper heard the exhaust screeming so pulled me lol. but cause he couldnt do me for racing or speeding he did me for my reg plates.... £30 fine

2nd time pulled was for use of mobile phone while driving. Silly me. £30 fine
NONE! and wont ever touch wood.

tell i lie the only time i got pulled was in a car park because i couldnt find the exit and they thougth i was mucking about.
No tickets, no fines, no points and no pulls *so far*. Passed my test last May and been driving on my provisional since I was 17.

I'm still waiting for that mobile speed camera waiting to catch me doing 32 in a 30 or something insane like that though. I know its going to happen, I just hope not until my 2 years is up (see new drivers act thread lol).

Got to agree with some of the comments made about speed limits in built up areas and motorways though.

When I am elected Priminister, I shall:

Raise the motorway speed limit to 90mph,
Impose a variable speed limit in residential areas (20 or 30mph, to be enforced by the local authorities),
Make sure there is a sign at least 3ft x 3ft showing the speed limit in force on every speed camera (they're supposed to be about safety afterall),
Scrap the new drivers act,
Make sure all speed camera vans are painted in flourescent pink, with all traffic officers dressed in pink uniforms (partly for visibility, partly for comedy value).

All you have to do is elect me :p
u do relise, that if u dont get ur license within 2 years of passing ur test, u have 2 retake ur test...
Yeah, I mean I applied for my provisional licence (the green card one) when I was 17, tried (and failed) to pass my test until May last year. I'm 21 now.

Passed in May last year and got my full licence straight away :)

Don't worry, I haven't sat around for over 2 years with a pass certificate I never sent off to the DVLA lol.
RIK said:
yeah,,,so they should make it ilegal for kids to play near the road,,,,and should go to the park in a safe place,,or ge the parents to teach them dangers of the road....

i dot see why people are scared of plays a small factor imo

30 limits are in place for a very good reason. Speed plays a major factor in a situation that you hit a child doing 35mph gives the child far less chance of survival then at 30mph (FACT). In any given built up area you as the driver should be more alert to react if called upon in any given situation. If you are driving to the speed limit and below you have far more chance of reacting.

Go and make your case to my friend's sister who was hit by a car going 40 mph in a 30mph late at night whilst she was making her way home from a night out with friends.........she can no longer walk and if the car was travelling at a lesser speed the situation could be soo much different!

Some of the comments you have made in this thread Rik are ridiculous and shows you have very little concept of speed the dangers of driving above the limit in a 30 mph zone.
3 points in 4 years for goin into a No entry road... pulled loads of times, but never been in trouble apart from that
Kev said:
Go and make your case to my friend's sister who was hit by a car going 40 mph in a 30mph late at night whilst she was making her way home from a night out with friends.........she can no longer walk and if the car was travelling at a lesser speed the situation could be soo much different!

Very sorry to hear about that. A lesson for us all there I think.
RIK said:
yeah,,,so they should make it ilegal for kids to play near the road,,,,and should go to the park in a safe place,,or ge the parents to teach them dangers of the road....

i dot see why people are scared of plays a small factor imo


Your such a tool.

You cant just please yourself and go as fast as you want through a 30 zone village, or town. There are soo many hazards in such areas - blind corners, people parking/ getting in and out of cars, Kids playing in the street - their footballs bouncing into the road, animals. If your going at 40/45 mph compared to 30 your reactions are much slower, should you reach a hazard, you will not be able to react and stop as quickly as you would if you was going 30. Its plain common sense.
RIK said:
yeah ok 30 even 15mph when its a busy are,a,shops and schools are a danger..but what about 11 o'clock at night on the same road nobody around,,why cant i go 45mph? copper sees you doing that and its 3 points and £60

it should be drive safe considering the condiions.thats more or less what everyone does anyway....

what about when people are leaving pubs at 11. Then some drunk stumbles and end up on the road? At 45 MPH you are probably gonna kill him, then be sent down for driving far too fast.
never mind 11, with the late licenses i find when i'm playing taxi on a sat night for mates etc drunks wander out from 7pm to anywhere up to 5am.

30 is 30 for a reason! even at them speeds i had people jump out from behind things and barley had time to react.

i agree about raising the motor way limit as like you said said new cars are safer. but how many people here have new cars? i don't think many people on here will have cars that if they crash at 90mph they wouldn't survive. even at 30 mph some cars are usless in a crash.

my mate crashed is £50 g reg fiesta at 4 mph in stationary traffic and wrote it off, completely destroying the front end. scratched the other car at best. now if he was doing 50 well....
ooh touchy subject...

tbh i can see where alot of you guys are coming from cos i used to have the same opinions...

i used to think that yeah the roads are for us drivers and we are have right of way no matter what and pedestrians better stay on the pavement...and speed limits should be down to the drivers discretion...

but all this changes when someone close gets hurt...

i dont know if some of you manchester lot remember last summer mate of mine from droylsden got hit by a stolen seat ibiza and the guys bolted...leaving him pinned between a railing and the bonnet while school kids were pouring out of school...

well he had on leg amputated and the other one still hasn't heald and is due for amputaion this summer if it dont heal... he is only 17years old...

so i dont drive as carless as i used to and think as drivers we are ultimately responsible for thing sin our control such as speed... but we cant be held responsible for things out of our control such as people running out in front of you...

my 2cents...
1,getting drunk is your own fault and is stupid to attemp to walk home in that state when they have roads to cross?
2,dont people look before crossing roads? i know i do and i havent had a problem
3,i never said i want to go 45 all the time,,cos i know most roads you cant do that because of some dangers BUT some are safe to do 45 at some point in the day.
4,there are alot of "IF's" in this thread...what IF the world ends tomorow??
5.i drive safe but if the road is clear ill go to whatever speed i want,,just like on the way home from jap show kev ,you remember?
6,i am aware of the "dangers of speed",,,bu thats nothing compared to the dangers of stupid people that cant cross the road,and the ones that dont look before they get out of the car
yes some people do not look well enough. But if that happens, the person isnt going to get the blame if you were speeding at the time.

Other things can happen, people run out of cash and have to walk home, they might get angry and walk home to cool off. They could loose their glasses and find it very hard to see. There are so many reasons and anything can happen at any time. No 'ifs' about it cos its gonna happen somewhere.

Plus if you hit someone, do you think you could carry on just as you are now? Do you know for a fact you would be able to drive again every day. A lot of people find it very hard to get back behind the wheel of a car once they hit someone. Imo its not worth speeding risking your licence and the lives of yourself and others (although speed isnt the total cause of accidents but it does contribute). Imagine how gutted you would be to loose the use of your car :S
Turtle said:

ooo,,forgot about that! :D good job its my weekend off

does anyone know how much nissan are involved with F1? im sure i heard they did the software for the traction controll on reno's,,,obv
Ian said:
yes some people do not look well enough. But if that happens, the person isnt going to get the blame if you were speeding at the time.

Other things can happen, people run out of cash and have to walk home, they might get angry and walk home to cool off. They could loose their glasses and find it very hard to see. There are so many reasons and anything can happen at any time. No 'ifs' about it cos its gonna happen somewhere.

Plus if you hit someone, do you think you could carry on just as you are now? Do you know for a fact you would be able to drive again every day. A lot of people find it very hard to get back behind the wheel of a car once they hit someone. Imo its not worth speeding risking your licence and the lives of yourself and others (although speed isnt the total cause of accidents but it does contribute). Imagine how gutted you would be to loose the use of your car :S

if you hit somone at 30 youd still get the blame,,they would probly still die at 30 anyway if not they would be very very lucky not to be seriously hurt
ALL trafic laws are based on IF

drivers get to much blame
should you be crossing the road whilst drunk?
playing in the road?

if i hit a kid at 25mph ,,ide be 100% sure he would die,,,whos to blame then?
thedriver for not paying attention ,,,,
RIK said:
should you be crossing the road whilst drunk?
playing in the road?

if i hit a kid at 25mph ,,ide be 100% sure he would die,,,whos to blame then?
thedriver for not paying attention ,,,,

well you cant sit there for 8 hours to sobour up. And depending on the situation depends whos to blame. If it runs out from behind a car and you hit the child, not your fault.
RIK said:
if you hit somone at 30 youd still get the blame,,they would probly still die at 30 anyway if not they would be very very lucky not to be seriously hurt
ALL trafic laws are based on IF

There would be more crashes, and more deaths caused if the goverment put the speed limit up. That is a FACT! Less reaction times + faster traveling vehicle = bigger damage.

You cannot say that the laws are based on IF's, because these IFs are real and actually DO happen REGUARLY! which is why the law is where it is. For the safety of YOU - the driver AND the person at the other end!
m1ck97 said:
There would be more crashes, and more deaths caused if the goverment put the speed limit up. That is a FACT! Less reaction times + faster traveling vehicle = bigger damage.

You cannot say that the laws are based on IF's, because these IFs are real and actually DO happen REGUARLY! which is why the law is where it is. For the safety of YOU - the driver AND the person at the other end!

reaction times for what?? thats what we need to stop

kids on road
idiots tthat get drunk on the road
people getting out of cars not looking
bad driving at round abouts and junctions
people scared of the motorway,,usually ld people/women

imo speed is the easy way out....its easier to stop speeding than it is to stop the above,,thats why its ther
Unfortunately Rik it doesn't look like your going to understand until someone close to u get's hurt resulting in a careless driver, i just hope u never have to learn this way.
i understand it clearly,

if someone close to me died from falling out of bed i wouldnt want beds to be lower to the ground..
or i wouldnt want my breed of dog to be banned because one bit a kids head off somwhere....(like the pit bull) another issue lol more dog attacks are by the good old golden retreever family's love so much..but because the pit bull looks nasty and was bred for fighting it got banned

all because people want changes bcause "it happend to them"
I agree that speed limits should be increased, remember watching a program that said that 90% of speed limits were set in like 1930's or something stupidly old like that.

Being hit at 40mph you have more chance of surviving than at 20/30mph, the driver hits the brakes your head smashes through the windscreen, at 40+ chances are you're gonna roll or get flicked over the car, and chances are you'll have more broken bones but chances of head injuries are reduced.

But as Rik said, pedestrians shouldn't be on the road.

I had a friend, few years ago he was driving a mini and hit a child that ran out in front of him without looking, he was doing 15/20mph at the time in a 40 zone coz it was built up.

The kid died a week later in hospital, and the parents prosectured, and he got charged with causing death by danegerous driving. As he couldn't afford a solicitor so pleaded guilty.

Fact is, people should pay more attention to the road, they say, if people drove slower you wouldn't hit them, if pedestrians stayed on pavement and stuck to the crossings then they wouldn't get hit.
At the end of the day though, you cannot physically stop someone who is unable of knowing any better from walking into a road. Children, the elderly, disabled, drunk, mentally disturbed, etc. Theres just nothing you can do, no matter how much or little education there is for road users. It will always happen.

Your not going to get hurt by hitting one of those people in a car. They are. Therefore, like it or not, we have the responsibility upon us as drivers to do everything we can to avoid it from happenning.

Sometimes theres just tradgedies you can't avoid (for example children running out from between parked cars and getting hit, etc), but at least if your sticking to the speed limit if you do hit them, you won't have to live with it knowing that you were speeding. I couldn't forgive myself if I did that. I'd like to think I've got enough of a moral conciousness not to.

Having said that though, aside from built up areas, there are a lot of cases where I think the speed limit should be increased. I think we really should go back to the common sense attitude towards driving, rather than all this new government legislation.

I mean, you don't intentionally speed in a built up area, and most certainly not when there are people and other cars around. Thats basic, common sense stuff. And people who can't figure that out for themselves aren't really mentally capable of driving in my opinion, end of story. (not saying anyone in particular on here doesn't know that by the way, I'm just speaking generally).
gam1984 said:
Your not going to get hurt by hitting one of those people in a car. They are. Therefore, like it or not, we have the responsibility upon us as drivers to do everything we can to avoid it from happenning.

thats why THEY should be more carefull not the drivers!!
When I was out playing as a kid I was told to stay off the road.

in the infant school we was taught the green cross code, and then again in primary school.

How many kids these days know the green cross codes? How many parents even give a damn about their kids safety? None! Till they get hit and then want compensation because the driver wasn't able to stop, not that their un-educated child was stupid enough to walk out without looking, or play on a road.
Green Cross; Crosses are religious in a PC world and should be replaced by a GREEN "Hammer and Sickle".
God that felt good, im sure RIK would agree.

(i dont have a problem with speed limits anywhere tbh, just about the cameras - and them being easy to spot)
Dusk said:
Green Cross; Crosses are religious in a PC world and should be replaced by a GREEN "Hammer and Sickle".
God that felt good, im sure RIK would agree.

green? that would hurt somone surley it should be rainbow?
Rainbow perhaps, for it to promote the "choice of sexual orientation(see: Gay)" of our future generations - since they like to do that so much.

...but then again perhaps it should be RED(See: Commie)
at the end of the day all of us have been through training and passed a test in order for us to make sure we minimize the risk when driving. why not have everyone else take a test and training about walking across the road and let everyone do 90mph everywhere. or ban alchohol so drunk people dont walk out in the middle of the road. or ban public schools so kids can run out in the road. yeah the parents and teachers should educate them to cross the road safely but seriously how interested in road safety were you when you was a kid. and if parents dont edcate them do they deserve to get ran over? put it this way drivers are the minority compared to everyone else. so if a kid is tryin to cross the road, looks at you coming down the road and thinks i can get across the road before the car even gets close and what if your doing 45mph and hit him, is it his fault for not taking into account that you might be driving like a knob. there are loads of studies that prove that if you hit someone at 30 there is less chance of killing them than at 40. and at the end of the day it aint you that decides the laws (thank god) so you can either put up with it like the rest of us or migrate FACT!!!
imo its not speeding that kills its the idiot behind the wheel, if you cant drive safely dont drive at all ( that goes for everyone that drives 10mph or more under the speed limit aswell )
59 bhp is more than enough said:
and at the end of the day it aint you that decides the laws (thank god) so you can either put up with it like the rest of us or migrate FACT!!!

are you kidding?

yes we do make the laws..the ones that care get new laws brought in,the ones that sit down and think about things and get up off their lazy backsides and do summat about it...why do you think PC has come in and things like smoking ban and speed cameras...........grr

this is why the country is on its ass because ,people like YOU "put up with it"...
well the muslims in this country dont put up with edited they get and they are doing somthing about did women for their did many other colours and cultures to get what they want

dont tell me we dont make the laws
0 Points and never been pulled over yet in about 6 months of driving. i bet i get pulled over on the
Alienfish360 said:
When I was out playing as a kid I was told to stay off the road.

in the infant school we was taught the green cross code, and then again in primary school.

How many kids these days know the green cross codes? How many parents even give a damn about their kids safety? None! Till they get hit and then want compensation because the driver wasn't able to stop, not that their un-educated child was stupid enough to walk out without looking, or play on a road.

Agree with you there. Parents and schools need to do a lot more to educate kids about the dangers of roads and I hate this compensation culture too (blame the Americans! :unclesam: )

However, no matter how much you teach, kids will still forget, or choose not to follow the advice. Ok, you might reduce the number of kids getting injured or killed (great), but it will never stop completely. Kids do stupid things on the roads, because they're kids. And as responsible adults we need to make allowances for that. That doesn't make me some wet liberal softy, just a realist.....
speed limits are there for safety

speed cameras are there for revenue

kid/drunk gets hit whilst a driver is being careful & sticking to the limit then its the stupid kid/drunks fault

kid/drunk gets hit by a careless driver being a prat going 90 in a 30 then its the stupid drivers fault (much less sympathetic to drunks tho, if they prat about on the roads n get killed they're old enough to know better)

RIK said:
are you kidding?

yes we edited do make the laws..the ones that care get new laws brought in,the ones that sit down and think about things and get up off their lazy backsides and do summat about it...why do you think PC has come in and things like smoking ban and speed cameras...........grr

this is why the country is on its ass because ,people like YOU "put up with it"...
well the muslims in this country dont put up with edited they get and they are doing somthing about did women for their did many other colours and cultures to get what they want

dont tell me we dont make the laws

Maybe 59bhp needs to do a search for the meaning of "Democracy" - Although i wouldnt call it that atm...
Kids learn not to put their hands in fire from before they can walk, they're told not to put things in plug sockets, they don't put their hand on a cooker. Because the parents constantly tell them, but the same effort isn't put in to the dangers of the road.

I live on a quiet street but it's a blind corner at the top, you get kids playing football there, kids that fly round the corner on mini-motos or push bikes. Who is to blame if they come round that corner on the wrong side of the road and hit me?

Who pays for the damage to my car, since they're not insured? I can't prosecute them coz they're too young, the parents will pay £2 per week back as they just sit on their arse living off society while everybody else goes out.

Children need to be disciplined and taught how to treat roads.

I was reversing out of my drive the other night, and a kid ran across the back, smaller than the height of my rear windscreen, so couldn't see him. I must have been close coz his parents came out and gave me abuse.... They sit on their arse in the house and ignore their kids out and about on the roads.
RIK said:
are you kidding?

yes we edited do make the laws..the ones that care get new laws brought in,the ones that sit down and think about things and get up off their lazy backsides and do summat about it...why do you think PC has come in and things like smoking ban and speed cameras...........grr

this is why the country is on its ass because ,people like YOU "put up with it"...
well the muslims in this country dont put up with sh*t they get and they are doing somthing about did women for their did many other colours and cultures to get what they want

dont tell me we dont make the laws

out of all of my rant you picked that tiny bit to have a benny about. okay so maybe i shouldnt of said "put up with" as im quite happy about the state of affairs concerning road laws. i cant believe you comparing the womans rights movement to you have a little tantrum becuase you wanna drive like a edited. No the countrys on its arse because opinionated little gits like you whine and moan and throw a temper tantrum until they get theyre own way.
59 bhp is more than enough said:
out of all of my rant you picked that tiny bit to have a benny about. okay so maybe i shouldnt of said "put up with" as im quite happy about the state of affairs concerning road laws. i cant believe you comparing the womans rights movement to you have a little tantrum becuase you wanna drive like a knob. No the countrys on its arse because opinionated little gits like you whine and moan and throw a temper tantrum until they get theyre own way.

what i did say ,the speed limt should be looked at again as 99.9% of people go over the limit safely EVERY time the get into the car...BUT some idiots do it in stupid places,but hey so people buy gun and shoot people and rob houses,,,thats life people do stupid things

you meen the opinionated lttle gits that come over from othher parts of the world,claim benefits and and take our houses and dont your eyes!!
ooh, this is good! :grinning: RIK, your either very, very clever at stirring up a debate, totally off your rocker, or maybe a bit of both. I see a career for you on talk radio lol
uk is turning into what i call a 'nanny state'

theres an excuse for everythin

back on topic i have no points in 5 yrs of driving

been pulled a few times though lol
i totally DO NOT SWEAR EVADE jynxed myself with this never been pulled over or nowt. yesterday, got caught speeding...3 points nd 60 fine. damn college let us out 10 mins late and was in a rush. only been drivin 6 months, cant get caught again for the next year and a half. gutted :down:
Going over the limit on an empty motor-way late at night im ok with but,

speeding in built-up areas at night is foolish, even when no-body is around
october 2005, some clown in a fiesta was speeding thourgh my village, and ploughed into our garage destroying his car, our garage, its contents, our fence and our mint condition 1989 230ce. He also 'cosmeticly' damaged our civic too. (sadly he didnt die, but luckly i know where he lives). it cost us a hell of a lot to buy another car even with the insurance payout. and a lot of hassle getting the garage re-built. Only now we are just have the fence re-built

And a few months ago a similer thing happened, some idiot in a ford focus crashed through my naeibours fench. He drove off after the crash, but as we had his reg. number, the police found him and charged him

In the past 20 years we have had a couple of astra's tipped over in the road and down the embankment, and a few fords through the fence.

Another thing that happend due to speeding in a built-up area, was that a car crashing though someones house in ely, cardiff.