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But just how exciting, really, is my little Nissan Micra S?

Cody is my first car, which my parents purchased for me in August 2007. It's a '51 plate, which is late 2001, and came with just 22k on the clock. 998cc, petrol, manual, 3dr, whatever else you need to know. Parents paid £2000 for it and got a CD player thrown in for free instead of the standard cassette player.

Two previous owners, both very low mileage users...I've only cranked it up to 33.5k by now, as I use it for my six-mile round trip for work each weekday, and some other pretty local leisure driving. I declared I wouldn't do "stupid girl things" with the interior, so there's no pink fluff (eurgh!), no silly air fresheners, and no customisation whatsoever.

Inspired by the fact that my mother has had her 1996 Toyota Rav 4 since it was two years old with no problems, my parents decided I was getting a Japanese car. I have absolutely no argument! It's been a dream. Anyway, onto the pics...



Please forgive me... haven't bothered cleaning my wheels in a while because the trims are showing their age.


And as you can see, the back wheel trim on this side is broken. That part fell out shortly after we bought it.


Black paint is peeling here, something I'm planning to get fixed up by an excellent local company.


Bits of paint missing above the number plate which I'm 99% sure wasn't me...! I've never hit anything. Honest.


Who painted these trims?! Such untidy brush marks. I do like the black though, so I'll get it done properly.
Again, bit of a scuff or something here on the body paint, previous owner guilty.


Scuffs on the passenger door edge, I'm assuming my friends could be blamed. Bonus: me squatting for the photo.


Bit of rust by the back window, as when we got it... cleaned some green out of the window seal with a ridiculously soft brush this morning and more paint came away! Sad times.


I am understandably not amused by how pink this has gone. Also featured, more bad brushwork on the once-grey plastic trim.


Really gnarly scratch in the back bumper where my neighbour scuffed it with his lawn strimmer when we were on holiday. He never admitted to it, and it's something I want to get fixed. Also some black paint coming away below.


More shoddy brushwork.


The interior...standard. Free Sony CD player and some leaves in the footwells.

Just nipped out to get a sort-of back view!

Okay...that was a lot of photos.

Basically, I'd really like to get all of those cosmetic faults fixed, and I know some good people that can do them. I don't really have the personal time, or the confidence, to do them myself! I plan on keeping my car for a good few many years yet - I have no reason to change it - so I'd love to get it tidied up.

Optional extras...I'd kind of like to do something with the wheels. I either need to get some way nicer wheel trims or splash out on some classy alloys. It has 13" wheels... can I go up to 14"? Up for changing maybe when my tyres expire, I'd say. I've loved some of the white and other coloured wheels I've seen you guys have on your K11s, but I'm not sure what will look good! I want to keep it simple but...nice, you know? Of course, I have drum brakes in the back and brake pads in the front, so I imagine anything without disc brakes looks terrible with alloys.

FYI... the hideous stripes of glue on the number plates are from where the garage I use for MOTs fell out with their former neighbours, where I bought my car. Mum took my car for an MOT (she gets trade price), brought it back, and the Carwise stickers were peeled off. Wondering how to get the residue off... nail varnish remover perhaps?

I hope I don't come across as a clueless girl driver! Dad's taught me plenty of man stuff, Mum used to work in the car trade, and I take a good interest in cars. I love my Micra and I had to share him with you and ask your advice for some stuff... hope you enjoy my journey of refurbishment!
Low mileage and very good body condition (no bumps, only few scratches which is normal for +10 years old car), stick with it !
Welcome !
I wasn't aware the black plastic on those came painted out of the factory... maybe a previous owner painted them to stop them fading? The brush marks you describe even look vaguely like someone's sanded them ready for paint so it's a possibility. You may even want to take the bump strips off, makes the car look a bit more tidy although I never got round to it before I wrote off my K11! Apart from the odd bit of missing paint and the small rusty patch it looks nice and tidy.

I know how frustrating neighbours damaging your car and insisting they didn't! Ours dropped a ladder on the back of my dad's old Rover 45 and left a tidy dent, and insisted it wasn't him. My dad's line of work is painting and body work so he was absolutely fuming at the time.

Glue residue can be taken off by a proper product by someone like autoglym or you can use something a rag dabbed in a bit of watered down petrol, which seemed to bring the 17 year old road slime off my engine bay pretty nicely. I'd probably doublecheck that with someone else on here though as I'd not want to be responsible for ruining your car!

As for wheels, pretty sure you can fit 14" in there lots of people have done it, I believe some of the facelift micras even have them standard. I think R-Reg on here even managed to fit some of the 16" Sport alloys from the K12 under his arches!

That'll be a nice little runner for decades to come if you don't do what I did to mine and wrap it round a tree! Nevertheless, welcome to the club!
Ha funniest read ive had in a while :D you shure you have 13s? i thought K11Cs came with 14s?? alloys look cool no matter what brakesyou have :D or even just paint your steelies
Tchaaa -

Not really sure what the deal is with the stuff that seems to have been badly painted. Everyone that's looked at it reckons it came grey, like the bump strips and door handles, and somebody took some semi-appropriate paint to it. I'll consider your suggestion about the bump strips, too! They just collect green guff like the window seals, as I'm parked near our 50-year-old conker tree.

I'm really praying my bumper repair doesn't cost too much...it's a bit of a scrape but I'm hoping it's not too deep. The neighbour didn't exactly deny the damage; it's just never been brought up! They cut our lawn for free and Dad didn't want to confront them about it. Thanks, Dad.

I shall check out the autoglym suggestion...and ask Dad's opinion on the petrol. ;) Then it's his responsibility. Thanks!

14" wheel it is then! I always thought my 13"s looked...well, ridiculously small. My car looks to be a very basic model, so I'm not surprised it came with 13"s.

hoopdub -

I'm so glad I'm entertaining. ;) And yup, I've bought two sets of 13" tyres since I had the car, so...pretty sure I have 13" wheels! I wonder how nice my steel wheels look, that's a good suggestion. Cheers!

Thanks guys!
Tchaaa -

Not really sure what the deal is with the stuff that seems to have been badly painted. Everyone that's looked at it reckons it came grey, like the bump strips and door handles, and somebody took some semi-appropriate paint to it. I'll consider your suggestion about the bump strips, too! They just collect green guff like the window seals, as I'm parked near our 50-year-old conker tree.

I'm really praying my bumper repair doesn't cost too much...it's a bit of a scrape but I'm hoping it's not too deep. The neighbour didn't exactly deny the damage; it's just never been brought up! They cut our lawn for free and Dad didn't want to confront them about it. Thanks, Dad.

I shall check out the autoglym suggestion...and ask Dad's opinion on the petrol. ;) Then it's his responsibility. Thanks!

14" wheel it is then! I always thought my 13"s looked...well, ridiculously small. My car looks to be a very basic model, so I'm not surprised it came with 13"s.

hoopdub -

I'm so glad I'm entertaining. ;) And yup, I've bought two sets of 13" tyres since I had the car, so...pretty sure I have 13" wheels! I wonder how nice my steel wheels look, that's a good suggestion. Cheers!

Thanks guys!

I've got to have my bumper done at some point after a badger snapped a chunk of it, so I feel your pain there, but like I said my dad works in that sort of thing so I may unbolt it and hand it to him for a few days, and see what the boys at british airways' paint bay can do!

The plastics came black, but they fade really bad over time, most people either colour code them or use some stuff called Back to black, which just restores the original colour, but like has been already said, looks like someone done a questionable job with some black paint, doesn't look like they've even been primed!
Loving the Street Fighter reference in the thread title! :D

The car looks sound, 14" wheels will be fine, even 15" ones won't be a trouble, both my K11s had 15s on :)

Welcome to the club, hope you enjoy your stay! :)

Welcome to the nut house :)! My k11c wheels/trims looked just like yours and were definitely 14's :p.
Well this is embarrassing, guys... my tyres are indeed 14s. I am mistaken because I have had the same tyre brand/style/class every time and our tyre place of choice have a quirk on their payment system that always identifies them as 13 on the invoice, and I've trusted that rather than actually looking at the tyres... the shame!

Afterthought: maybe I'm getting cheaper tyres by accident?

Bonus pic for your troubles, we cleaned my car at my boyfriend's dad's because he has an amazing amount of car cleaning products and a pressure washer. Boy did it get the window seals and plastic trims clean!

looks smart :p ive got the 02 plate and had it for nearly 2 years and there very reliable cause mines still going lol but it looks nice in that colour
nice car, lucky how u got low mile age, mine was 70k but now on 93 cause i go everywere in mine lol what you planning on doing to ur micra?

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