Lee's micra dot

Been having a tidy up in the shed today and i stumbled upon a bit of yellow spray paint i think i used to paint a bike a couple of years ago,so i had a brain wave why not paint my spare wheel just for fun ;)
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Dont think i will be doing all my wheels in this color but it is a deffo improvement on the brown/black rusty thing it was before...
Did this a week or two ago but forgot to post it on here so here go's ...
I had a lil rust spot turn up about a year or to ago and did nothing about it so ended up like this...
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Never done any body repairs like this before so i thought i would give it a go... How hard cud it be ????
First thing i thought to do was hit it with a hammer. Which left me with this..
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Sand area and get rid of all trace's of rust add some rust treatment then i went to eat this and think about weather or not this was a good idea or not!!!
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To late to stop now tho so went out armed with some p40 filler and stuck a big dollop in the big hole i just made..
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Gave that a sand then started do'n thin skims of p38 filler..Had a couple of small dents on the same arch so i thought i would tackle them to..
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Gave that a sand back until it all felt smooth..
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Gave it a coat of zink primer then a few coats of standard primer and sanded it back with 1200 grade and compounded the whole area ready for painting

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Started building up thin layers of color about 4 or 5 coats i think..
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once i was happy with the color gave it a few coats of laker and then realize that i should of put some masking tape on the sill :confused:

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Not bad for a first attempt i think and a definite improvement on a big rusty scab....
Got these wired up today so as the sun is shining i might have a bash at fitting them later if i can get the car back off my other half ....
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managed to get a bit more done on my boot,Slow progress atm tho due to the fact that when ever i have time to go do it seems to be raining :(
Also got my frank speed mani on that i fitted in the rain.And sold my ssr's to buy some more bits,Got a couple off interesting parts but mostly spent it on service parts and some new discs and pads.
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Thanx for the comments guys.The boot will be in primer for a while as the micra is go'n on the back burner for a now.Looks like me and the family will be moving house soon so that is go'n to take up all off my time.But hopefully if i can get a house with a decent garage i thinking i might go for a color change and repaint the whole car.So we will just have to see what happens..
Not a very exciting update today,but i have been busy with the micra. Got my new discs and pads fitted,changed the engine oil and filter and even managed to give it a clean inside and out.
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Picked these up it the week to. I don't think that they will find there way on to the micra,but will come in handy if i ever get any thing old and RWD again :)

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Had a play with some wheel spacers today. Put some 10mm ones on the front, but need some longer studs by the looks of it.
So maybe 10mm on the front and 30mm on the back would work well i think!
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I got a few hours to my self on Sunday, and it was sunny:) so i managed to get my boot painted..
The finish ain't the best, but nothing a bit of wet and dry and the buffer cant sort out. Just glad to have it painted again....
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Wet sanded and buffed my boot today. Stared with 1500 grade wet and dry and worked my way up to 2500 grade.
Buffed it with Meguiars ultimate compound, first time i have ever used this product and i am very happy with the results. Very easy to use and even better than G3 which i have always used in the past.

I get TJ4 paint from some place in London, 6quid a can and it's small.
Your Micra looks same colour as mine TJ4 so i'll look into motormania
Mine is TJ4 too. If you are near London there wont be any motormania's by you. But they sell it on line.
They retail it at £4 for a 150ml can. I used 3 to do my boot..
Not done any thing to the micra apart from wash it recently.. Was not sure if i was go'n to be able to keep it as we have our forth child on the way, and there is no way you are go'n to get them all in a k11. but i am glad to report that i have got a good deal on a multi car policy, so i can keep the micra on the road as well as being the owner of a people carrier now to..

Best thing about this now is that i get the micra all to my self, so i can do what i like with it :)
Had this sitting around for a while now. So as the micra no longer has to be a family car, it mite end up fitting it. If i can find a cheap way of getting it in..
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Gave the Fiat and the Micra a wash,polish and hover today. Got all the family involved so it was done in half the time:p

Ever since the Tein's have settled, it seems to sit lower at the back than the front. So i was thinking about taking a coil or two off the front springs to level it out??

Also moved all the stuff i had to carry in it for the kids (pram child seats ect) in to the Fiat, so will have to see if the wight loss has improved performance lol
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They are weller steel racing wheels.. So much poke for only 5.5" wide. Amazing what a difference the offset can make!
Just need to find another two with a lower offset now for the front..

What you doing about the poke? Can't really get much stretch on a 5.5J unless you want to run bicycle tyres.

heh mad negative offset. Is there any wheel space behind the centre?

Watch the wheel bearings collapse :rolleyes:
What you doing about the poke? Can't really get much stretch on a 5.5J unless you want to run bicycle tyres.

heh mad negative offset. Is there any wheel space behind the centre?

Watch the wheel bearings collapse :rolleyes:
Still not sure what to do yet.. Mite just Get a cheap tyre put on one and see what it looks like when it is down on the ground..

If i get time later,i will put the wheel on the wrong way round. To see if there is any difference in the offset..

No worry if i cant make them fit tho, they will just be drift wheels for my next car :)
Managed to get the heat shield off the exhaust. It has been rattling for a couple of years now..
It put up one hell of a fight, but i won in the end..
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Four in total on mine. But it was a pig to get off.. Every thing had just rusted solid in to one lump, so it had to be cut off instead of just unbolted..

But worth the hassle as the rattle was doing my head in.. Sounds so much better now, especially at high revs..

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