What do you all rekon??

It looks very nice, and if you get it for the £550 he wants then its a good price with the extras, at L reg I'm pretty sure it's pre nats as well.
I'd buy it just for the Alloys, they car would be the freebie, lol.

Nice clean car. I prefer 5 door, because getting into the back is a pain.
lol its 2 far away, although its VERY tempting... i will be posting about my super S soon.... its annoying me now and ... well thats another thread. :)
its in my watch list :)
as fordy asked in this thread ill reply here...

Its just that it always has some little teething problem and is never running perfectly... ill fix one thing and then something silly happens like the door developes a rattle from inside, took whole thing to bits and cant find the answer. it drinks a SILLY amount of fuel, the book says something like 50mpg, i get about 36 if im gentle, less if i boot it.. it wont idle smoothly even after all new electric components, it does pull well though. but i only got 280 miles out of the last tankfull and with petrol at silly prices its soooo expensive. my old one, ok it was 1L always got 320-360 miles from a tank dependant on the wieght of my right foot. im just not as happy with it as i thought i would be. oh and it leaks oil through the oil pressure switch. and has a few more little niggles.

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