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sweet thanks mate!
Payment sent(Y)
Right we have a deal, send me your paypal and ill send a deposit in the next couple of days (need to put cash in the bank) is £20 ok for both or would you like a bit more?
Best get my hoop to JAE then
Are those fibreglass bumpers for wide arch only?
I'm interested in a set of window winders (if you have them?) and any bumpers/grilles you have in Burgandy for the Super S?
If you could mate, that would be cracking - manual window winders.
So of these two bumpers in this pic ( ) only one is still left and it's wide arch only? Cutting it in half will result in a slightly pointy bit jah?
Also, I need a dash stalk for super S wiring? If the only burgundy one is SR I might pass, not a fan of the bubbleness of it all - an earlier slatted one would be good, colour not an issue but condition (i.e. no scratches) would be?
How's Sweden?
if i'm not wrong, in this pic
there is a supers spoiler in my exact color (purplish blue, code TJ4)
can u eventually tell me the price, inclusive of postage to italy?
how much for those caps that go in the wheel centres posted preferably two sets as have two micras lol
cheers keith
understood that u do not post them by yourself.. what does JAE means?
i also dont' understand where the items are... you are swedish but items are in uk, and sometimes u go in uk?![]()
lol, i might be at jae.. not sure though yet........ bleeding raf.
ooh you got my arches too?..... SWEEEET...:laugh: they could go full circle![]()
Ant what was it you were after i could possibly collect for you at jae an then nip up to grimsby next time your there nex i may possibly be after a couple of bits will send you a pm in the morning when i'm on my laptop![]()
yeah dragon, that sounds like a good idea..... i wont be back for a while after JAE but my nana is ok recieving parcels for me.... if it is something you could do for me i would be eternaly greatfull..... :blush::blush::blush::blush::blush:
with regards to the black wings are the wider that the useuall ones they look odd :suspect:
if there in good nick ill have them saves me painting some
Would I need a new bumper or do they match the super s bumpers? Do you have the rear arches?
Cheers Adam
Ok cheers... Do you have the bumper too? Price for wings and bumper?
Cheers Adam
lol, if only... thats called awol dude. id get in propper brown stuff !!
they are EXACTLY these ones from this car:
as for good nick, thats a matter of opinion, they are certainly not perfect, but they will be coming to JAE either way so you can have a look at them and see what you think
Wonder where the widetrack for that went... :suspect:
the wide track itself went somewhere else. i tried to get it but just didn't have the money at the time, but i got the front wide arches and bumper. the rear went to the scrap yard which is such a shame
Who would do something like that eh?
You still able to sell this stuff, or is it awaiting your next trip to the UK? I'll take the mouds, a grill and possibly those arches off your hands?
he won't be coming back to the UK for a long time mate so id suggest looking elsewhere