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"Standard" Nissan Micra 'Ally' K11 facelift


Now, I know this is a Micra "Sports" club as suggested by the title and that most cars here are heavily modded in some way. My Micra isnt a sports/modified car, but I am an enthusiast, so I hope this'll be ok here.

Welcome to my Intense Blue K11 Nissan Micra 'Ally' facelift, a few pics first:




Original, untouched spare tyre;


Now, I'm not a modifier and nor am I into modifying. I'm more into the stock 'OEM' OLD-G1FFA/GRAND4Dz CAR-JACK look. I like my cars to be as original and stock standard as possible, maybe fitted with a few 'OEM' extras if they take my fancy, which some have.

Some history - brought to you by STERLING.

This car came into my family a little more than 10 years ago as reliable transport for Mum_Sterling and as an alternative to the train. The car was originally supplied by 'Reg Vardy' in Great Barr, Birmingham and had apparently been a demonstrator/showroom piece.

The Micra 'Ally' as some of you might know is some sort of one-up from absolute poverty-spec model, it comes with keep-fit windows, no power steering, no central locking.... in fact no options whatsoever. I'm surprised they bothered to fit wheel trims. Seemingly, this has a sunroof, side body strips and some spoiler on its tailgate, which is a damn-site lot more than the miserable-spec base Micras have.

After passing my test some years ago, this car then became my main transport. I did the usual 'Y0oF WiV 'iz MuMz CaR' thing, packing it full of mates and driving around aimlessly annoying so-called members of the public etc... I did start to try and look after the car in a very half-arsed fashion by getting it serviced, I also bought and fitted a Sony Xplod CD player as I was fed up of listening to 15-year-old cassette tape recordings of Tim Westwoods Radio 1 rap show but then I really knew nothing about cars then and was pretty potless all of the time.

After landing myself in some form of full-time work, I went out and bought myself a 89' Rover 827Si to indulge in my real passion for Rover 800s. The Micra got used less by me though I did still drive into work alternating the use between my Rover and the Micra as at my work we used to be able to keep our cars safe and warm inside the factory unit seeing as there were only a few of us.

A couple of years ago the Micra was put into my name and given to me as Ma_Sterling set off abroad. I already had 3 other Rover 800s to worry about so I valeted the Micra, drove it to a garage space some "mate" was happy to lend me and declared it SORN until I could get around to doing something with it. Putting up for sale was just not an option.

A few months ago not long after Ma-Sterlings return, my latest aquision, a 1987 Rover Sterling decided to detonate its engine, this was down loads of crap half arsed bodges to the engine and coolant systems one of the last owners carried out and NOT to do with it 'being a Rover' as most lazy arsed wannabe know-it alls try to point out. This left me without a car and as a result I lost yet another job. So I was back to walking/busses/pedal bikes until I could eventually scrape some money together and get this ever-faithful, stout little Blue blob back onto the crap roads of ENGERRLAND. I was a little warey of this due to ever-increasing cesspit of idiotic drivers on our joke of so-called roads. But myself and ole' Ma_Sterling needed some reliable transport that wasnt a Bus/walking. So I brought it out of its safe, warm garage back onto these crap roads and in the face of crap drivers again. As well as that, I had matey-boy garage space lender dropping a few hint about getting his garage space back aswell.

Since getting the car out, I have discovered a renewed enthusiasm for this stout little car. Seeing as it needed a bit of attention I decided to grab some cash, visit some scrappies and raid some scrap Micras for some spares/add-ons for it.

Things I've done so far:

- Fitted upper door hinges to stop the doors from drooping.
- Fitted new fan+drive belts.
- Fitted S/H distributor as the original failed.
- Fitted new CV joints.
- Changed the clutch+cable - Sadly after the change the clutch pedal has never felt right, the operation isnt as smooth as it once was.
- Bought and fitted some OEM Nissan Micra Mats. I'm a bit floor-mat mad, every car I have has got its OE fitted floor-mats
- Fitted Sony Xplod CD-Player
- Recently fitted OE Nissan rear parcel shelf with rear speakers from a scrap SR.
- Replaced sun visors from pre-facelift, mirrors on both sides now (GR8 4 Ma_Sterling)
- Replaced any lost wheel trims, I also have a spare or two.
- Replaced generic cigar-lighter with OEM part from a scrap Micra.
- Fitted rear ashtray, which is slightly darker than the original trim. Oh well.
- Replaced door cards
- Serviced it
- Replaced rear interior trim.

Pics of changes:

Rear speaker'd shelf fittage:

Rear trim cards:



A-Pillar tweeters



Door hinges:


Things I need to do:

- Change rear tyres
- Fit a new steering wheel
- Change pedal rubbers for 'Nissan' emblazoned ones as found on later facelifts.
- Try and locate/fit a drivers side tweeter wire, for unknown reasons its missing.
- Get another set of door hinges fitted.
- Give it a T-cut 'n' polish.
- Fit one of those tailgate/fuel release levers in.
- Get the bootlight bloody fitted and working for once - This is getting on my nerves.

Things I'd like to do but aint got the money/talent/arsed:

- Fit POWA steering
- Fit electric windows
- Fit remote central locking
- Fit Air-Con - Yeh, I've been stuck in a long traffic jam on the M6 in the middle of a hot summer and it aint nice man.

Things I'm NOT going to do:

- Fit Alloys - I like placca trims, they are easier and cheaper to maintain or change.
- Lower it - As I've said, I'm not into this modifying lark and it can just about get over speedbumps on its normal suspension so I'm perfectly happy with its current ride height. If I want to feel like my arse is a few inches off the road, I'll get a Go-Cart or buy an MR2.
- Fit ANY bodykits - Already had one of these on a Rover, it caused me nothing but grief as I live in a city.
- Paint it in any other colour other than its original colour
- Sticker-bomb it - Why?
- Fit a BANGIN' MUZiK SYSTEMz - I've already got a Sony Xplod and 4 perfectly good speakers, what else do you want?
- Upgrade/fit another engine - Unless this one blows up.

I did consider changing the interior from a higher spec pre-facelift as they look nicer and more comfortable, but at the moment I'm happy with what I've got.

So there you have it, a very standard Micra, to be kept in a clean, stock, 'only driven down to the shop once a year' type condition (I hope)

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Thanks, I've tried to keep it as clean as possible, its never been waxed/polished/t-cut (yet) and its got about 120k on the clock. Myself and Mutha_Sterling have had plenty of positive comments over the years about how clean it is and how nice the colour is.
"The Micra 'Ally' as some of you might know is a poverty-spec model with keep-fit windows, no power steering, no central locking, in fact no options whatsoever, I'm surprised they bothered to fit wheel trims." lol like it..
Don't put your address down the MSC Brum branch will come round when you're asleep to fit allys & drop the suspension ;)
Possibly my favourite colour that...
Looks lovely, pleased you've got it back out on the roads! Had a 5 door one of these but sold it to a family member and got a higher spec, it had power steering and a sunroof though? I thought only the Equation was missing any options. :eek:
Thanks again fellas!

I thought this one was the just above-pov-spec one, but its got me flummoxed. I've seen 'Allys' with power steering, so it must have been an option.

I'm trying to find a brochure with the facelift Micras so I can see what they were supposed to come with.

Mines got a sunroof and...well...thats it for options. I think there was space for options to be chosen for them, as for example, when I got the rear parcel shelf with OE Nissan speakers, I found a plug-in cable for the rear speakers. Before that I thought I'd have to run wires through the car.

I also grabbed the sun-visors from a scrap pre-facelift SR. Apart from being cleaner, the drivers one had a mirror, the original drivers one in my car didnt.
Cheers again guys! Added a few more pics in my first post to show the new parcel shelf. Saw your Micra Steve, seeing as its got power steering makes me think that it was some sort of option, as my car came from Reg Vardy maybe they got the less-than-pov-spec models while proper Nissan dealers got the slightly-more-toys models, who knows!?

A mate of mine has recently bought a green K11 1.3 Si from the same year as mine (Possibly inspired?) though he likes the colour and wheels of my car. He too, funnily enough owns a big car thats also thrown in its towel function wise, though his is an '01 Merc 200 with a (common) ignition problem and its been a right sod to sort out. And to think only a few month back we were both cruising in our respective big gas-guzzling cars :laugh:

Took the A-pillar trim off to find there are no wires for the tweeters, doesnt bother me as I've got the rear speakers working.

I'm looking to get the door cards replaced with later door cards like these:

The top plastic recess and door pullers on both current cards have become discoloured. if anyone has a doorcard similar to the one above to sell, please let me know.
Hi Sterling
I like your project of having a clean, nice and stock car. I'm in a similar project, a solid reliable not to fancy car, with oem parts.
What is better in those doors cards ? Btw you should wire those A pillar tweeter, definitely worth it and not hard to to, just 2 wires - and + from the auto stereo output.

Keep it up to date !

Hi Sterling
I like your project of having a clean, nice and stock car. I'm in a similar project, a solid reliable not to fancy car, with oem parts.
What is better in those doors cards ? Btw you should wire those A pillar tweeter, definitely worth it and not hard to to, just 2 wires - and + from the auto stereo output.

Keep it up to date !

Ah oui! Merci Monsieur Seb :laugh: The later door cards would be fresher as my current cards are discoloured and worn, I like the bigger door pockets with drink holder and the later speakers grilles. Although I also do like the pre-facelift ones with divider in the door pockets. It is possible to mix and match the top plastic recess and door pockets trims from doorcards, so thats a thought.

I may fix in the tweeters later on when/if I can get some wires.
Well, today I had a few hours spare, so I thought I'd tackle some of the niggling little problems the Micras got.

1. Rear heater panel lights


Not been working for while, didnt bother me before, but then again the car has been parked up in the garage for about a year. Now I'm using it more in this dark winter, having a large black space in the middle of the dash and not being able to find the heater controls when driving sort of made me realise I need to do something about.

Got some advice from this site, I didnt realise how easy it was to change, pulled off the surrounds and buttons, then carefully pulled off the face of the heater panel to reveal 2 small bulbs, I pulled the old bulbs out and replaced them with some spares I had lying around, tried them out before replacing everything and hey presto, lights again! Not tried it out in the dark yet, but wont have long to wait.

2. Pollon Filter?

For as long as I care to remember, the heater has never really been powerful enough, I was sure it was once pretty good. It blows out air, but very weakly, after changing the panel lights I though I may aswell have a go at this.

Someone here mentioned there being a panel behind the glovebox, all I could see were a few bolt-screws, I undid them to see what the game was. I finally managed to find where the filter was, although, it wasnt in the easily accessible place I knew it there. A few more undoing of screws, alot of pushing and pulling, some new-found swear words and few small broken pieces of plastic I finally pulled the whole damned airbox out from underneath the glovebox. My hands were as black sut and said filter didnt look too good either.

Took the filter into the house to give the thing a good hoover, hoover then decided to detonate itself before use, so it was down to the good old brush to try and brush/dust off probably a good 12 years worth of crap and dust.

Airbox itself had a collection of tiny leaves and stuff, I emptied that out onto the grass and then it was time to put the bloody thing back together, not something I was releshing. Thankfully though it took less time putting it back than pulling the box out and cost a little less broken plastic to than first time around.

Just for courtesy I thought I'd take a few pics:




The filter slides into above airbox, a bit like a draw in a desk. But when box is put back, filter cannot actually be taken out as there is an useless piece of plastic panel behind the glovebox (forming part of the dash) preventing it being easily pulled out, so not exactly a straight forward job, particularly if your a bit of a stocky chap like me. I spent alot of timw upside down, I havent worked out how to take the glovebox out yet.

The heater seems a little more powerful than before, or at least it sounds it, though there is some air being lost behind the dash from the box, I will probably look into that sometime later.
There's a piece of the dash behind the glovebox that you cut out for servicing the heater filter, I've cut mine out but still can't for the life of me see where or how to get the filter out :doh:

In your photo with the bottom of the heater showing the panel filter can you tell me the orientation please, I can't see the edge of my filter?
In your photo with the bottom of the heater showing the panel filter can you tell me the orientation please, I can't see the edge of my filter?

In said photo, the box is laying on its side, so we are looking at the bottom and left-side of the box, the filter part is looking toward glovebox and annoying plastic panel. I would hazard a guess that the box would normally have to be removed to take the filter out.

One thing I omitted to put into my original post was that the box is actually 2 parts held together with a couple of screws and metal placement tab, though, these arent very easy to access once the box is in its place behind the dash. I found it easier just to undo all the screws holding the box in its place and pull it from behind the glovebox towards the floor as thats the only place it seems to be able to come out from.

Another thing is, the filter has a small ruler-like door which unscrews from the bottom, pulls down and slides off, only then will be able to see the side of the filter, although it still cannot be removed.

Seems Nissan omitted to use any common sense into designing the filter and box, it would have been better to make the glovebox easier to remove and make more space for the filter to be removed.

wicked work!
any diference with the heating on?

Cheers, not properly tried it out yet, but it sounds a little more powerful and it does blow only slightly better. Best thing to do would be to buy a new filter before you go an tackle this job.

If had more time/tools/talent and warmer place to work (Had to work on the street) I'd have removed the passenger seat and glovebox.
Awesome work sterling, hehe im going through the whole driving around 24/7 with me friends phase now, 3 months ago i passed haha, crashed into a fense too but lets not get into that,

Been job hunting lately and hoping to get myself a 1.3 with 5 drs (I had a friend break his tooth tripping over the back! :mad:) but i will restore/repair the lovely 1.0 i was presented with, facelifts seem to have beaut coats of paint!.

Look forward to seing you progress, im suprised you want pas though, our cars steering is light (I have equation model, it has nothing like yours, except i have stock alloys which look minteeeed, mauhaha!)

Keep it up fella!
crashed into a fense too but lets not get into that

Yeh, I've done that too, in this Micra :(

Been job hunting lately

Doing this too, without much success :(

im suprised you want pas though, our cars steering is light

To be honest I'd rather have power steering, I've done as much work as I can and I did once have pretty much light-steering but that soon goes what with all the speed bumps/pot holes in the road etc... At least with PAS it stays pretty light.

I've a few more things I need to do with it though before its anywhere near perfect;

1. Fit new ignition leads for it, as it seems a little juddery at times.
2. Get new clutch bearings as I think the current ones are on thier way out.
3. Fit new filter in the climate airbox/refit airbox correctly
4. Fit new door cards, preferably from a later model (w/cup holder in door pocket and newer speaker grille)
5. Fit new lower door hinges, as only the tops have been done.
6. Get some newer/better condition OE Nissan wheel trims (MUST be the same type)
Haha we have a lot in common xD

I hit my front left side and this fens just sat there and took it :(

Happy to inform I got the job today :)

Keep going dude, stay persistent and you'll get one :grinning:

I find my steering like yours but because I have a lot of people in car most of the time it's normally heavy, I'm fine with it like that though, really fond of the micra unpas'd steering.

Maybe check your spark plugs before hts? Also perhaps your throttle body solder could use a refreshing with the heated solder fix.
Right! Since I made this thread about the car, I have done absolutely nowt to it. As you may know I have no interest whatsoever in 'SLaMM1N' it to da FL000r, throwin' on some alloys/branded steelies or generally "modding" it, I'm just not into that. I like my cars standard and stock with a few nice OEM options thrown in - Granny carjack styleee.

I've not personally used this car for while after handing it back to Mother_Sterling a few months ago, I kind of got a bit fed up of being on the recieving end of road rage, tw47s in bigger/German cars dont like Micras and tend to try and run me off the road/cut me up/drive at me etc... I've also managed to find myself behind the wheel of 1990 Rover 820e which'll do me nicely until/if ever my Rover Sterling gets back on the road. The Micra is now only driven twice a week to travel between Notts and Brum.

Cleaning and Polishing

After giving the Rover 820e a much needed T-cut and polishing session, I decided that the Micra desperately needed doing, both cars desperately needed cleaning and now the Rover was done it was the Micra's turn. Since the Micra has been in our family its never seen anything like T-cut or polish apart from a very half-arsed attempt at applying some polish in my yoof which didnt quite work.

So I took the Micra down to one of those IMO/ARC car washes where a mate works, chucked a £5 at him for a "Top Wash". After going through the wash the car came out looking pretty good as it usually does, but on closer inspection the paintwork still needed a bit of care.

I took the little Blue blob home after a £1 for 5mins hoover as it wasnt that dirty inside anyway and set to work polishing it with some 'Mer' car polish, I didnt T-cut it as the paintwork was still pretty good despite almost 12 years of rain/snow/sun the paintwork still looked pretty good (It spent about a year inside a covered lock up and covered up) besides, I dont have any T-cut for metallics, only solid paint.

I also applied said polish to inside the door/boot outer frames, under the arches and sills, bumpers and any exposed metalwork inside the car such as the bit under rear windows.

The tyres saw a coat of tyre shine and black exterior plastics a coat of WD40 as that seems to be about the only product that shines up the plastic-work and that actually stays shiney, other cheap crap products I've used last for a about a day before returning to faded black.

Anyway, after all that I was well chuffed with the results, I cant stop admiring it now

Pics dont really reflect how bright and shiney the paintwork has come up, but here are a few attempts anyway:






OE cigar lighter plug - A cheapo cigarette lighter plug was installed a couple of years ago by a relative, I didnt like and scored myself an OE jobbie, half-an-hour later and the OE jobbie was installed:


Apart from that I'll need to get the gearbox bearings replaced or seen to at least as the clutch has never felt right after a new clutch was installed a few years ago, we've got used to it so it doesnt bother us too much but will need seeing to soon.

Still needs a service, I'll get it done when I've got some cash.

The carpets inside the car were never installed properly from the factory, I'm on the look out for newer carpet, I'm not sure if there any other fabric types out there as there is with the Rovers, I'm really looking for some nice plush stuff but must be OEM, possibly something from a last-run '02 K11 might be the answer.

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Love the colour, when I bought my K11 1.4s in silver, i spent the next 5 years regretting I didn't get that colour :grinning:.
mate i am always within the speed limit in mine and yeh that means watching cars breeze past,thats normal
a a very neat car you have
Paint work is indeed looking very good. Mine has always been in a mess from the previous owner, my grandad:D, having run-ins with country lane bushes, shame as it is a lovely colour when presented well, my roof looks amazing after just a quick wash sadly the sides just reveal more scratches:(

Would like to see what you can do to the interior, have you sourced any 00-02 door cards?
euro_micra said:
Would like to see what you can do to the interior, have you sourced any 00-02 door cards?

The interior looks pretty much the same cleaniless-wise, its acceptable but does show its age. I badly need to replace the door cards and a headrest, I'd also like to change the floor carpet as its pretty tired hence the use of OEM Micra floor mats, the steering wheel is showing its age aswell.

I've not been able to source any later door cards yet unfortunately, if anyone knows of any I'd be interested.

R-REG-SR said:
mate i am always within the speed limit in mine and yeh that means watching cars breeze past, thats normal

Same here, I still get cut-up/pull out in front of/tailgated though :glare:

Thought it was about time I stuck a little update of my car....

Please note - There is NO sLaMm1N 2 dA GR0UNdz m0DzifiKaYsHunzzzz, just simple, and probably to a lot of you, rather boring work carried out to make the car look a little more looked after.

After jumping back into something resembling employment abnd finding the ability again to spend money on my Rover, I then decided it was about time the Micra received some attention.


One thing that had been bothering me for ages was that the bonnet didnt seem to sit right, on the drivers side, it looked slightly open, so I turned my attention to the bonnet release bracket and panel that sits between the bracket and front cross member:


It had bent inwards after an minor frontal impact some years ago (some arse in a Metro not paying attention at a junction). The above pic was taken after I'd bent it back into shape (by stamping on it) But despite straightening it and jigging the bonnet release and bracket, the bonnet still wouldn't sit right:



In the 2 pics above the bonnet is actually fully shut, though it doesn't look it, the other side was fine.

This basically meant that the bonnet was out of shape, by trying to reshape it, I nearly succeeded in folding it in two! :)

The only thing left to do was buy another bonnet and hope for the best. Luckily, during my quest to find some better door cards, I found a correct coloured bonnet that was still in fair condition, no worse than what was on the car, I chucked some dollar at the scrappy and set my tools in the general direction of the poor W-reg Blue Micra that was sitting 3 cars high.

Getting the bonnet home was pretty easy:


Then I set about fitting it. In the original post I had some pictures but curiously I can't find them anywhere now, I always do save my pics so...er...yeah, you'll have to take my word for it.





Its not a perfect fit up, but then I don't pretend to be a perfect fitter. The conclusion is that the car seems to have been slightly bent in some awkward way as a result of the minor frontal impact it sustained. One good thing is the bonnet now actually looks closed rather than slightly open.


Before concentrating on the bonnet, I managed to whip some suitable looking door cards from the poor Blue W-reg donor Micra I found in a local scrappy. The cards were in a very good condition and clean, so along with the bonnet, these would also be winging thier way to my Micra.

The plastic trim on the original door cards were horrible, the colour on the plastic had gone right off, the tops turned some dark Grey with milky/worn bits in between and the grab handles and surrounds were also off colour, they looked almost Green:


I dont think I've seen this on another Micra so I suspect either Ma_Sterling or someone at Reg Vardy where the car was first bought may have used some sort of product on it that turned it like this possibly.

Anyway, I whipped off the old cards and discovered that the old base cards themselves were in great nick, only the plastic bits were spoiling them, on the other hand, the base of new cards weren't in such great nick but the platic bits were. Some swappage was on the cards.

Basically, I took all the plastic bits off the new door cards and reattached them to my old card, thus making some rather snazzy new door cards:


I originally wanted some door cards from a 2000+ final facelift K11 Micra that had the cup/bottle holder moulding by the speakers. I'll have to find some later on. I'm more than happy with what I've got now though.


TODAY...Whilst getting the MOT done, I took a stroll to another scrappy and picked up some A-pillar trims and yet another parcel with OEM speakers. The parcel shelf has seen better days but the A-pillar trims were great, they had those tweeter grilles installed. I have another set of similar A-pillar trims with the same grilles in them from an earlier pre-facelift K11 Micra Sport, so the plastic has a slightly different tint to it, at least with my new ones, they blend in quite well:


There are no tweeters as yet (I do have some somewhere) so will get fitting them asap.

Beside that, after a service, a new wheel bearing fitted and some new side-light bulbs fitted, the little Micra passed its MOT with flying colours!


- Fit some tweeters, no point in having those A-pillar trims if there is nothing behind them.
- Find and fit some front fog-lights - I'd like to do this but unfortunately alot of these spot lights seem to go for stupid money, I'll have to wait until my friendly scrappy bags himself an old Micra Sport/GX or something.
- And...er...well, hopefully thats it!
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Nice Micra, same colour as mine, but with the paint work in much better condition... These colour Micras look lovely when the sun hits them... makes me sad really. Mine was owned by an old dear before me and she must've kept it parked under a tree or somthing as the roof is full of dents... plus the usual old lady car park scuffs and scrapes... Need to get it sorted, get it looking like yours!

Nice that you're keeping it standard... I like the look of mine, I'm doing only minor mods so as to try to keep it looking pretty standard.

Nice motor and some good work done! You're so lucky to have Micra filled scrappies where you are... Hardly any down here, mostly full of French pap like my missus drives... Guess that says alot about reliability!?
Nice Micra...Nice that you're keeping it standard...

HEY! A reply!

Thanks mate. I tend not to follow trends, last time I did I was still in my teens. I also like my cars to stay as standard as I can keep them. I dont mind a few OE trim upgrades though.

You're so lucky to have Micra filled scrappies where you are...

Well thats the thing. You might find a couple of scrappies with 1 or 2 Micras even then most of them either tend to be crashed damaged/written off cars, or simply just old low-spec models, so kind of useless when your trying to upgrade. If your lucky, you might manage to find a higher-spec model that you can rob bits off.

As it happens I found an S-reg Micra Si at a scrappy local to a garage I frequent. Whilst one of my cars was being worked on I took a stroll up to the scrappy to see if there was anything of interest, I then found the Si and ended up coming away with a few more bits than I needed.

First bits were a couple of A-pillar mounted tweeters, I already have some complete tweeters somewhere with the actual screws but I cannot remember where fuggin 'eck they are. As I had a very limited set of tools and knowing I already had some tweeters I simply ripped them off as the screws holding them in place in the scrap car wouldnt budge.

Today, I decided to mount them in my car, now for some unknown reason there is only one tweeter connection in the car on the passenger side, the drivers side does not have one:

Passenger side, connection in place:

Connected up:

Drivers side, no connection:

Nowhere to be found:

How the fu** did that happen?

Anyway, there wasnt really very much I could do about it. I know how to do wiring and all that but I really cant be arsed right now so I might chuck a few quid at a mate or something and get them to do it for me.


Apart from that, I also walked out the scrappy with some rear seat passenger trim.

Old trim:

New trim:

I only offered it up for fitment, fits perfectly, sadly I decided to sod this job off for now as getting the seatbelt threaded out of the old trim and into the new one seemed like a right arse ache.

I also managed to walk out the scrappy with OE parcel shelf with speakers, these seem quite sought after, I already have a couple of these speaker'd shelves including the one in my car which I robbed from a scrapped pre-facelift Micra SR sometime back.

So what I got:

- Parcel shelf with speakers
- A-pillar trim with tweeter grilles.
- Tweeters
- Rear passenger wing trim x 2
- Sun visors with mirrors on both sides

Not bad for less than £20

As before the only thing I'd like to get is some fog lights. I certainly aint gonna get any off ebay or from here. There is some specialist Nissan breakers not far from me I'd been told about some time back, so I'll have to take a spin down there some time and try to convince them to part with some fog lights for cashmoney.

Oh also, I really need to get on and RE-badge the wings with the '16v' badges.
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Canny bit of progress on the Micra, I finally managed to convince the bolt off seatbelt holder so I can loop it through the rear trim. Pics will explain better than I can:



Took me about 10mins per side being careful. I'm well chuffed with the results. After that I treated the thing to a wash'n'wax.


Bought myself some pre-facelift fog-lights off ebay for a damned sight lot less than what they usually sell for. In fact what I paid for them you can just about buy 1 post facelift fog light off ebay from some other sellers.

ANYhow I thought I'd offer to them up for fitting, this meant taking off the bumper grille finishers, sadly I only managed to snap the heads off the bolts:

Fitting up:

Head snapped off bolts:


After I snapped the second bolt I decided to give up, pack my tools away, go inside and make a nice cup of tea while thinking of the next plan of attack. I knew it was bound to happen what with them being old and constantly exposed to all weathers. I'm not too bothered about getting them on at the moment as I suspect some re-wiring jobs will need to be tackled and I'm not really sure they'd fit properly, although I'm pretty sure I've seen some post facelift cars with pre-facelift fogs, although I reckon some proper facelift jobbies with the correct wiring would be a better deal, if only I could find some at a decent price.

Along with the fog lights, the lad also threw in a rear ashtray, and as if that wasnt enough he chucked in the handbrake surround with it. REZULTz.

I couldnt be arsed to change the surround so chucked in the Grey rear ashtray to replace the beige one I had:



Beige/Grey/Greige they really are old peoples colours arent they?

Anyway, its not the right shade of Grey (yes ladies, I've heard of the book) but I dont care, I''ve got one in my otherwise low-spec Micra.

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bro this is like a blue facelift version of mine. I have an obsession with OEM extras... you might have seen my thread...

love the progress dude however those fog lights look like pre-facelift ones? EDIT: Didn't read thoroughly :) They won't fit unless major re-positioning of mounts etc is done and even hen the lines on the bumper won't line up.
Hey!! Loving the Micra!
I know I'm very late but I have a 2002 Micra S and I am removing the interior. All of it. I saw you wanted some door cards... I know... In 2012. But hey, I thought I would just let you know now!! Not sure what they are going for but they are in mint condition; infact the whole car is!!
If you (or in fact anyone else!!) are interested, let me know!!
I also had the same problem with the heater unit lights, however mine started working again after going down a ridiculously bumpy road!!


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Hey!! Loving the Micra!
I know I'm very late but I have a 2002 Micra S and I am removing the interior. All of it. I saw you wanted some door cards... I know... In 2012. But hey, I thought I would just let you know now!! Not sure what they are going for but they are in mint condition; infact the whole car is!!
If you (or in fact anyone else!!) are interested, let me know!!
I also had the same problem with the heater unit lights, however mine started working again after going down a ridiculously bumpy road!!

YO! Cheers bud for the post. Yeah man, I'd have happily have taken your door cards off you but so much has changed since I was last on here, I mean, the first was posted up nearly 9 years ago!

ANYHOW, as a slight update because PhotoF*CKET decided that they didn't want to be a hosting platform anymore, ALL of my pics disappeared, fear not though! Flickr is at hand to help.

So, believe it or not, we still have the Micra and it is still going strong....yeah, I cannae believe it either! Ma_Sterling has had thins thing since year dot (well, 1999 when we were all partying)

Since the last time I posted which was...errrrrr...well, some years ago. Not a huge amount has happend to the Micra, but it has to me. I now live in North Worcestershire and drive an E46 BMW 3er. I still have my Rover 800s tucked up in various places but they are started to require attention I cannot quite afford at the moment. The Micra isn't in front of me as a result and I am busy with my own life right now, however, that doesn't mean I have forgotten it.

The last thing I did, the Micra received some OEM JDM floor mats which I got on the CHEEEEPz yo. I think I paid under £30 delivered. WHAT?


After a couple of years of transporting Ma between Birmingham and Redditch, it briefly went to live in the Isle of Wight and had a rest:


I met Ma at Brum and drover her all the way down there. Ma's work was on her doorstep so had no need of using the Micra, it stayed happily rusting away in the carpark next door to her accommodation occasionally taking her out for a minor tour of the 'Wight and taking her shopping every few weekends, then, Ma got a job back in Birmingham. So, muggins here had to go down and pick her up, her stuff and the car and drive back to the land of Brummies, the Micra was filled to the rafters:


Just before we left the Island, one of the tyres decided to have a hole in it and needed changing promptly which we did.

Then, it transported us back up like a BOSS. It didn't care that it was loaded up and drove from Hampshire to Brum without a flicker of trouble.

However, literally upon arriving back in Brum, the MOT ran out and it was time to get things sorted. We had a pre-MOT check done on the IoW, the bastard garage tried to kill car quoting something stupid like £800 to get the Micra to pass the MoT, yeah F*** off.

It briefly came to live with me for a few days and joined my BMW and flat-tyred Rover Sterling.


Got the Micra over to my mates in Brum who owns a garage and showed him the report, he took the car in and checked it over, all that needed doing was the sills and few other small jobs here and there, the bill came in at £250 including MoT:

Sills B4:





Both sides were done to keep everything uniform and neat.

What else needs doing to it?

Probably quite a bit if I'm completely honest. My job involves driving a lot of new cars so I guess I'm kind of spoilt but one day upon being in the Isle of Wight I just couldn't help noticing how tired the Micra felt drive. Ma is also making noises about getting a new car, I think it's about time, she worked damned bloody hard. The Micra, will be going nowhere but into retirement. Its a little soldier with a BIG toughness about it, it's transported us since 1999 and survived a lot. It obviously wants to stay with us so why not, it's part of the family now.

Also, a few days ago I entered into an online raffle and won this:


Collection imminent of this K11C Micra 1.0, it has a few more options than the Ally, it is going to be a car for Sis_Sterling to learn in and hopefully a first car for her.

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Hi there, very interesting read. Sounds like your car been with you a good while, ours very similar. Like that.

Just wandering if you ever got the drivers side tweeter wiring done and how you did it? Just about to do same to mine


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