Now, I know this is a Micra "Sports" club as suggested by the title and that most cars here are heavily modded in some way. My Micra isnt a sports/modified car, but I am an enthusiast, so I hope this'll be ok here.
Welcome to my Intense Blue K11 Nissan Micra 'Ally' facelift, a few pics first:
Original, untouched spare tyre;
Now, I'm not a modifier and nor am I into modifying. I'm more into the stock 'OEM' OLD-G1FFA/GRAND4Dz CAR-JACK look. I like my cars to be as original and stock standard as possible, maybe fitted with a few 'OEM' extras if they take my fancy, which some have.
Some history - brought to you by STERLING.
This car came into my family a little more than 10 years ago as reliable transport for Mum_Sterling and as an alternative to the train. The car was originally supplied by 'Reg Vardy' in Great Barr, Birmingham and had apparently been a demonstrator/showroom piece.
The Micra 'Ally' as some of you might know is some sort of one-up from absolute poverty-spec model, it comes with keep-fit windows, no power steering, no central locking.... in fact no options whatsoever. I'm surprised they bothered to fit wheel trims. Seemingly, this has a sunroof, side body strips and some spoiler on its tailgate, which is a damn-site lot more than the miserable-spec base Micras have.
After passing my test some years ago, this car then became my main transport. I did the usual 'Y0oF WiV 'iz MuMz CaR' thing, packing it full of mates and driving around aimlessly annoying so-called members of the public etc... I did start to try and look after the car in a very half-arsed fashion by getting it serviced, I also bought and fitted a Sony Xplod CD player as I was fed up of listening to 15-year-old cassette tape recordings of Tim Westwoods Radio 1 rap show but then I really knew nothing about cars then and was pretty potless all of the time.
After landing myself in some form of full-time work, I went out and bought myself a 89' Rover 827Si to indulge in my real passion for Rover 800s. The Micra got used less by me though I did still drive into work alternating the use between my Rover and the Micra as at my work we used to be able to keep our cars safe and warm inside the factory unit seeing as there were only a few of us.
A couple of years ago the Micra was put into my name and given to me as Ma_Sterling set off abroad. I already had 3 other Rover 800s to worry about so I valeted the Micra, drove it to a garage space some "mate" was happy to lend me and declared it SORN until I could get around to doing something with it. Putting up for sale was just not an option.
A few months ago not long after Ma-Sterlings return, my latest aquision, a 1987 Rover Sterling decided to detonate its engine, this was down loads of crap half arsed bodges to the engine and coolant systems one of the last owners carried out and NOT to do with it 'being a Rover' as most lazy arsed wannabe know-it alls try to point out. This left me without a car and as a result I lost yet another job. So I was back to walking/busses/pedal bikes until I could eventually scrape some money together and get this ever-faithful, stout little Blue blob back onto the crap roads of ENGERRLAND. I was a little warey of this due to ever-increasing cesspit of idiotic drivers on our joke of so-called roads. But myself and ole' Ma_Sterling needed some reliable transport that wasnt a Bus/walking. So I brought it out of its safe, warm garage back onto these crap roads and in the face of crap drivers again. As well as that, I had matey-boy garage space lender dropping a few hint about getting his garage space back aswell.
Since getting the car out, I have discovered a renewed enthusiasm for this stout little car. Seeing as it needed a bit of attention I decided to grab some cash, visit some scrappies and raid some scrap Micras for some spares/add-ons for it.
Things I've done so far:
- Fitted upper door hinges to stop the doors from drooping.
- Fitted new fan+drive belts.
- Fitted S/H distributor as the original failed.
- Fitted new CV joints.
- Changed the clutch+cable - Sadly after the change the clutch pedal has never felt right, the operation isnt as smooth as it once was.
- Bought and fitted some OEM Nissan Micra Mats. I'm a bit floor-mat mad, every car I have has got its OE fitted floor-mats
- Fitted Sony Xplod CD-Player
- Recently fitted OE Nissan rear parcel shelf with rear speakers from a scrap SR.
- Replaced sun visors from pre-facelift, mirrors on both sides now (GR8 4 Ma_Sterling)
- Replaced any lost wheel trims, I also have a spare or two.
- Replaced generic cigar-lighter with OEM part from a scrap Micra.
- Fitted rear ashtray, which is slightly darker than the original trim. Oh well.
- Replaced door cards
- Serviced it
- Replaced rear interior trim.
Pics of changes:
Rear speaker'd shelf fittage:
Rear trim cards:
A-Pillar tweeters
Door hinges:
Things I need to do:
-Change rear tyres
- Fit a new steering wheel
- Change pedal rubbers for 'Nissan' emblazoned ones as found on later facelifts.
- Try and locate/fit a drivers side tweeter wire, for unknown reasons its missing.
- Get another set of door hinges fitted.
- Give it a T-cut 'n' polish.
- Fit one of those tailgate/fuel release levers in.
- Get the bootlight bloody fitted and working for once - This is getting on my nerves.
Things I'd like to do but aint got the money/talent/arsed:
- Fit POWA steering
- Fit electric windows
- Fit remote central locking
- Fit Air-Con - Yeh, I've been stuck in a long traffic jam on the M6 in the middle of a hot summer and it aint nice man.
Things I'm NOT going to do:
- Fit Alloys - I like placca trims, they are easier and cheaper to maintain or change.
- Lower it - As I've said, I'm not into this modifying lark and it can just about get over speedbumps on its normal suspension so I'm perfectly happy with its current ride height. If I want to feel like my arse is a few inches off the road, I'll get a Go-Cart or buy an MR2.
- Fit ANY bodykits - Already had one of these on a Rover, it caused me nothing but grief as I live in a city.
- Paint it in any other colour other than its original colour
- Sticker-bomb it - Why?
- Fit a BANGIN' MUZiK SYSTEMz - I've already got a Sony Xplod and 4 perfectly good speakers, what else do you want?
- Upgrade/fit another engine - Unless this one blows up.
I did consider changing the interior from a higher spec pre-facelift as they look nicer and more comfortable, but at the moment I'm happy with what I've got.
So there you have it, a very standard Micra, to be kept in a clean, stock, 'only driven down to the shop once a year' type condition (I hope)
Now, I know this is a Micra "Sports" club as suggested by the title and that most cars here are heavily modded in some way. My Micra isnt a sports/modified car, but I am an enthusiast, so I hope this'll be ok here.
Welcome to my Intense Blue K11 Nissan Micra 'Ally' facelift, a few pics first:

Original, untouched spare tyre;

Now, I'm not a modifier and nor am I into modifying. I'm more into the stock 'OEM' OLD-G1FFA/GRAND4Dz CAR-JACK look. I like my cars to be as original and stock standard as possible, maybe fitted with a few 'OEM' extras if they take my fancy, which some have.
Some history - brought to you by STERLING.
This car came into my family a little more than 10 years ago as reliable transport for Mum_Sterling and as an alternative to the train. The car was originally supplied by 'Reg Vardy' in Great Barr, Birmingham and had apparently been a demonstrator/showroom piece.
The Micra 'Ally' as some of you might know is some sort of one-up from absolute poverty-spec model, it comes with keep-fit windows, no power steering, no central locking.... in fact no options whatsoever. I'm surprised they bothered to fit wheel trims. Seemingly, this has a sunroof, side body strips and some spoiler on its tailgate, which is a damn-site lot more than the miserable-spec base Micras have.
After passing my test some years ago, this car then became my main transport. I did the usual 'Y0oF WiV 'iz MuMz CaR' thing, packing it full of mates and driving around aimlessly annoying so-called members of the public etc... I did start to try and look after the car in a very half-arsed fashion by getting it serviced, I also bought and fitted a Sony Xplod CD player as I was fed up of listening to 15-year-old cassette tape recordings of Tim Westwoods Radio 1 rap show but then I really knew nothing about cars then and was pretty potless all of the time.
After landing myself in some form of full-time work, I went out and bought myself a 89' Rover 827Si to indulge in my real passion for Rover 800s. The Micra got used less by me though I did still drive into work alternating the use between my Rover and the Micra as at my work we used to be able to keep our cars safe and warm inside the factory unit seeing as there were only a few of us.
A couple of years ago the Micra was put into my name and given to me as Ma_Sterling set off abroad. I already had 3 other Rover 800s to worry about so I valeted the Micra, drove it to a garage space some "mate" was happy to lend me and declared it SORN until I could get around to doing something with it. Putting up for sale was just not an option.
A few months ago not long after Ma-Sterlings return, my latest aquision, a 1987 Rover Sterling decided to detonate its engine, this was down loads of crap half arsed bodges to the engine and coolant systems one of the last owners carried out and NOT to do with it 'being a Rover' as most lazy arsed wannabe know-it alls try to point out. This left me without a car and as a result I lost yet another job. So I was back to walking/busses/pedal bikes until I could eventually scrape some money together and get this ever-faithful, stout little Blue blob back onto the crap roads of ENGERRLAND. I was a little warey of this due to ever-increasing cesspit of idiotic drivers on our joke of so-called roads. But myself and ole' Ma_Sterling needed some reliable transport that wasnt a Bus/walking. So I brought it out of its safe, warm garage back onto these crap roads and in the face of crap drivers again. As well as that, I had matey-boy garage space lender dropping a few hint about getting his garage space back aswell.
Since getting the car out, I have discovered a renewed enthusiasm for this stout little car. Seeing as it needed a bit of attention I decided to grab some cash, visit some scrappies and raid some scrap Micras for some spares/add-ons for it.
Things I've done so far:
- Fitted upper door hinges to stop the doors from drooping.
- Fitted new fan+drive belts.
- Fitted S/H distributor as the original failed.
- Fitted new CV joints.
- Changed the clutch+cable - Sadly after the change the clutch pedal has never felt right, the operation isnt as smooth as it once was.
- Bought and fitted some OEM Nissan Micra Mats. I'm a bit floor-mat mad, every car I have has got its OE fitted floor-mats
- Fitted Sony Xplod CD-Player
- Recently fitted OE Nissan rear parcel shelf with rear speakers from a scrap SR.
- Replaced sun visors from pre-facelift, mirrors on both sides now (GR8 4 Ma_Sterling)
- Replaced any lost wheel trims, I also have a spare or two.
- Replaced generic cigar-lighter with OEM part from a scrap Micra.
- Fitted rear ashtray, which is slightly darker than the original trim. Oh well.
- Replaced door cards
- Serviced it
- Replaced rear interior trim.
Pics of changes:
Rear speaker'd shelf fittage:

Rear trim cards:

A-Pillar tweeters

Door hinges:

Things I need to do:
- Fit a new steering wheel
- Change pedal rubbers for 'Nissan' emblazoned ones as found on later facelifts.
- Try and locate/fit a drivers side tweeter wire, for unknown reasons its missing.
- Get another set of door hinges fitted.
- Give it a T-cut 'n' polish.
- Fit one of those tailgate/fuel release levers in.
- Get the bootlight bloody fitted and working for once - This is getting on my nerves.
Things I'd like to do but aint got the money/talent/arsed:
- Fit POWA steering
- Fit electric windows
- Fit remote central locking
- Fit Air-Con - Yeh, I've been stuck in a long traffic jam on the M6 in the middle of a hot summer and it aint nice man.
Things I'm NOT going to do:
- Fit Alloys - I like placca trims, they are easier and cheaper to maintain or change.
- Lower it - As I've said, I'm not into this modifying lark and it can just about get over speedbumps on its normal suspension so I'm perfectly happy with its current ride height. If I want to feel like my arse is a few inches off the road, I'll get a Go-Cart or buy an MR2.
- Fit ANY bodykits - Already had one of these on a Rover, it caused me nothing but grief as I live in a city.
- Paint it in any other colour other than its original colour
- Sticker-bomb it - Why?
- Fit a BANGIN' MUZiK SYSTEMz - I've already got a Sony Xplod and 4 perfectly good speakers, what else do you want?
- Upgrade/fit another engine - Unless this one blows up.
I did consider changing the interior from a higher spec pre-facelift as they look nicer and more comfortable, but at the moment I'm happy with what I've got.
So there you have it, a very standard Micra, to be kept in a clean, stock, 'only driven down to the shop once a year' type condition (I hope)
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