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k11 micra ally progress thread

what colour wheels

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yeah put them in cold oven, set it on 200 degrees, and let it slowly heat. electric ovens are best, although i havnt tried i think gas ovens would heat far too fast. after a few minutes try remove the glass from plastic holder, keep doing this untill it comes off. then take the silver part from inside the headlight and just do the face bits of it. not the dish, mask that up. youl no what i mean. then i put it back together and stuck it in oven for the glue to turn sticky again, bring it back out, squeeze it together as hard as you can and let it set. simple. (note, make sure it lies on the glass in the oven, any plastic will bend or melt if its against any of the surfaces, happened to me first time)
yeah put them in cold oven, set it on 200 degrees, and let it slowly heat. electric ovens are best, although i havnt tried i think gas ovens would heat far too fast. after a few minutes try remove the glass from plastic holder, keep doing this untill it comes off. then take the silver part from inside the headlight and just do the face bits of it. not the dish, mask that up. youl no what i mean. then i put it back together and stuck it in oven for the glue to turn sticky again, bring it back out, squeeze it together as hard as you can and let it set. simple. (note, make sure it lies on the glass in the oven, any plastic will bend or melt if its against any of the surfaces, happened to me first time)

Cheers mate, all done.


Its a bit tatty but you cant tell because of the glass :p
ah looks sweet mate, glad i could help.

as some of yous no my wheels got stolen off my car a while back. heard nothing about them since......untill now. there on a old vauxhall, on my estate, the street behind mine. cheeky #######s. plan to have them back within the next few days
ah looks sweet mate, glad i could help.

as some of yous no my wheels got stolen off my car a while back. heard nothing about them since......untill now. there on a old vauxhall, on my estate, the street behind mine. cheeky #######s. plan to have them back within the next few days

Good news. Some people can be so stupid. Did they honestly think someone wouldn't notice?
How are you getting them back? midnight stealback? :p
:laugh: that's awesome how can someone be so stupid.... Are the police involved cause you don't want it to turn nasty if you steal them back
car wasnt insured, shouldnt of been sat on street therefor i couldnt report it. aye ill give him a taste of his own medcine. only problem is its the roughest street in my area. already have 7 people willing to help though
Bash him in the face with the wheels....
(This is a comedic gesture, I DO NOT condone any type of physical violence (even if the rat bag does deserve it) and shouldn't be followed through,
It could lead to a prison sentence or worse, you could get bashed with a wheel instead.)

Steal em back, and take his hubs too!, thats bull if he stole them, peoples hard earned money spent on things they like to be stolen, isn't condonable,

Keep us posted haha.


(By the way i'm joking about the majority of this, i do want you to get your wheels back though!)

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