Havnt had much going on with the car, what with my baby girl arriving
So progress is ginna slow a bit for now

Good job I got most of major work done.
it's only running on 2 cylinders now, 2 injectors stopped working, think it's problem in the loom, as when you move them around, they work again.
Still waiting on some new ecu plugs, the originals are a bit....well...broke, my fault, being so heavy handed with small plastic bits.
They are coming from Germany so taking it's time.
Found a cheap simple throttle body from a mondeo, so when that arrives too , il maje adaptor plate to fit it pre charger...see if that stops the squealing. .....ginna be 'interesting' rigging up 2 throttle cables.
Still havnt found anywhere local to map it, was a chap in Northampton I was doing a job for, but didn't really like him so not gunna give him my money
I'm in luton if anyone knows off anyone, there a place round the corner that mappes bmw's, but he doesn't wanna do my car lol.
So I'm just sticking to poodling about with it.