Well that didn't work, I'm gunna need to redesign the whole supercharger/clutch bracket, just to much flex in it

Need to rearrange pulleys bla bla bla ......bored now!!
So I've removed it like I said I would after this attempt, changed it back to just turbo and gunna map it like that and hopefully get some use out if it
Il design and build the supercharger stuff over winter when I've got less to do, it's just taken up sooo much time. Booooooo
Another problem I've been having is a lot of unwanted attention on the car, think it's down to all the shiny stuff out on the front
My neighbour caught a load of people goin over the car the other week! Had the break in the over month, and the police don't like it to much either!
So removed this lot.....
......got one of these for £15 to go in it's place, starlet top mount intercooler, so there a hell of a lot less pipes!
And out one off these back on front end, bit more sleeper style