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PollyMobiles Rebuild

Removed the used shaft


Trying to insert the inner CV joint into the gearbox was a PITA, unable to push it in.
Turns out they use this short kinked clip which pokes outside the spline too much and jamming the insertion.
Swapped it with the regular round C-clip instead


Installed & working nicely, there's almost no sloppy movement in the shaft :cool:(y)

The next thing to fix for the Porsche Spyder were some bushings for the gear selector shaft


there was surprisingly only 1 bushing per tube (one near the gear stick and the other underneath the engine) and they were seriously worn out



there's 2mm gap from the 18mm selector shaft! :unsure:


ordered some nylon


cut to length


machined the outer groove & 18mm hole


2 new bushings fitted




now the shaft is supported with minimal play :cool:

While cleaning the house, I gave these old BBS wheels a little jet wash, really need to sell these off to make room :sneaky::sneaky:



I measured the spare driveshafts and damn it Nissan, why did they have to use soo many different splines? 🤨

Inner CV = 24T, 23.30 - 25.60mm
Driveshafts = 22T, 22.50 - 24.30mm
Outer CV = 23T, 22.10 - 23.80mm

I was hoping to use the broken left driveshaft to slot into the LSD for checking the LSD preload but the splines don't match. I'd have to sacrifice two inner CV joints instead 🙄


Recently on ebay I ordered some 40-56mm driveshaft oil seals to fix the leaking gearbox but received some smaller 25-40mm seals instead 😒

Tday after contacting the seller they said keep the incorrect item & I received the correct 40-56mm seals, but curiously I wondered if the smaller seals fit the input shaft? 🤔


ooh they do! 😃
so basically I purchased 2 driveshaft oil seals & got a pair of input shaft seals for free too 👍


Stripping apart the spare power steering rack, which I converted into a manual rack yrs ago, to reattach a missing part


This rotary valve sleeve needed to be attached to keep the pinion in place (when it was previously missing, the pinion would jump off the bearing during right turns)


Covering the bearing surfaces


Welded the sleeve onto the shaft


Assembled & ready to try out someday

The next thing to fix for the Porsche Spyder were some bushings for the gear selector shaft

View attachment 88785

there was surprisingly only 1 bushing per tube (one near the gear stick and the other underneath the engine) and they were seriously worn out

View attachment 88784

View attachment 88793

there's 2mm gap from the 18mm selector shaft! :unsure:

View attachment 88794

ordered some nylon

View attachment 88786

cut to length

View attachment 88787

machined the outer groove & 18mm hole

View attachment 88788

2 new bushings fitted

View attachment 88789

View attachment 88790

View attachment 88791

now the shaft is supported with minimal play :cool:

View attachment 88792
Great work Paul. If you do bushes like that in future consider using 'Nylatron' instead of 'Nylon', it has far better wear properties..... https://www.mcam.com/en/products/shapes/engineering/nylatron-ertalon
checking the car over before the Unity Car Show, I noticed the throttle cable was slightly loose & didn't open WOT fully therefore during the recent datalog footage the TPS wasn't reaching 4.2kOhms, which might have affected the recent dyno results at santapod :unsure:


the drivers door kept getting water stains and I figured the garden hose was leaking & dripping onto it 😒


polished the stains away



added some extra stickers to balance out the boot decorations lol 👀🫣😅


the adjustable gear stick mount kept shaking loose so I redesign it


rather than making a split adjustable ball-joint case, I match the original design but tailor the size of the insert to match the ball size


mounted the new casing over the ball-joint insert for a snug solid fitment

2024-08-25 Unity Car Show

6am left to meet up with the convoy in Thirsk





arrived at a sunny NY500 cafe.
compared to previous years, this one was rescheduled from a wet March & with other shows happening elsewhere it was really quiet, not as many ppl turned up





removed the strut brace containing the PAS hoses


bit more room without all that plumbing


removed the tie-rods


disconnect the column joint


removing the bulky PAS rack required lots of wriggling


power steering rack vs manually converted rack


fitted the manual rack but frustratingly whilst turning the wheels on the ground, the pinion once again kept clunking up/down by 5mm & popping this plastic dist cap off.
I'm sure I welded the rotary valve in the right spot :unsure:


but looking back, what I previous thought was just a dust cap turned out to be a load bearing threaded cap which keeps the ball bearing secured to the rack to resist the pinion shaft thrust forces


so I machined a new cap



screwed on and now it doesn't clunk anymore and feels solid & secure :cool:


aligning the steering joint to the pinion splines so the steering wheel has equal amount of turns lock-lock


tied the throttle cable & loose loom out the way, ready to test drive



during startup, the throttle cable was slightly sticky so I rerouted it better

steering was obviously very heavy under 5mph, especially when turning lock-lock out the garage, leaving T-junctions & going slowly at roundabouts where the LSD engages, requiring slight change in driving habit.

5-30mph the steering weight felt normal.

at high speed the weight feels light, very responsive feedback during turn-in (great on track) but during mid-corner the wheel starts to feel slightly heavy under the cornering forces, especially when accelerating & the LSD locks up.

she also feels rather nippy.
dunno if it's the conditions, placebo effect, reduced weight or less hydraulic drag from the deleted power steering pump providing more HP to the wheels :unsure:
I'll be curious to see if this also improves mpg too.
removed the strut brace containing the PAS hoses

View attachment 88846

bit more room without all that plumbing

View attachment 88847

removed the tie-rods

View attachment 88848

disconnect the column joint

View attachment 88849

removing the bulky PAS rack required lots of wriggling

View attachment 88850

power steering rack vs manually converted rack

View attachment 88851

fitted the manual rack but frustratingly whilst turning the wheels on the ground, the pinion once again kept clunking up/down by 5mm & popping this plastic dist cap off.
I'm sure I welded the rotary valve in the right spot :unsure:

View attachment 88852

but looking back, what I previous thought was just a dust cap turned out to be a load bearing threaded cap which keeps the ball bearing secured to the rack to resist the pinion shaft thrust forces

View attachment 88845

so I machined a new cap

View attachment 88853

View attachment 88854

screwed on and now it doesn't clunk anymore and feels solid & secure :cool:

View attachment 88857

aligning the steering joint to the pinion splines so the steering wheel has equal amount of turns lock-lock

View attachment 88858

tied the throttle cable & loose loom out the way, ready to test drive

View attachment 88855

View attachment 88856

during startup, the throttle cable was slightly sticky so I rerouted it better

steering was obviously very heavy under 5mph, especially when turning lock-lock out the garage, leaving T-junctions & going slowly at roundabouts where the LSD engages, requiring slight change in driving habit.

5-30mph the steering weight felt normal.

at high speed the weight feels light, very responsive feedback during turn-in (great on track) but during mid-corner the wheel starts to feel slightly heavy under the cornering forces, especially when accelerating & the LSD locks up.

she also feels rather nippy.
dunno if it's the conditions, placebo effect, reduced weight or less hydraulic drag from the deleted power steering pump providing more HP to the wheels :unsure:
I'll be curious to see if this also improves mpg too.

I always apply the “KISS Factor” & sought out & bought keep fit manual steering K11s, as its more reliable with less unnecessary complexity to go wrong in an old banger. :D
I didn't like how far back the steering rack sat which makes the inner tie-rod lean forward alot and this limits the angle of the rod to the inside hub during full steering lock before it binds


Redesigned the mount inserts to seat the rack at the original distance from the bulkhead


The drivers mount, which supports all the lateral forces of the rack, was too loose so I modified it with a tighter fit on the bracket & a gap to squeeze the rack tightly


Test fit on the rack





Here you see the tie-rod angle during full-lock, shifted more forward so it doesn't bind as much

IMG_20240902_133929 copy.jpg

The next issue is the outer tie-rod end.
When sitting level, the rose-joint only has just enough clearance to reach the full 2.8 turns lock-lock steering


But when the inside wheel is at full droop (ie intense steering at a slalom course), the joint runs out of movement & binds up, potentially damaging it or limiting the steering to 2 turns lock-lock


Hub can't reach full lock-lock


So I'll need to machine the rose-joint spacers to give more clearance.

Neatened up the throttle cable & wiring layout

2024-09-04 Replace Broken Radiator Fan

Yesterday I spotted the radiator fan support was broken 🤔
No idea how it happened, maybe something on the engine hit it, probably from the hard two launches recently at Santapod?


So I visited Jack for a spare fan and saw the later facelift fans appear more efficient & stronger.
The preface has 5 thin yellow blades while the newer fan has 6 curved blades with integrated shroud to improve efficiency (helps pull air through a denser radiator core at higher pressure?)


facelift fan has a stiffer frame, bigger motor, heavier fan blade


Footage of both fans running.

Old fan is lighter & spins up / spools down very quickly, spins at a slower quieter rpm & creates lots of turbulance.

The newer heavier fan has slightly more inertia so it spins up gradually and spools down very gently, it spins at a higher pitch & louder rpm to create that extra pressure with abit less turbulance at the sides

The old air filter shield kept slipping off the ducting and the chassis lip was denting the top


edited & printed a new one after 12hrs 🕒





replace old with new


curved top now clears the chassis and the added lip around the ducting helps keep the heat shield locked on



2mths after fitting the LSD, the gear oil definately needs changing 😅



may as well take out the gearbox to adjust the lsd & replace input bearing
2024-09-07 Remove Gearbox & Rebuild LSD

While disconnecting the gearbox I noticed, ohh some of the gearbox bolts were loose :unsure: might explain the oil leak & brief cold start rough bearing noise 🫣


Removed shafts


Removed the box



Check the clutch soon. gotta clean the gear oil spray off the bulkhead too 🫢


Opening up the gearbox, most of the case bolts were loose so gotta tighten em up more next time :p


new LSD cover holding up gr8 & shiny



Measuring all the plates, they've barely worn at all but wasn't happy with the 0nm preload so gonna rearrange with more preload


The preload washer hasn't shattered this time but it's been squeezed down from 3.75mm brand-new down to 3.68mm total height, resulting in some lost preload


Rearranged it using thicker clutch plates to compress the belville washer with 44% preload 💪


Threadlocked all the bolts to 14Nm


To measure the LSD preload, I cut & welded a 1/2" socket onto the broken driveshaft to make an adapter tool



It slots into the spare inner CV joints so I don't have to cut & destroy them for a tool


Now I can clamp one inner joint on the vice,
insert the LSD,
insert the other inner joint on top,
& then attach my torque wrench with the adapter shaft to measure the preload in both directions 😎


Giving the LSD 44% of preload may have been overkill cos considering this 1-sided diff is very direction biased,
when I spin it clockwise (simulating turning left) we have a preload torque of 25nm,
but once I spin it counter-clockwise (turning right) the LSD ramp wedges & locks up solid immediately well beyond my 200nm torque wrench limit lol.

Safe to say the wheel will be skipping along the floor with hard steering every time I leave the back alley garage with tight right turns 😨🫣:poop:
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2024-09-08 Tighten Gear Selector Mechanism

Next issue to fix is the gear selector mechanism which has a noticable amount of side-side play when in-gear, which contributes to some sloppy feeling engagement & rattling gear-stick


You can see in the footage the 1mm of play in the whole thing as I wriggle the selector

To remove the selector, I punch out the 3mm & 5mm roll-pins


Selector shaft removed



Checking the selector finger closely, the finger is 5.65mm wide but the biggest cause is the swinging selector mechanism which has a massive gap of upto 6.50mm due to how loose they're riveted together


The selector finger & the sliding follower has a gap of 0.46mm and that limits how much I can widen the finger


So I add a dab of weld


Carefully file it down to the new 6.20mm thickness


Now you see how close it slides 😎


Selecting 1st/2nd you can see the gap is much tighter


But in the other gears, it's actually the loosely riveted swinging mechanism above which is letting it down.
overall it feels much more precise than before.

While here, I'll replace the input shaft bearing too



Replace the input seal & driveshaft seals


Gearbox reassembled, tightened the casing to 17nm



Gearbox fitted & filled with 3L fresh oil


Went out to test the new setup

Initially leaving the garage, the steering is still heavy & LSD stutter slightly cos it needs a warm up to circulate the fresh fluids throughout the clutch plates.
But the moment I went down my street the biggest difference I notice now with 44% preload is that the LSD engagement is really progressive & quiet with almost no chatter 😃

Previously it used to have very low preload, which made it jump immediately straight up the 80% ramp, locking the plates very hard and the unsecured plates just chattered/shaked loudly.

It's abit counter-intuative but it seems the tighter preload of the belville washer keeps all the clutch plates secure under constant pressure and stops them from vibrating around loosely, which also stops the loud chatter.
The high preload also keeps the side-gear cross-pins seated deeper within the LSD 80%/30% ramps, this means it has a more progressive, smooth & consistant ramp operation without the sudden 'snap' when I lift throttle mid-corner. :cool:

Finally the modified gear selector mechanism has helped stop the gear stick from shaking around while cruising (y)
2024-09-14 Replace Peugeot 307 Brakes

The old brakes on the Peugeot was really rusty, scored, worn out, weak & needed replacing badly





These silly tiny torx screws on peugeots are soo annoying at rounding :rolleyes:


So welded nuts onto the ends 😅


Fresh, smooth & working brakes on all 4 wheels (y):cool:


2024-09-13 Replace Throttle Cable

The old throttle cable was slightly sticky & needed replacing


Machined the crimped outer cable off the threaded cable adjuster so I can re-use it


Assembled with new bicycle brake cable


This dremel chuck is bolted onto the throttle pedal for holding the inner cable


feed the new cable through the hole, trim to length


Insert a bolt within the dremel chuck to clamp onto the inner cable


Routed the outer cable at a smoother path :cool:


The new throttle cable is definately a lot more slippery, making the engine feel more sensitive, lively & responsive to the slightest touch (y) 😎

After few miles of running the rebuilt LSD I tested the preloads by lifting the right wheel and spinning it forwards/backwards to simulate turning left/right.

When gear oil is cold & thick:
- Turning left, preload is still at 25Nm,
- Turning right, it immediately locks up beyond 200Nm.
Same values as when I tested it on the bench cold.

Once gear oil is warmed up & thinner:
Dynamic vs static friction on the plates come into play at influencing how much the ramps lock up:

- Turning left above 5mph, the plates are sliding under a low dynamic friction only forced by the belville preload washer & no ramp engagement, giving a smooth 25Nm,
- Turning left very slowly below 5mph, oil is squeezed out of the plates, which begins to grab & stutter very lightly with a higher static friction, giving a jittery 30Nm,

- Turning left to right immediately above 5mph in neutral, the plates are still sliding under a lower dynamic friction, oil still lubricating inbetween each plate under the force of the belville preload washer, which also helps to keep the side-gear cross-pin firmly seated deep on the LSD drive ramp, therefore providing minimal ramp engagement and giving a smooth approx 30Nm,
- Turning right slowly below 5mph (ie T-junctions, 3-point turns, leaving my garage), the plates begin to stop sliding, oil is squeezed out of the plate surfaces, making them grip/lock together with higher static friction, which causes the cross-pin to wedge up the LSD ramp, applying more clamping force, locking the plates with even more static friction etc making it all lock-up & stutter loudly beyond 200Nm.
2024-09-16 Tie-Rod End Spacer Correction

During full suspension droop the custom tie-rod ends tend to jam-up prematurely, due to the old spacers made too bluntly, which can limit the steering down to only 2-turns lock-lock & potentially damage itself if eg the inside wheel drops down a hole during a hard tight turn.

So I remachined a new spacer with more clearance & angle to give the joint more space to swivel freely without fouling.

IMG_20240902_134053 copy.jpg

Can see the old joint was fouling with a limited 30deg of swivel whereas the slimmer spacer gives it 40deg of range.

IMG_20240916_155255 copy.jpg

Old spacers were too blunt


Machined new spacers from M12 nuts with a thinner deeper middle section and a 45deg relief


Previously only reached 2-turns of steering whereas now it can reach a full 2.75-turns lock-lock no problem (y)

IMG_20240902_134104 copy.jpg

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2024-09-22 Non-PAS Tensioner

To delete the PAS pump for my manual-rack setup (non-PAS tensioners are rare or ££), I made this new belt tensioner


Mounts behind the engine


Using parts off the old PAS belt tensioner as the adjuster


Pulley moves in/out like this



Just ordered a shorter 4pk611 belt
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Thumbs up for all the info you have on the k11!

I would like to pick ur brain about something.. i have a bc racing br ra coilover set, saw you have the same one but with 5kg front 4kg back, how does this hold up against the v1 6kg front 3kg back?

I have a s20de+t swapped stripped k11 also with the br ra set currently on 7kg front spring and 5kg back springs with shorter back dampers this because i wanted to go low low, now that i am over that thinking of putting the original dampers back on , i would like some better handeling, in stead of doing just dragraces, what would you reckon with the heavier front and empty back for kind of springs to go to? i was thinking of getting the back to stock 3kg springs, but the front i am still thinkering about.. hope you could give me some insight on that since you do/did track days.

Sorry if something like this is allready asked but so many pages haha.
Thumbs up for all the info you have on the k11!

I would like to pick ur brain about something.. i have a bc racing br ra coilover set, saw you have the same one but with 5kg front 4kg back, how does this hold up against the v1 6kg front 3kg back?

I have a s20de+t swapped stripped k11 also with the br ra set currently on 7kg front spring and 5kg back springs with shorter back dampers this because i wanted to go low low, now that i am over that thinking of putting the original dampers back on , i would like some better handeling, in stead of doing just dragraces, what would you reckon with the heavier front and empty back for kind of springs to go to? i was thinking of getting the back to stock 3kg springs, but the front i am still thinkering about.. hope you could give me some insight on that since you do/did track days.

Sorry if something like this is allready asked but so many pages haha.
thanks m8 (y)

The dampening of the BR is soo much better than the V1.
BR with 5/4kg springs gives a firmer ride & less roll/pitch & progressive handling.
the old V1 with 4/3kg springs was comfy & very progressive cornering feel, good grip but leaned/tri-pods too much.
V1 with 6/3kg springs power-understeered on exit too much & lost time. so with stiffer spring rate it gets more sensitive, lose traction & time.
I'd only stiffen the spring rate if the suspension is bottoming out/rubbing on bump stop too often, especially if lowered too much with less bump travel or have a heavy sr20 lump.

A key note with lowered cars & heavier engine on track, the standard suspension geometry would be well-out. the front roll-center too low, high CG of the sr20 lump, making it roll & bump-steer badly in corner.

Before going stiffer springs & swaybar, which is abit of a band-aid although compromising on traction, my recommended next step is to correct the roll-center & bump-steer (extended lower BJ & arms, tie-rod bump-steer mod) to reduce the overall body-roll force & improve steering turn-in too.

Rear end is soo light already, 3kg spring is fine.

Proper X-brace at the back (bolted onto seat belt mounts) & front lower brace really helps reduce chassis flex to sharpen steering response.
2024-10-02 Correct Water Pump Belt

4PK611 belt was too long,
4PK595 was abit too short



Ordered a 4PK600, which fits perfectly



Removed the remaining PAS pump & tensioner


The 4PK600 fits snug and no need for tensioner either since the water pump doesn't require much torque to run, so now there's less parts to go wrong/wear out and maybe reduced drag too


The old dashboard cusion might be loose & buzzing


so taped it up for now

Recently went for a cruise to the lake district at she did bout 47mpg, a very slight improvement after removing the PAS pump

It's been 2500 miles & 5mth since her last service, time to change the oil


Sparks are ok & at 1.25mm, tightened it back to 1.1mm
