believe I've found the main cause.
checked the the rear damper top mount under the arch n thinking, that zip-tie head is abit close to the chassis lip. need to shift it over abit
so removed the damper nut, upper rubber mount and ahh just realised an error I missed out.
the small lip on the rubber mounts abit chewed and the shaft is resting offset and slightly rubbing against the edge of the hole
the right side looks better n centered so had no knocking noise
the damper shaft is narrower than the chassis hole and the upper rubber mounts (yellow) feature this tiny lip thats suppose to slot into this narrow gap to keep the shaft centred & away from the edge of the hole.
all these yrs I've just been inserting the upper mount without noting this feature and has resulting in damaging this lip and allowing the shaft to sit too close to the lip.
so this time I fully seat the lip of the mount into the gap and the lower mount underneath sits more central. the lower mounts rubber is fine. rotated the ziptie 180deg to clear the chassis too.
drove out the garage and it still clunked as I left. ffs

as I stopped at the alley gate, I can hear it quiently clunk repeatedly as the car was rocking back forth on the cambered road.
engine off. even does it as I rock it by hand. wth is causing it?
listening at each corner its definately the rear left.
tried actually removing the damper top nut but it still clunks.
hear the fuel sloshing as I rock it, loose fuel assembly in the tank? Nah cos if I quickly rock one way, clunk and then hold the car still, its still sloshing about but the clunk stops.
next I noticed that if I apply weight to the rear and lower the suspension by sitting on the boot then rock the car, it stops clunking. hmm loose brake bias arm?
as I checked the arm and rock the car I found the cause of the clunk was actually a loose upper trailing arm bolt
removed the nut, bolt is seized onto the bush sleeve as usual so one side of the bush won't be tight then.
wirebrushed the threads
greased and torqued the nut
one of the rear brake lines rubbing one another so nudged it apart
test drive and now mostly silent

only clunks a very tiny 1% of the time when slowly turning over uneven road (cos the bolt is rusted to the bush, the inner side of the bolt won't be able to shift and clamp the bush up against the chassis so it sits loose against the edge of the hole. the outer side of the bush clamps fine now with the greased nut) but I think thats most of the annoying knocks fixed