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My "moddedmicra" K11 Super S Blog!

Fitted interior black primera door handles today:


And changed almost all the rocker bolts to stainless hex cap bolts, but my hanksaw blade snapped as i had to trim them down:
i did a post on Cisco's micra site all about the things that will fit from other nissans, this was one of them, also the sunny head rests they look cool :D
Have all my new cam cover bolts on now, had to take the cover off and helicoil one of the threads as it was shagged grr not too difficult, and had everything i needed luckily!

Fitted a fuse holder into my 4awg cable:

Car all clean and shiney for the meet tomorrow:







And some new mats fitted:


Spendt about an hour tcutting the little scratches and imperfections off my wheels lol.
Replaced the brake shoes and painted the drums today:
Negative camber. lol :p

Got my mate on the wire brush :D :






You've done a great job there MM, I've always wanted to do my brakes but wouldn't dare as i think I would screw it up, (I also own a Haynes Manual lol.).


This Picture Here, where the red cable goes, is this where the aircon pipes go?
Hahaha like the negative camber! :laugh:

I know lol, i couldnt resist a pic :p

You've done a great job there MM, I've always wanted to do my brakes but wouldn't dare as i think I would screw it up, (I also own a Haynes Manual lol.)

This Picture Here, where the red cable goes, is this where the aircon pipes go?

Yer as far as i know its just a grommet?
Wow this must be the longest time since I've updated :p

Anyway was fitting my wiper blades with washers built in today and found that my drivers wiper had loads of play in it, took it apart and I think I need a new mechanism :doh: so at the moment I only have 1 wiper lol





The wasshers are awesome and it means i can smooth my bonnet when I respray the car.
Alright Mate, I was wondering if you could help me out in doing up my micra.
Its only a 1.0 and ive already got a pipercross induction kit on and a sprotex back box on so it sounds alot faster than its actually going which isnt so good.
Saved up a bit and now ive got a budget of £750...want to split that between looks and performance and you definatly seem like the man to ask about the Mad Mics.
Depends if you have a prefacelift or facelift but with prefacelift I would:
Open mouth grille
Open mouth bumper or super s bumpers
Manifold and full exhaust system.

You should start a blog, you will get plenty of replys on there mate.
Alright Mate, I would start up a blog but god knows how to do it. I took your advice and have just bought a Janspeed Manifold and Janspeed Full Exhaust System, hopefully add on more BHP to take all the smiles off the corsa boys up here. I want to lower the red Rocket about 50mm but ive only found one company that do the springs but cant order online, bit of a nightmare....anyways i'll try start up a blog and get back to you mate, youve been a quality help;)
No probs mate. Yer Matt Humphris is the only place that will supply them, thats where i got mine. Phone him up though, he's a legend!
nice pics mate, do you wanna do a photo shoot now the sun is out and the cabriolet is gaffaless?
Cheers! yer could do NeX, needs a bloody good clean and an MOT soon, so lots to do :doh:
Very busy with work and an interview tomorrow.
Cheers! yer could do NeX, needs a bloody good clean and an MOT soon, so lots to do :doh:
Very busy with work and an interview tomorrow.

lol yea the rain has made all my cars soo mucky now except the cab of course ;) i am not looking forward to putting an MOT on the cab, i think it needs a wheel bearing as well as a new number plate, and the numberplate light sorting.... costly buggger

good luck with the interview tomorrow mate, i want your old job lol >>
Well, just got back from ISTS, while I was there I removed the rev limiter, fitted silver indicator bulbs:

and a couple of new stickers:

Yer me and jowley did it. by covering the 5th hole on the optical disc in the ditributor (little one) although it seems to have confused my ECU Talk (thinks i'm getting mega MPG when i'm not!)
So today me and nex welded the centre cat onto the downpipe with his welder, cheer mate (Y) as the bolts had sheered on it and my mot runs out in a week :( Not looking forward to that :s
Good luck with the MOT. Going with the secondary cat and then your normal performance manifold? It should pass if the cat is hot enough. Mine has for the past 2 years :)

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