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Kristian's WideArch SR20DE(T) K11 BLOG


One Way Mule
Basically as some of you may know....

I purchased raceworx's old 2.0 micra off him...(without engine)

So my plans are as follows:

1)Fit eGT SR20DE redtop next weekend and work on getting it up and running....

2)Decide what to do with my yellow wide arch K11...


Ive decided I DO want to keep the deep dish wheels as with 235'' tires fitted to the 9'' rim ill be able to crucially get ,the 200bhp im aiming for, down......

...and if im keeping the wheels. I need to keep the arches.. ( boo hoo... :p )..

Ive been organising getting my bonnet and complete tailgate moulded in fibreglass... this will further reduce weight, and improve overall handling and performance.... (Im aiming for sub 650kg)


Im stripping my yellow K11......Now its not somthing I want to do right now but due to circumstances beyond my control, I cant have two project micras.

So im after some advice and opinions on what to do with the NEW 2.0 turbo wide arch K11!!!!!!!...

Basically im making the car a prefaclift as I prefer it. Im also keeping the smoothed doors and tailgate..





so.....Id like opinions:

1) On a new color ( matt?, mettallic?, flip?, grafix? two tone?)
2) Top mounted or front mounted intercooler?
3) Bigger wheels?
4) Where the exhaust should exit? ( twin exit through boot? or side exit?? )
5) Wheather to alter the kit ( different bumpers? vents? )
6) Wheather to change rear lights?
7) Tints?
8) whether to keep nipples in rear bumper?


much appriciated as im racking my head ... and just cant decide
paint it black or dark blue satin.

Front intercooler would be more effective

keep the same wheels you got :)

twin tail pipe

change the front and rear bumpers for the stock wide arch ones and then sell the old ones to me ;)

Tint the rear lights black

All round window tints at the same level of tint

indent the numberplate into the rear bumper :)

keep us posted ;)
1) On a new color : Matt black
2) Top mounted or front mounted intercooler: Front mounted
3) Bigger wheels: Definately
4) Where the exhaust should exit?: Front bumper, if not, side exit
5) Wheather to alter the kit: Possibly make the kit more "tough" looking, bigger arches instead of just a "factory look" extra buldge. Clio williams style bonnet vent. Front bumper do what nex did and make it fully open or Nippon bumper.
6) Wheather to change rear lights?: Just tint them
7) Tints: Yes, not to dark though.
8) whether to keep nipples in rear bumper: Get rid of them.

Also get rid of the aerial.
1) On a new color ( matt?, mettallic?, flip?, grafix? two tone?)
i like the yellow you got now so keep that :)

2) Top mounted or front mounted intercooler?
fit the engine measure up space, a top mount may make for for better pipping routes and a less restrictive system. less bends due to limited space. if theres plenty room fmic.

3) Bigger wheels?
err nope keep the ones you got.

4) Where the exhaust should exit? ( twin exit through boot? or side exit?? )
same as normal micra single pipe, looks best imo.

5) Wheather to alter the kit ( different bumpers? vents? )
up to you, i think its fine, obvious a bonnet vent if you have a top mount ic.

6) Wheather to change rear lights?
get some jap ones from the later models.

7) Tints?
i don't like them but up to you.

8) whether to keep nipples in rear bumper?
indent/recess the plate into the bumper.

1) Blue
2) Front mounted
3) keep the wheels as is
4) Twin rear but not through boot, too chavy
5) Level the bumpers, they rise in the middle of each
6) Do something with the rear lights
7) Get tints
8) Keep boot nipples

9) Proper track widening instead of spacers
10) Smooth Roof
11) Smoother spoiler bit moore, too obvious it was a smooth in job
12) Flamer kit
silver_si said:
are you turboing this then? i would've thought 200 bhp would be achieveable without a turbo!

yes, a low boost turbo running about 5/6psi..then much later with a major overhaul when new rear axel goes on with forged internals and upping boost

GOLDSTAR: already have a flamer kit, and the new car doesn't have a sunroof.. so if i flushed the roof rails might look a bit TOO bubbley..
your right about spoiler

SEVERAL PEOPLE: I initialy intended to recess the rear numberplate but due to the rear reinforcment bar, this is not possible...

SCOTTISH SR: Front bumper do what nex did and make it fully open... this is somthing ive thought about... would look the buisness with long intercooler behind open mouth...

cheers for replies
kristian said:
SCOTTISH SR: Front bumper do what nex did and make it fully open... this is somthing ive thought about... would look the buisness with long intercooler behind open mouth...

cheers for replies

but thats what i'm doing :down:

are you sure you cant recess the numberplate? i have seen it done on a k11 before...
NeX said:
but thats what i'm doing :down:

are you sure you cant recess the numberplate? i have seen it done on a k11 before...

If you want to cut away at the rear reinforcment support then you could... or mount the rear bumper in a completly different way.. but on a daily driver I would say a definate NO NO.. as if somebody rear ends you even slightly.. then it will crease up your floorpan!!!...

Ive been considering mounting the bumper seperatly and recessing somthing in for a more factory look.... would look heaps better...... but my car isn't a daily driver anymore...
cant you recess the bumper reinforcement to give you the distance to recess the rear bumper ? as behind the rear bar youve got a fair bit of space to play with before it hits body work...

edit : beat me to it...lol
kristian said:
So im after some advice and opinions on what to do with the NEW 2.0 turbo wide arch K11!!!!!!!...

Just do that lol.... it will be a monster whatever you do with it after that!!! In all honesty though, I would do something with the back bumper, in my opinion something never looked quite right with it, maybe it was the recess but it never seemed to look deep enough to suit the wide arches somehow. Colour wise I think a matt may be pretty kool, or even just a gloss black. Side exit exhausts would be awesome!!! B) The front looks mint as it is though, all in my opinion of course. Good luck!!! :)
Ben said:
whoever said an exhaust coming out the front bumper needs shot

they probably ment out the side of the front bumper just infront of the wheels. which i think could look quite good but there is a lack of space for the back box.
NeX said:
they probably ment out the side of the front bumper just infront of the wheels. which i think could look quite good but there is a lack of space for the back box.

It was me who said it and Nex is right. I mean out the side of the front bumper, infront of the wheel.

People who drive Fords, their just wrong :p
1) color - leave red
2) Top mounted intercooler
3) same wheels - buy coilovers
4) leave exhaust standard place
5) fit but dont alter the kit
6) dont change rear lights
7) no tints - stripped interior with buckets/harnesses
8) keep standard boot design with a prefacelift botthandle/light
Ive been looking into solutions to my rear window problem on a full fibreglass boot....

You will all do a flip when you see whats going to happen now...

....you will see.. :p
Ive been looking at a Primera eGT tonite.. hotshot headers!. blitz intake and Ht leads...

Going collecting it tomorrow night..

Pics to follow...x
kristian said:
Ive been looking at a Primera eGT tonite.. hotshot headers!. blitz intake and Ht leads...

Going collecting it tomorrow night..

Pics to follow...x

good luck mate sounds like a nice find ;)

i'll just check your pics :)

WOW those are some top pics!!!!

what state will the shell be in? i'm sure there could be some use for it ;)
Just an update people!..

Started stripping her today... Got a lot done in just 4 hours...







Today the full kit has been removed, two wheels, Radiator, Full Sound-system, Whole front assembly, a large portion of the engine connections, Fuel filler Neck extension, Some wiring, Full exhaust system INC manifold...

Over the weekend I intend to remove the doors and tailgate, The engine, ALL associated engine parts, GBOX, Driveshafts, Steering Rack as its only 6 months old, Hubs, shocks, Springs, calipers Front and rear With DISCS, rear Axel, Rescue as much brake line as possible, All interior, And some bits and bats...
...Rest Is off To scrappy...

Could this be made a sicky in the near future.. ???? As ive got the rebuild next to share!
squarepants said:
will you be removing the rear side windows aswel? soz if youve aready said about it.

Yes, these are now for sale with the TINT and the MSC stickers.... as they wont fit on the new car...
kris, i wanted to get in touch with you about the tinting service you do...

how much for dark smoke on back three and light smoke for front two...

and also ask if you are selling your lights there in the pics...

please reply to N0355266(at)aol.com

ta meanmicra
mean micra said:
kris, i wanted to get in touch with you about the tinting service you do...

how much for dark smoke on back three and light smoke for front two...

and also ask if you are selling your lights there in the pics...

please reply to N0355266(at)aol.com

ta meanmicra

Which Lights do you mean?
soz mate, rear march lights with the red, clear black effect...

i thought you may be getting rid but then again you may just transfer onto new one...

ps: what parts will be for sale????
More Ripping today..!..

Engine out, Rear axel off and suspension off!.. also all brake stuff, master servo, abs unit etc...




BYE!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!"!"£!£""¬!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'(

even i was sad to see it go! :( I had fun today and learnt a bit about engines and mechanical stuff helping Kristian finish off stripping the micra off.
goldstar0011 said:
Why not?

Nothing like beating a windscreen to bits!

Sad I missed this weekend of fun

lol fair enough :) i would have written rude words across it, but then thats me :p
kristian wanted to take windscreen off and it started cracking at sides so he told me to film it and he will whack it haha!"
aww! wish i could have come to help... i love dismantaling cars...

actually you two would have got fed up with me chattin ####e and put me through the window...lol

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