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Dave's Nissan Micra (from the beginning)

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It makes sense to fit a piggyback ecu first.

Provided you keep to decent fully synthetic oil, you dont need water cooling for the turbo. This just protects against sludge buildup from lower quality oils causing turbo death as a result of blocked oil lines. (not really common any more) Of course you can do this and the turbo may last very slightly longer, but if it say costs anything more than pocket term I wouldn't feel too inclined to do it initally, oh before people say otherwise, I personally saw loads of big power turbo technics conversions and none had bothered with water cooling. "It doesnt add to performance, and if you let the turbo cool down after a run there is no real gains". Oil lines need to be custom made and can be T-ed from the oil pressure switch or an oil filter sandwich plate. Both work, the turbo exit then just drains back into the sump. Sometimes you need an oil restrictor if the flow is too high, as you can blow out the turbo seals - but I have not heard this being needed on the K11.

Any questions feel free to contact me.
antony_aiken said:
so im after a small turbo, probs one not capable of any more than 10psi.. and would run it at no more than 7,

Well you won't get away with running 7 PSI on a daily basis with standard compression, so your gonna have to lower it.

His manifold is made by HKS and is from a cube bolt on kit, but if you phone them and ask for a manifold for a micra they will tell you it doesn't exist and you can't get it basically, DR Z tried, i don't think they can be arsed to help anyone else really. So your gonna have to find one from somewhere else.
thanks guys, i just had a wonderfull thaught, i could have a standard manifold turned upside down, (cutting the flange off and re-welding it on) for £20... then bolt the turbo onto where the cat goes, (obviously i would have to make an adapter plate)

yeah i suppose 7psi is a bit high...well on our fuel it is anyway.

i will ask you lots of questions if thats ok...lol

and i think i will eventualy invest in a piggy back ecu, cos the turbo bits are cheaper and i dont have to fit them yet...so it can wait..

thanks for your support guys.
a little more of an update...pics now i have the car back,

bloodee good idea, only, i cant just conjour up £2k out of thin air....lol i have a £4k loan to pay as it is, and i have just payed off my insurance for my 309gti... and baught a car. and inured it...lol

i would love to have that car, infact im going to look into borrowing the money from the royal bank of Dad...or maybe even my mates dad, who is the richest man in loncolnshire...lol hmmm

or, maybe even another loan,......cant be too difficult to get a 2k loan...

Ian said:
Well you won't get away with running 7 PSI on a daily basis with standard compression, so your gonna have to lower it.
Ian you say that with NO experience at all. I guarantee I could make a CG13 last on 7psi on standard compression, I guarantee many other people have, on other engines its common. Please dont make sweeping statements like this.

thats what i thaught too...i mean look at cisco's site for loads of turbo "standard" engines.....7psi but on lab gas....
there has been reports of cars running around the same boost on a daily basis and popping. What would be done to stop it popping at these boost levels? Is it done in the mapping?

ah they started doing them now? A few month ago they wouldnt supply a manifold on its own, probably had so many people ask they have done so now.
hmm just looked at prices its $360 for delivery in the US, might be around $400 or more for UK delivery, but its less then you would pay for a custom one, seems like a good deal to me, i might actually boost my K11 now...
thats been on there for ages im surprised no one saw it, maybe a group buy or club discount every little bit helps
SFX Performance will not ship to the following countries in most cases because of federal and customs regulations or high rates of fraud. Some countries listed can be shipped to, if purchase are paid with Western Union. No wire transfers, only sent payments.
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they do ship to england though an email will confirm this.
shipping price should cost no more than quoted to usa, as it would be a special order to usa from japan or to uk from japan, which should be the same "world zone" price. but the company may decide to charge more becasue they can.
ok back on topic and the clutch is toasted :(

looking at getting one from oz, i knew it wouldnt be long. let my mate have a go last night and he was riding the cluch SO bad and now it slips like crazy rather than just on gear change/heavy acceleration.
How are you planning on keeping charge temps down? That intercooler is begging for a cool supply of air. I would have been tempted to put it behind the front bumper and just route a few more feet of samco hoses, it would make a big difference to performance.

The other option is a bonnet scoop, although I've never really liked the look of them myself. Very tidy install though, well done.
latest pics of the engine bay now its a bit cleaner...

next on the list of modifications is mikes gearbox from the NME micra, this has a shorter final drive and an AP LSD. along with a 190mm HD clutch from oz. hopefully htey should be in within two weeks


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Looks like one of your horns is damaged...
Looking at that it really does look like that IC will be getting very hot as it has no way to get cold air to it, how soon will you be fitting a chargecooler, it should see some very good gains indeed.
i realy realy realy wanna get my manifold now...its burning me inside knowing that i have a T2 sat in my room with nothing to bolt it to.....grr
Latest update...

i have had a full exhaust system fitted all the way from the turbo back to the tip ("unique exhausts" 07875929764, 01325467381 and mention my car) that has free'd up the exhaust a hell of a lot.

The system is 2 1/4 inch all the way through and the design is much better than last time. i took the oportunity to have an extra silencer box made and the tip changed.

Driving home i could tell the difference straight away however i had to take it easy. then later on last night i gave it a good test and i goes much better i have to admit. roll on cold air for the intercoler.

also i love the new exhaust note tis sexual :)



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you have stock compression dont ya?! how does it hold up?! also how much you think this turbo build was done for?! im assuming the exhaust mustve been the most expensive bit no?? where'd you get your manifold from or was it custom too?!
dlongmu said:
you have stock compression dont ya?! how does it hold up?! also how much you think this turbo build was done for?! im assuming the exhaust mustve been the most expensive bit no?? where'd you get your manifold from or was it custom too?!

Davey will be able to answer this fully. Im guessing it would be stock compression. Mr Grassies turbo was running this, but with a thicker head gasket to help things a bit.

I think the manifold is a standard one cut and re-welded although you can be a bolt on one now from HKS I think it is.

It looks a nice exhaust Davey, sure it will make a difference now the car can breath easier.
the manifold is from the cube turbo package supplied by HKS if u read the thread most of your answers will be answered

dlongmu said:
you have stock compression dont ya?! how does it hold up?! also how much you think this turbo build was done for?! im assuming the exhaust mustve been the most expensive bit no?? where'd you get your manifold from or was it custom too?!

yes i have stock compression, its holding up ok so far (find some wood to touch everyone) lol.

turbo build was expensive, in excess of 2K for all of the kit and mapped id guess :glance: dont really like to think about it too much tho

no the exhaust was relatively(sp) cheap tbh :)

I got my manifold direct from HKS Europe and as K11SS said its all in the thread.

next up is a custom pod cluster for my guages, so far its fab'd and ive started with the fibreglassing, ill update the thread with pictures and a quick description of how i did it once its finished... :)
Looking very good mate - must say its one of the nicest in the club at the mo. Very impressed - and Jealous!! ;P

2k, thats quite expensive considering the parts... im reckoning on the following: 2nd hand greddy emap - 200 quid, T25 -50 quid for a good order 2nd hand one, intercooler, 50 quid sub, samco hoses (no idea on cost), HKS manifold (please state amount), exhaust, 350?! Thick metal head gasket, 100 quid... BOV, 50 quid max .... so thats about 800 quid plus the manifold, so hopefully sub 1k ... then the mapping which could be expensive but well see... you think that would be enough?! or are you including stuff like brakes and the likes ?
Good to see it done though so i can get an impression of how to build it, cheers
Depends if you fit it yourself. A head gasket could cost £150/200 for fitting... £50 seems a bit cheap for a BOV, i would rather get something more expensive thats tried and tested as not too leak.The manifold i think was around the £250 mark, and hoses arent cheap! Mapping is rather expensive.

TBH i would wait until you get closer to the 3k mark. If anything goes wrong like if the engine pops. Your stuck with a car that can't go anywhere.
Youll never do it for 1K. Cheap decent turbo will be around £100 unless your lucky. Manifold £350 ish, intercooler and pipework (dave managed a short route, but is suffering with poor cooling right now) but your looking at 300 for a worthwhile setup. E-manage and pressure harness with looms and sensor £300 modifications to exhaust, say 400. Then consumerables like oil change service plugs, new air filter for the turbo then all the labour to fit or if not that then map. even if you can do this it will take time etc :)
Ian said:
Depends if you fit it yourself. A head gasket could cost £150/200 for fitting... £50 seems a bit cheap for a BOV, i would rather get something more expensive thats tried and tested as not too leak.The manifold i think was around the £250 mark, and hoses arent cheap! Mapping is rather expensive.

TBH i would wait until you get closer to the 3k mark. If anything goes wrong like if the engine pops. Your stuck with a car that can't go anywhere.

haha dont mention engine popping :upside: ... erm, id be fittin the parts myself for sure, i was a bit worried about the intercooler, prob chargecool it if it was up there and opt for a GTiR item, or something with a bit larger capacity; 50 quid is average for a BOV, i got a forge one for 40 quid for my 200sx and it runs a peach; manifold at 250 thats a good sum; the honing?! what needs honed? mapping, yeh ill prob have to get that done for me it would seem..... though Greddy EM's regularly go for 200 quid 2nd hand.... as you say though it is nice to have a comfortable safety pillow outwith your parts budget ... prob what id do, is spend 200 firstly on body repair to make it mint, then mibbe 100 on wheels/tyres and buy the key parts ill need, then save up and buy more as i can afford em and once all the parts are ready test fit etc .... but as i live waaay up in the highlands of scotland i cant forsee there being many people around that could map my micra o_O
you need to have deep pockets, you cant decide how much its going to cost and then just go for it without having money put to one side for the unforseable problems and hickups. THEY WILL HAPPEN!

Samco hosing is one of the more expensive bits which is what i heavily under estimated. i ended up walking out of a store with a reciept for £400 with just "bits and bobs"

another thing make sure you can source as much as possible before you start as its incredibly annoying waiting on other people when you are without a car as i found.

but good luck with it its definitely worth it :)

I'd agree with Dave on this one! If your doing any kind of conversion then its soo much easier when you have another car - and expect lots of problems!

I didn't do as big conversion as a Turbo, i did the Cg10 to Cg13. The problems we're so annoying.

Kept Over heating
Battery was gubbed
Starter packed in
ECU fried (Kinda my fault)
Drinking coolent
Gearbox mount (Search for the thread)
Driveshafts (Monthly)

Thats only the stuff that comes to my head! There is always problems, so don't expect an Easy ride!

Titch :kungfu:
fair play, points taken into consideration.... yes id definately have all the parts at my disposal before even thinking of undertaking the project... im sure the samcos could be expensive ive heard horror stories about the costs... may i ask what samco's you bought though to give me an idea? and what intercooler you running?! im reckoning if i was to run a T25 id need a bigger one to start with.. cheers
i think the size of the intercooler is fine however it needs a bonnet vent where it is.

right, the car is no longer running! :( someone didnt touch any wood lol. i had a mini forest leaving the exhaust today. spoken to ed and its a suspect headgasket failure. so i will have to wait untill the morning to find out what it is exactly. keep you all posted as i find out more.
###### mate, you want a lift to the NE meet? Im only a couple of mile up the road from you, its no trouble.
tbh mate think ill give it a miss need to save some cash, thanks for the offer tho much appriciated
Well i seen the car on Tuesday when we went down to pick it up from exhaust place... car is looking very nice indeed... didnt get chance to see him driving it as we had to go which is a shame.. but im impressed Davey! even if u are an awkward customer:p
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