crusie lights are not fog lights!


Ex. Club Member
was on way home from work tonight when i was pulled over by police, he said he pulled me over about the front fog lights.

well wondering what he was on about, as i didnt have front fog lights, let him continue talking and he pointed to the cruise lights and said the front fogs lights shouldnt be on at the same time as headlights.

i said that they werent fog lights and were cruise lights and he gave me a blank look and insisted that they were fog lights and said i should get them sorted and then he went.

dont police have better things to do rather than bother me whos driving legally and just wants to get home, o'well at least he was friendly unlike some of them.
Cruise-Lite Ice I do believe, They wouldn't be much good as Fogs I'll tell you that, lol.

But on the same level on the outer edges, aren't those microline fogs???? You can usually tell where they have a halfmoon shield in front of the bulb.
Are they brighter than standard headlights? They look it, so might be considered driving lamps and shouldn't be on all the time anyway.
i got dune last year with my driving lamps in the bumper, he said they were foga and i contested the fact that if he knew anything about lights he would look at the lenses and see that they were driving lamps, but i still got a £30 fine.
the fuzz stopped me today and apart from my tyres...ocifer... he said to me that my front fogs shouldnt come on with my head lights.... but i dont have any fog lights....."yeah but micras dont come with driving lights" yes they do, but they dont come with fogs....

so i said to him, the beam pattern of the lights is incorrect for a fog light, then i lifted the bonnet to the fuse box where it says "DRIVING LAMP" lol

he just looked at me and said....."ill go and have to check that"

Easy now with the pig bashing. I presume you could demonstrate that the driving lights came on with full beam only? In which case were you driving into oncoming traffic with your full beams on? Didn't the lack of front fog lamp switch or that only the rears come on when you hit the fog light switch not tell him something?
Pig Bashing, lol. The LED cruise Lights only look bright if your looking right at them because they're LED's, but they're not brighter than the headlights I can assure you.
the curise lights are not brighter than the headlights and defiantly not bright enough to be fog lights.

yes i do have front fogs lights but they weren't on and he was defiantly talking about the led cruise lights being fogs.

Ive had these lights on for over a year now and this is the first time that Ive been pulled over about them.
K10's don't have front fogs, you've got driving lights that should come on with your full beam, you've got dipped, full and side (perhaps with dim dip too) oh and chav lights but I doubt you've got fogs unless they're an after market fitment.

The officer involved probably wasn't traffic and knows little about cars and so should perhaps not pulled you up on the matter, but stuff like this is usually a good marker to stop a car and push for other offences.

Remember in the UK the police need no reason to stop you other than to check your documents, appending silly lights and loud exhausts to a car merely makes you an easier target.
Whats been done has been done...You got away with it (it being not that fact that you were wrong!) so can't see why your complaining...some police stop people for absolutly NOTHING, just to check details etc
I wish the 5.0 would stop folk who have those ridiculously bright blue headlights.

They do my >?!@ing head in blinding me all the while, on some idiots Ripspeed custom 106.
Andys Front Fog Lamps are aftermarket supplied by Ring called Micro Line you can even get covers for them (In White), the officer pulled him because he was actually interested in pimping his Police Car not for moaning about fogs, lol..
I'm sure these "cruise lights" are signed up on the box that these are not for road use. And if they are not brighter then the headlights why have them on? They do nothing to aid vision therefore are surely redundant if it is just to look good then surely they will look just as good when you are parked up rather then driving with them.
I wish the 5.0 would stop folk who have those ridiculously bright blue headlights.

They do my >?!@ing head in blinding me all the while, on some idiots Ripspeed custom 106.(+all new luxury cars ;))

Amen to that brother! :laugh: I have to slow right down as they go past, since they momentarily blind me!
That and those LED washer jets, seriously what is up with them?
Tredder, The Cruise lights are for styling and are properly E' Marked for road use, it's like side lights they don't illuminate the road why have them?

I have LED washer Jets, but they're white so they're half legal, people with red, green or Blue washer jets are more illegal than white ones because of the colour.
surely these could be classed as drl`s like on the new audi`s just there to make sure the car is noticed in which case they work as demonstrated by the police officer
These came out to be like DRL's before the, but they're not E' Marked to be DRL's because they don't provide sufficient light, there is another version which is slighly fatter I believe they have 11 LED's in each, also a DRL subsitute and E' Mark for Cruise Lights. I have proper DRL's on my car which meet regulations to be Daylight Running Lamps.
It is true that some cops dont know much about how a car works, and will quesion everything about your car, i was stopped sometime back by a village cop for a "random" stop check, it was day time and i had my side lights on, he belevied that they came on with ignition lol
these lights are e marked and are the ones from halfords at £24.99

and the officer wasn't a traffic one, he was in a van, he was very friendly just told me about the lights and then went, didn't check anything else, which is strange as usually at 2 in the morning they usually ask the usual name, address, is the car yours and is it insured.

here a pic of them at night to show how bright they are

pjg1979 do you work for ring or something to be able to tell what lights they are by just looking at a crappy pic
I presume then that you work for Ring down on Geldard road? What ever happened to the yellow spot and fog lamps you lot used to do? Think they were Microline ones.

Sorry just personal opinion but I think these 'cruise' lights just look a bit sad. Most of the officers I work with are more likely to laugh at you than give you hassle over them. So long as they display a white light to the front, don't dazzle and give a constant beam I can't see you having any real trouble with them.
I second that Pete, I wouldn't bother tugging you over this mate don't worry yourself over it just if you get pulled again keep your cool don't have an attitude (not saying that you did have or will just advice) and state your case clear and consisly shouldn't be a problem.
It is indeed on Gelderd Road, we've stopped selling the yellow ones, why I don't know but I think they were Road Runners. I'm afraid we only do all weather ones, You should invest in some yellow tint instead.

Also today (A Perk Of Ring) I got some samples fitted of the Audi Type DRL look (Free) and fitted to my car this morning I take some pictures later and post them up. Here's some teasers.


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them lights look alright, and for free.

are you on about bulb tint or lense tine?

cos the bulb tint i got was only for 21W max
i would put those inside the headlights, would look better imo.
Could you get those strips with orange LEDs by any chance?
Superls, I was talking about Lens Tint, I saw a landrove this am with a silvery look to them but I believe when lit they're yellow. Not sure where you can get this tint from though.

M'Micra I do plan on putting them in, but at the moment they need testing on the exterior of the lens for weather proofing. Also one of my lens has a stone chip in but after Christmas I should hopefully get one from the scrappies and do a proper job. I must say on the exterior from a distance you can't see them but up close they're w@nk, lol.
Some Pictures of the AUDI Style samples

Well here some pictures of the Audi Style DRL's which I fitted this afternoon as samples for testing. What do you all think?

Personally I reckon they should be an extra 10 / 20cm longer


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They're on the outside of your lights i take it?

One thing i'd like to do is put a white neon behind the grill so the glow makes the grill stand out abit more... sure i saw this on a film attached to some discovery 3's, looked really unique...

Discuss that then lol
Right near me, I nearly crashed into himbecause I awanted a closer look lol, (I didn't really) but they looked really good. Might check ebay.

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