So after the last rally I had a couple of issues, namely the bolts for the rear drivers-side damper falling out somewhere during special stage 8 (Ooops) and snapping a front stud. Only half an hours work, but nowhere had the right bolts so had to order from Nissan and took aggeeessss to arrive
So it cost £15 for two bolts, two nuts and a wheel stud! Not cheap, but rather be using the correct parts and know it's sorted properly.
Whilst all the suspension is accesible, I lowered the car 25mm again so it looks a touch better for Japshow Finale this weekend (

) and to help on the PodKhana event, hoping to really push hard for a high result this time.
Changing the stud without the 'correct' tools was very easy....
Take the wheel off, and remove discs and caliper.
Soak the stud in WD40/GT85
Use a large G clamp, on the end of the stud to behind the hub and just wind it until the stud starts moving, then tap it out with a hammer
Put the new stud in, and pop a load of washers over the stud then thread an old nut on and just screw the nut down till the stud is seated properly
Nice and shiny.... Would have done all four but Nissan only had one stud in stock.
Then I got bored and painted some tyre names in with Tipex [HASHTAG]#yolo[/HASHTAG] as they say