Well, had a very good run at the Rockingham Sunday Stages! Unfortunatly I couldn't do the full weekend racing due to work
Anyway, as per usual it was damp and greasy so the semi slicks rarely had a chance to warm up - but when they did get warm they were pretty good! I think I'm going to buy some Hankook Z209's for the next events in soft.
First stage went fine, was still dry but even with the suspension set relatively softly the car still squirmed all over the place but by the second stage loop the tyres had heated up and were pretty good - This pattern carried on for the whole rally, I'd say there brilliant for track days and road rallies but a bit hard for rallies (Nangkang NS-2R even in the soft compound)
Second stage the throttle body started playing up when the car was hot and at high revs, we sprayed a metric **** tonne of carb cleaner down it which seemed to fix it for a few stages.
Third stage I stupidly forgot to refill the petrol tank and the car stalled causing me to loose at least 30 seconds through the stage. Decided also to stiffen up the damping in service as the track was getting more grip as the day went on.
All the other stages went without fault, few little spins here and there due to either oil on the track or me being crap.
Made a couple of videos, a 'highlights' and a full video of the last stage.
Full run:
So the final result was a 2nd in class, just 2 seconds behind 1st in class! Annoying as if I'd just put some petrol in the car between two and three I'd have easily won but thats motorsport for you!
Anyway, now the car is back at home I checked it all over and I put a new TB on which fixed the engine issue and I also decided to grind away more metal at the front to get the airbox as far away as possible from the manifold to keep it cooler. This has created some clearance issues with the bonnet braces so I'm gonna cut them buggers out as well at some point!