Basically as some of you may know....
I purchased raceworx's old 2.0 micra off him...(without engine)
So my plans are as follows:
1)Fit eGT SR20DE redtop next weekend and work on getting it up and running....
2)Decide what to do with my yellow wide arch K11...
Ive decided I DO want to keep the deep dish wheels as with 235'' tires fitted to the 9'' rim ill be able to crucially get ,the 200bhp im aiming for, down......
...and if im keeping the wheels. I need to keep the arches.. ( boo hoo...
Ive been organising getting my bonnet and complete tailgate moulded in fibreglass... this will further reduce weight, and improve overall handling and performance.... (Im aiming for sub 650kg)
Im stripping my yellow K11......Now its not somthing I want to do right now but due to circumstances beyond my control, I cant have two project micras.
So im after some advice and opinions on what to do with the NEW 2.0 turbo wide arch K11!!!!!!!...
Basically im making the car a prefaclift as I prefer it. Im also keeping the smoothed doors and tailgate..
so.....Id like opinions:
1) On a new color ( matt?, mettallic?, flip?, grafix? two tone?)
2) Top mounted or front mounted intercooler?
3) Bigger wheels?
4) Where the exhaust should exit? ( twin exit through boot? or side exit?? )
5) Wheather to alter the kit ( different bumpers? vents? )
6) Wheather to change rear lights?
7) Tints?
8) whether to keep nipples in rear bumper?
much appriciated as im racking my head ... and just cant decide
I purchased raceworx's old 2.0 micra off him...(without engine)
So my plans are as follows:
1)Fit eGT SR20DE redtop next weekend and work on getting it up and running....
2)Decide what to do with my yellow wide arch K11...
Ive decided I DO want to keep the deep dish wheels as with 235'' tires fitted to the 9'' rim ill be able to crucially get ,the 200bhp im aiming for, down......
...and if im keeping the wheels. I need to keep the arches.. ( boo hoo...
Ive been organising getting my bonnet and complete tailgate moulded in fibreglass... this will further reduce weight, and improve overall handling and performance.... (Im aiming for sub 650kg)
Im stripping my yellow K11......Now its not somthing I want to do right now but due to circumstances beyond my control, I cant have two project micras.
So im after some advice and opinions on what to do with the NEW 2.0 turbo wide arch K11!!!!!!!...
Basically im making the car a prefaclift as I prefer it. Im also keeping the smoothed doors and tailgate..

so.....Id like opinions:
1) On a new color ( matt?, mettallic?, flip?, grafix? two tone?)
2) Top mounted or front mounted intercooler?
3) Bigger wheels?
4) Where the exhaust should exit? ( twin exit through boot? or side exit?? )
5) Wheather to alter the kit ( different bumpers? vents? )
6) Wheather to change rear lights?
7) Tints?
8) whether to keep nipples in rear bumper?
much appriciated as im racking my head ... and just cant decide