car's coming along nicely joe. how far off is it from being on the castle caereinion road?
on your gearbox mate on the passenget side do you have play on the inboard cv but where it goes into gear box?
ahhh.. did you sort out your suspension in the end?![]()
Looks nice (Y) are they just standard micra calipers? sorry if its been mentioned before.
And get a split pin through that driveshaft!![]()
Guess they are. non-vented and 234mm as i remember right?
Just that youve fitted an ABS cv joint lol could have saved some pennies haha
Huuum didnt say anything like that on the information. Looks egzactly like the old one too. Thanks for the heads up (Y)
speed bumps will not be your friend anymore lol
Excellent news, I have standard springs cut in half and tiny corsa b rear dampers in, there solid but springs don't fall out
I could take another two coils of and she still would fall out
If I had a weaker ofset I can make her scrape
Good luck mate and enjoy it, you've worked hard to get her road worthy so go enjoy it!!!
Welldone mate now get it mapped (Y)
i actually love you joe :grinning: car looks amazing, were you round the castle area last night had a message asking if my micra was outside someones house. i was like nooooo.. what's it like and the lad said lowwww and green so presume it was you.