Some people really can't DRIVE!

On a round-a-bout, the outer lane... just slowly cruising around it, while some stupid driver was in the middle lane next to me.. signalled to move left in the MIDDLE OF THE ROUND-A-BOUT! I had to slow down and turn so aggressively I kurbed my front wheels.

She just drove off.. so I floored it and when I caught up to her, I started beeping then she just smiled and laughed at me............... :suspect:

Not good.
dam man....did u get her reg ? report her to the police, someone ran me off the road with no damage to my car but they went and pulled him over
had some woman laugh at me once and driving very aggressively behind me so i turned off the engine, got out and started seriously mouthing off at her.... see soon stopped smiling! lol made me feel better anyway :p
unless you want to be arrested thats a really bad idea. The best option is to just ignore it and drive on.
easier said than done tbh i cannot stand tail gaiters and i certainly wont be bullied by anyone including road users! its a shame the police aren't tougher on tail gaiters they never seem to give a crap....
There is a signal (not in the highway code) involving 1 or 2 fingers, for these types of drivers, quite often I combine it with the horn.
Jinata, your description is not clear, however are you sure she was in the wrong? at some point she would have to indicate and move left, your actually taught to do this in the highway code.

Im positive. Let me rephrase what I said. :sleepy:

Alright.. I was on a 2 lane road, leading to a round-a-bout. The woman was on the right lane and I was on the left. We both approached the round-a-bout at the same time, as it was free to go. Our intention was to go straight ahead. Once we both passed the first left on the round-a-bout. She signalled, to move to the left lane on the round-a-bout; whilst I was currently next to her, driving around it. So I moved out of the way, and she was just getting closer and just pushed me onto the kerb.

Understand? fwn
She was in the right if she was slightly in front of you.

you can be in either the first or second lane if your intentions are to take the second exit A.K.A straight over.
yeah, but she should have gone straight over staying in the right too, not cut over to go on the left hand lane cutting Jinata up. Providing it did exit into two lanes obviously. Either way, she sounds like one of the bullies who thinks people should wait for her, esp as she was laughing. Silly moo. Jinata, you know what to do if you see her again ;)
She was in the right if she was slightly in front of you.

you can be in either the first or second lane if your intentions are to take the second exit A.K.A straight over.

From what i was taught, this is correct!! It is recommended that you use the left lane to take the second exit (aka. straight over) but it is possible to also use the right lane aswell. But still, she should have slowed down or something, once she saw that your intensions were to go the same way she was going because she basically cut you up.
tell me about it, people just see micras and take the ####, Constantly used to get overtaken etc. Now i don't allow these people to overtake if i'm doing the speed limit i allow them to get stuck i.e over taking when there is an island ahead or very short space as they just get scared and pull back themselves.

Some people see the micra and automatically assume you are some old age person, imagine how the elderly must feel being constantly over taken and peopel taking the ####. It's appalling how people see it as ok these days.
tell me about it, people just see micras and take the ####, Constantly used to get overtaken etc. Now i don't allow these people to overtake if i'm doing the speed limit i allow them to get stuck i.e over taking when there is an island ahead or very short space as they just get scared and pull back themselves.

Some people see the micra and automatically assume you are some old age person, imagine how the elderly must feel being constantly over taken and peopel taking the ####. It's appalling how people see it as ok these days.

(Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) This is so true.
I havent had it happen to me in my micra yet but ive had so many chavs in little 1.0 chav-chariots try to thrash my primera out on the roads... what can ya do but leave them standing?! They think its gonna be an old bloke but when they can see its a young lass, they get even more wound up!! :wasntme:
The other woman is in the wrong. She should definitly have come off in the right hand lane if it was a dual carriageway, but it sounded like she cut across without checking her blind spot.

If it's a dual carriage way one side of the roundabout, and a single road on the opposite side, there's usually enough space for two cars to pull off and for both lanes to merge, otherwise the traffic would be merged before you reach the roundabout.

The number of times i've seen people cut across the inside of roundabouts when going straight over, or switching from one lane to the other when leaving a roundabout is rediculous. It's a serious problem for many drivers. Its even worse when the other person doesn't acknowledge there own mistake and assume the other person is in the wrong place

And people wonder why road rage exists?
"Old Bloke"

Speaking as on old bloke who drives a Micra, I find the assumptions that non Micra drivers have about our cars and their drivers very irritating at times. I probably drive in a rather more spirited manner than most of my contemporaries and that fact that my car is a Super S with alloys and the obligatory chrome bean-can seems to get the blood up on the "chav-chariot"
and BMW pilots. The very fact that I happen to be in front of one of them seems to cause a serious case of distance-myopia with them and on more than one occasion their car was so close I could note the colour of their eyes.

Once I had a lad tail-gate me so closely I felt obliged to tap the brake pedal which caused him to brake hard and nearly prang his car. He gave me plenty of room then until on a straight stretch I eased off and he was able to struggle past, exhaust farting and popping. I think he was gob
-smacked to see this old silverback behind the wheel as he passed.

My wife (considerably younger than me) drives an M reg Micra and has had
numerous occasions when some weedy cretan, or other, in an SUV, or other,
tail gated, cut her up, or cut her off. I'm sure it was just because she was driving a Micra.

I think (rant almost over) the thing that most causes the Victor Meldrew in me to emerge (like Jeckell and Hyde) is the bully in the big car coming at me, his lane partially blocked by parked cars, my lane clear, who crosses the line, six feet of clearance to the parked car, causing me slow down and take evasive action. Van drivers seem to get particular pleasure out of doing this.

And please spare a thought for OAPs: we'd rather not get old but considering the alternative it's better than nothing (which is the alternative). Most of you will be 60 plus in forty years or so and, frankly speaking, I think it could be a pretty sh---y world to live in.

Sorry to go on so long but I got on a roll there.

Ill just fly the flag for girls here, men think most women drivers are ####e, thats a general thing the globe over.... but think how us women feel.....

Imagine being in a micra and having a huge 4x4 come careering at you and bearing down on you, your bound to make a mistake... but men are just as ####ty to women "oh lets just pull out, its only a woman" They wouldnt dare do it to a bloke!!!

But saying that, ill side with blokes, some women are ####e drivers :D

If i make a mistake i always make sure i do a little wave or tap the hazards as a kind of a sorry thing, but i just avoid messing up to start with lol.
Once I had a lad tail-gate me so closely I felt obliged to tap the brake pedal which caused him to brake hard and nearly prang his car. He gave me plenty of room then until on a straight stretch I eased off and he was able to struggle past, exhaust farting and popping. I think he was gob
-smacked to see this old silverback behind the wheel as he passed.

I've had that happen many times, more so when I had the smart. I now slow down when someone is tailgating me, therefore increasing the gap infront of me. It works as well...:laugh:

Soixantaine said:
I think (rant almost over) the thing that most causes the Victor Meldrew in me to emerge (like Jeckell and Hyde) is the bully in the big car coming at me, his lane partially blocked by parked cars, my lane clear, who crosses the line, six feet of clearance to the parked car, causing me slow down and take evasive action. Van drivers seem to get particular pleasure out of doing this.

Thats not really a problem for me in my Micra, was a big problem, when again I had the smart. The looks on peoples faces when they were confronted with a smart coming towards em. I knew full well I had plenty of room, they obviously had no idea on the size of their car by the panic striken look on their faces....:laugh:

The boyracers/chavs also tried it on with the little smart. Big mistake that, as they all found out....:laugh:
Ill just fly the flag for girls here, men think most women drivers are ####e, thats a general thing the globe over.... but think how us women feel.....

Imagine being in a micra and having a huge 4x4 come careering at you and bearing down on you, your bound to make a mistake... but men are just as ####ty to women "oh lets just pull out, its only a woman" They wouldnt dare do it to a bloke!!!

But saying that, ill side with blokes, some women are ####e drivers :D

If i make a mistake i always make sure i do a little wave or tap the hazards as a kind of a sorry thing, but i just avoid messing up to start with lol.

glad you realise! kekeke:blush:

i gotta say not all women are like that. but when you meet the bad ones they are seriously bad it makes you think how the hell did she pass her test! o_O :laugh:
She should of done MSM Mirror, Signal & Manouvre, If she'd checked her mirrors first she would'nt of bullied you into the curb, At end of T Day it would of been her fault.
I had a guy right up my arse last night.. I sped up a little as it was a bit daunting but to no avail. So I made sure i kept to the limit and he still persisted on driving as close as he could. We got to a straight, plenty of room to overtake, so i slowed down a bit, trying to tempt him into overtaking, but no, he stayed up my ass.

Instead I slowed right down to half the limit. He didnt like it, and eventually turned off.
Going back to the original post....i would've followed her to wherever, then i would've had a quiet word about the fact she'd forced you left onto the Kerb which made you damage your alloys. The Registration would then be written down in front of her and then pass her a comment of 'when i get back home i'm calling the police'. My missus did exactly that and the plod actually went round the blokes house and gave him a warning about his driving.

It doesn't help when the Highway code is wrong when common sense is in 2 lanes will go into one....providing the 'other driver' can be bothered to give way and lose 10 ft of road space.....oh the horror!

I get tailgaited...alot....sometimes they get really close and i'd shout out the window and offer them a tow!......contents of the ashtray getting chucked works quite well especially if their windows are open..... :laugh:

Small bags of flour are also a good incentive to repulse those niggling ar*e sniffers....
I had a guy right up my arse last night.. I sped up a little as it was a bit daunting but to no avail. So I made sure i kept to the limit and he still persisted on driving as close as he could. We got to a straight, plenty of room to overtake, so i slowed down a bit, trying to tempt him into overtaking, but no, he stayed up my ass.

If he does it again....slap on the handbrake! :laugh:
I had a guy right up my arse last night.. I sped up a little as it was a bit daunting but to no avail. So I made sure i kept to the limit and he still persisted on driving as close as he could. We got to a straight, plenty of room to overtake, so i slowed down a bit, trying to tempt him into overtaking, but no, he stayed up my ass.

Instead I slowed right down to half the limit. He didnt like it, and eventually turned off.

Ive had that before on the way back from one of bluewaters jap meets, dont remember what it was possibly a "done up" escort, anyway he stuck up my rear even when i was indicating left and slowing down to let him past!
Hate it when i go just over the speed limit and you still get idiots taigating or idiots doing half the limit in the right lane.
i appreciate the upper speed limit is there for safety reasons etc but there seriously should be a lower limit too, like doing 20 in a 50 zone.

Forcing people to over take which leads to silly mistakes
i appreciate the upper speed limit is there for safety reasons etc but there seriously should be a lower limit too, like doing 20 in a 50 zone.

Forcing people to over take which leads to silly mistakes

Or 10 times worse forced to undertake, i hate undertaking but tends to pay off if i get a run up.
i had that in a car park when i had the mazda,
was azda car park in hamilton, and there was a que to get out,she was parked up. then she just starts reversing out, not caring who she hit, needless to say she reveresed into me, She then had the cheek to say, i was reversing out till sumone let me out, i reported her to the police, and the said couldnt do anything as it was a car park, (private road) but i reported her to my insurance, and even tho the police wouldnt get involved she got hit for a new bumper and respray to the front wing.

Report her reg to your insurance, if you have it, they will make her pay for a new wheel at least

Taking a side step and reading every post here is it just me or does nearly everyone in this thread make the situation worse than it could be? I am no angel myself but I certaintly don't wind people just to then further wind them up. Life is to short and to be honest, if one day it led to a situation where by it caused damage to my car etc then what a waste of time that moment of madness would have been!

Other road uses are almost always entirely predictable, especially the people with cut you up mentality, they can be spotted a mile away before they are anywhere near you. You can nearly always avoid the situation before it even happens. I reckon 99% of people complaining of being cut up somehow contributed to it happening themselves. I can say this is probably true of myself.

Tailgating is a difficult one. If someone is going to do this, it is almost instinctive to hit the brakes or whatever, but since you don't know if they are doing it simply as they are stupid, or being plane impatient, its a difficult to know how to react. If they are just stupid or unaware of what risks they are taking, then sure they may back off. If they are being aggressive, they have already proven they are willing to take risks so why wind them up more by slamming on your brakes. Chances are this will make them worse. Perhaps if your not willing or unable to pass, the only thing you can do is make sure you have enough room in front to prevent sudden changes and them ramming you in an emergency. However if they try to pass, its a bad idea to try and stop them, unless you are also willing to be done for dangerous driving, or willing to risk killing them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As you may tell i was thinking about this a bit recently after reading views on pistonheads.. makes for interesting reading, but bottom line as far as I see it is to keep myself and my car safe. Why would i want to do anything else?
i have fun with them,
When driving the old mazda, cause it looked fast you
had all the boy racers up your arse all the time,

One time i decided to teach a little edited in a bm a lesson,
Tapped my brakes, he ran into the back of me, so i stoped sytraight to his car and asked for insurance details,
Turned out it was his dads car and he wasnt insured for it,
And to make it worse, the mazda had the huge rear bumpre and light setup which got damaged, and they were all replaced at my local official mazda dealer,

Needless to say the kid was done and ended up getting banned
Getting your car damaged just to teach some stupid edited a lesson sounds a bit like cutting your nose off to spite your face to me. I just mutter something under my breath, then keep calm on the face of it and carry on driving safely!

There's no need for road rage, even if it's caused by one of hundreds of drivers out there who are total morons and shouldn't have a license.

Anyway - who can honestly say they've never, even ONCE in their lives, made a daft mistake on the road and incensed someone else? I know I've done it, at least a couple of times. Sometimes it's just not your day! :laugh:
there are some people though that although you may be able to spot normally, you dont get the chance...couple of times, one after moving from a set of lights the road S'd both lanes going in the same direction, and the guy in the right just decided to switch lanes while i was along side him...quick reactions on my part stopped any damage to my car...he then had the cheek to stare at me like i nearly hit him.

Another on a blind left hand corner, just as came around the guy who was parked up decided to U-turn without checking his mirrors...after locking up the wheels and sliding to a stop i avoided him at which point he kept going anyway, no acknowledgement or anything...and theres been others similar at roundabouts etc.
Theres a quiet alot of people who cant drive out there.

Only a few weeks ago i was on my way home from work, there was an elderly person in an almera waiting to come out of a side street on the other side, the traffic stopped on his side and he came straight out without looking up the road and straight in front of me, i had less than a metre to stop so had to turn to avoid him, luckily there was a side street i could use to get me more room but i couldnt avoid bouncing off the kerb and hitting my head off my roof. i stopped fuming expecting him to get out and say sorry but he drove right on without even knowing what happened.
I'm a biker, this sort of thing happens to me all the time. I usually solve it by giving their window a "tap" with my fist:laugh: Gets the message over!!!
a bus cut me up making me mount the curb and burst a tyre, destroyed my tracking and cost me an awful lot of money. people cant drive. life sucks. dont see me making a big song and dance about it
Nah, exactly - there's no point. You've just got to accept it and get on with it. The one thing that makes me a bit cross, especially down here, is when people come right up behind you. I prefer to go at the speed limit around a lot of these roads (lots of curves and bends and plenty of people speeding like loonies around them) and folks can't bear that: they come RIGHT up behind you and seem quite "happy" to tailgate you for miles.

I recall driving along when a white Transit van came up behind me. We were in a queue of traffic going back from St. Albans, and there was no way I could even get up to the speed limit (national) and we were stuck doing just over 40mph.

Eventually, he managed to get past me - in a very dangerous manner, overtaking on a corner - and then stuck up behind a Jaguar. He then proceeded to swerve quickly from side to side to try and intimidate the elderly male driver, who, bless him, was simply stuck doing the slightly-over-40mph limit that we were all suck at!!!

My boyfriend was in the car with me and he was absolutely steaming with fury - it was an example of really disgusting, aggressive, abusive and above all massively dangerous driving.

While it gets my heart beating fast, my hands shaking and muttering a bit under my breath, you just have to keep your cool, shake your head, and silently hope they have a horrible accident :laugh:

Getting all angry and beeping at people, or driving quickly after them, doesn't help anyone - and only gets them all incensed!
No Song and Dance

Sometimes, Layla, it's therapeutic just to have a good rant about something rather than keep it bottled up inside. Vent your spleen a bit and move on. Almost everyone does it from time to time.

She was in the right if she was slightly in front of you.

No she's not!

If there were 2 lanes on and 2 lanes of, she should've stayed in the RH lane. Also, when overtaking, you DO NOT HAVE A RIGHT OF WAY, you also have to show due diligence when changing lanes (due care and attention) with regard to other road users. You must make sure that it is clear for you to perform a manouver. Having your nose in front does not mean you can pull over. SHE WAS IN THE WRONG!
Well i was cut up by another micra on a roundabout today, going round in the right hand lane, the (doddery old fool) was in the left hand lane which was for straight on only at the last moment he changed his mind and cut into my lane straight towards, had to break fast to stop him ramming me off the road...

As he drove off you could see the car jerking backwards and forwards with the gear changes.
in the highway code,

unless the roundabout is marked clearly to be used as a two lane 2nd exit roundabout, the inside lane should only be used if you are turning right.

the left hand lane is for turning left and going straight on.

what realy winds me up is this "indicate to turn off the roundabout" rubish...
some (unfortunately seems to be) women drivers and volvo drivers have their left hand indicator on two turnings before theyre actualy leaving the roundabout, almost causing me lots of acidents (if it wasnt for my quick foot..)

it seems that unless your driving a huge lorry or a big saloon car you must be very wary of anyone else on the road.

i had a few situations where i was sticking to the 50mph limit on the A1 during road works with a mercedes van behind me, must have been only 6 inches behind, with pasenger pointing and laughing and with his feet on the dashboard waving me on and flashing his lights and beeping, weaving about too..... so i just sat there, exactly 50 mph...........untill the speed limit changed as it went into a three lane motorway again and he wanted to under take...... he got along side me and i dropped it into third and nailed it........
i just saw his mate take his feet off the dash and sit up straight as i cleared off into the

he soon caught up and put his thumbs up as he passed me at over 90mph....(well must have been i was doing 75 and he went past pretty fast)

winds me up when people dont indicate, use mirrors, look before they get to a roundabout (and again its normaly women who do this) im not being sexist but its a absolute fact that every time i come across a car stopping at a roundabout (with nothing coming) its a female..... dont know why
in the highway code,

unless the roundabout is marked clearly to be used as a two lane 2nd exit roundabout, the inside lane should only be used if you are turning right.

Don't you mean the outside lane? :p

Although you see people indicating at roundabouts or junctions, i don't usually pull out until you can guarantee they're going in that direction. Someone was indicating once so i pulled out, and they just continued straight towards me!! was a pretty close one!

You just can't rely on other drivers to be good & have to think what they're going to do.

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