your micra insperation.


Ex. Club Member
right seening as iam bored, id thought i would ask whos micra has inspired you to mod yours. i know theres loads of micras...but the micras that inspired me are simply these two:

basiclly my car is styled on all three of these micras :p

oh also not forgetting ians red micra (and not for the fact it had an sr20 in just that it looked awsome!)


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I didnt plan on modifying my car, only change the stereo from a radio & single speaker to something half decent. I then saw Kev's K10 and it's basically all gone from there
ive pretty much done what i wanted to do myself...its just that i found items in japan and australia that simplified that process...saving me research / development time.
davey c micra inspired me, i liked the fact it went quick but looked almost standard apart from the alloys and other little things.

it's quite funny now as i have his bumpers lol
where do i

most of the mods to my car are from looking at the NISMO R-TUNE SKYLINE from GT4.... i wanted to have a Nismo 130R (as they have had a 400R 270R and never a micra version)

so using the same insperation, and some motorsport pictures too... i decided to go all out and do a nismo / race version... wich is underway and has been to two shows allready...

just need to fix it


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well i just wanted to get a set of alloys for wider tyres and hench more grip.
then trying to kill a 1.0l with no luck i relaised there where good cars and the wheels were just the start. and then found the msc. then things went further.
I once heard a rumour in Japan of a 280bhp ST, this is my inspiration and aim to one day beat this...
Don;t you mean shr3k's? And yeah mine was an insperation lmao!

Nope, Joey Shek - modded his pretty much as soon as he got it - was mag featured without having an insane bodykit/engine mods, nice car that.
Searched google and found Trungs old blue "WAVE" which was the same as mine., so I copied some of his mods then went from there. never been a fan of body kits and i still feel cheated I couldn't tune up the SR before I found she was made of rust.
haha no, way before many people on heres time was shek's k11.

was one of the best modified cars in the north east when he did it...and it was the first micra to get respect round here.


and yeah they were 17s on lowered approx 75mm about 5 years ago! cant believe people still say they dont fit haha.