thunder storms


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i hope everyone in the south enjoyed the storms over the last few days but its not over yet
last nights ones i got some amazing videos of some of the bolts then hid for cover as it hit are area lol dont know if anyone saw in the news about a house being hit 2 nights ago that was a couple of roads away from me was quiet scary
il try to get the videos up later when i have converted them
yep round my way (slough) it was mental my house was shaking last night from where it was so loud. Was watching it from my bedroom window n the lightning was pretty much right above my house, was mad.
well there is more to come and i love the storms its my wife who dont but last night after the house down the road got hit im a bit more wery about it
wish we have a bit of a storm up here in the midlands, so bloody hot my shirt sticks to my back and its so uncomfortable.

heard everywhere are going to rain by next week! cool........
Had a pretty rough storm the other night, kept me awake for ages. Set my alarm off a few times aswell but i was too nackered to get out of bed and put it on silent lol

Anyway, Just had the odd rumble here this morning, but looks like it's heading back over towards the south east coast

Check out
we ha dquite a bad one here 2 nights ago about 2am, lots of rumbling and flashing, it was also raining very hard, my bro went out to play with it, he was only out for a minuts but got a thourgh soaking to the skin lol
tse_adam said:
wow thats a very cool site there arnold, looking like all in south east at the moment.

According to that, there's actually very little going on at the moment. Check out the loop clock at the top - it'l show you the last 30 or 60 minutes activity. The most recent readings show no new strikes in over 20 minutes and that its fading out. A very different picture to 2 hours ago, or last night!

It is an interesting site tho.
north east....well.... grimsby....... we had one last night, lasted 4 hrs and was lightening after lightening alll night long....... was bloody annoying when you have the window
Arnold said:
According to that, there's actually very little going on at the moment. Check out the loop clock at the top - it'l show you the last 30 or 60 minutes activity. The most recent readings show no new strikes in over 20 minutes and that its fading out. A very different picture to 2 hours ago, or last night!

It is an interesting site tho.
Also quite inacurrate, being only one lightning detector.

The most accurate ones are and;sess=

we hant had in up here yet were due for a big one tho apparantly my dad in kingslynn, norfolk always gets really bad ones without fail
Gemma85 said:
we hant had in up here yet were due for a big one tho apparantly my dad in kingslynn, norfolk always gets really bad ones without fail
Yep, there's been two huge ones pretty much stop over King's Lynn in the past couple of days
James said:
Also quite inacurrate, being only one lightning detector.

The most accurate ones are and;sess=


Cheers James. The netweather one looks a bit crap, updating every thirty mins. Ed also pointed me to the strikestar one last night.

the isle of wight one may be inaccurate, but its seemed reliable in my opinion so far! When it says we've had strikes, we've had them, over the past few days.
i love walking in a thunder storm or when it's just raining generally. that fresh smell u get, no dust in the air - bliss!
There's a big bit on its way over the channel...


Tempting to wander down for a look...
No thats gonna hit Kent then head back off into the sea it looks like. Tonight is a good night for storms though it seems...

This is todays lightning activity since midnight last night.

wilsonian said:
We need some rain here - theres a fair few hills on fire here (not joking either! )

Yep not far hollingworth lake too. need another big one like last years, will get some pictures again and get shouted at off some random farmer :mad:
micra_k11 said:
yeah, slough was mad last night, glenn, where abouts in slough you from?

u know where the huntercombe roundabout is? pretty much near there, where bouts you live?

u done much 2 your car yet?
wilsonian said:
Will it hit the NW? doubt it :(

We need some rain here - theres a fair few hills on fire here (not joking either! )

yeh paul you know where i live and the smoke stings my eyes at night when i slepp so i have to have the window shut and fan blaring all night its that hot...
Glenn said:
u know where the huntercombe roundabout is? pretty much near there, where bouts you live?

u done much 2 your car yet? at chalvey..all ive done is put in my subs n got alloys on atm. havent seen your micra around slough before...
I love thunder storms - don't mind driving in them too but for me the best is open my windows slighty so u can smell the fresh air and just listen to the rain pound on the roof - it's the best! LOL
wilsonian said:
I love thunder storms - don't mind driving in them too but for me the best is open my windows slighty so u can smell the fresh air and just listen to the rain pound on the roof - it's the best! LOL

Im not so keen on them anymore. I've had a few nightmares where i've been struck by lightning and they're beginning to **** me up a bit! I dont mind it during the day, and although your meant to be safe in your car, there's so much exposed metal in my K10 i'd probably get frazzled inside it!
Swearing? tut tut ;)

Nar i love thunder storms - another good one is (when it's not leaking) sitting in my tent in my sleeping bag just chilling out with the rain lashing now but being all warm and cosy :D
wilsonian said:
Swearing? tut tut ;)

The forums uses # when a word is used however you can see i typed 4 *'s in :p

I would have experienced a storm in a tent at JAE but the tent didnt quite last as long as the storm!
I like thunder storms as long as I'm not actually outside in them lol. We had a few rumbles of thunder this morning, there may have been more but I was asleep so I dunno. Still very grey here though... bring on a storm!!!
Depends - i've been in really bad storms fully kitted up walking over the peninies and loved it then theres running for the bus going home and i've hated it! LOL
Here is a video of some clouds I did from yesterdays weather:

Click here

And here is the strike map of yesterdays storms:

17-8-06 storms.jpg