Suze's Micra - competing in club motorsport.....

Hey Suze,
Just to let you know first I am planning on selling some rally micra stuff that I have,
A full set of coilovers suspension, tank and sump guard (ex nme), OMP 1/2 cage (new). A pair of black and Grey Cobra seats that will take 4point harness.
I will offer them on here soon and then ebay but if you are interested let me know.
Yep could be interested in some of that, thanks. Drop me an email with more details please if that's ok - details are in the gymkhana regs. [Don't want to post email addy on net incase of spam!].

Yep could be interested in some of that, thanks. Drop me an email with more details please if that's ok - details are in the gymkhana regs. [Don't want to post email addy on net incase of spam!].


I've emailed your yahoooo account did you get it?
woohoo, car passed it's MOT today! :)

Big relief after the £hundreds spent last year on it's MOT [was borderline economical to repair it then]. Admittedly it's better looked after now but still :love:
Well it's been a while since I've posted in this thread....still using the green 1.3 Micra but also picked up a red 1.0 for an event last weekend that Pete / k6pfs also competed on. Anyway, here's a pic of said car having finished the rally. Cats are breaking up, broke the nav mirror and some other issues but it shall be fixed and used to keep competing in :)


Edit - pic doesn't work :( Try clicking here

There are more pics in the gallery from the above link
i think the mirror will just push back out as they fold in its only if its snapped on the spindle that runns through the base and the mirror its self
Well once again, it's been ages since I posted here! The green Micra, the 1.3 Super S, is still being used as an every day car and the occasional event [next one 7th June, a gymkhana]. The red Micra has completely changed, and will start a new topic for that later and put pics on tonight!
It's been an age since I've posted on here!! The green 1.3 Micra was used on a couple of events last year since I posted in March. I've since sold it on to my little brother as his first car, passed it's MOT again last year with flying colours, so it's still in use. He's now looking at using it to compete in club motorsport where he lives [Gloucestershire] so, touch wood, it's still going strong.
Well the green Micra is off to car heaven............... :( :( :(

I sold it to my brother last year, Oct / Nov time. Did have concerns about it "coming to grief" as the car has always been v good to me, few little things like CV joint needed [due to competing], battery etc but was very good. Last week "he doesn't know what happened" but basically ran wide, hit a tree, enough to bend the rim, chassis and the suspension enough that the chassis is too bent for it to be run again....... :(