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SU carbed k10

But iv cleaned out so many of those bloody valves and kinda knew what they done but yet never thought of calling them a recirculating valve !
Exhaust Gas Recirculation

plus what ade said
Chin up.. get building ;)

Edit: dont mean to sound an arrogant ass. The obvious is the hardest to spot
Nah man its okay, and i wont be building just yet :p final exams + i aint getting my car back till its tested , but im collecting parts in the meantime :p .......
Welll started off by passing my driving test today , and then went on a 200 km roadtrip :

And finished with this

Aye i know the dowel actually :D i had some crazy notion it had to be in 180 degree roatations , ! Suits me grand that i can have my own angle , T25 rebuild carbon seal kiits are like 30gbp , i need to carbon seal it anyways so it may as well be done right :)
I have heard that SU carbs can deal with turbos quite easily. Good luck as well mate.
Iv heard so too , the mg metro turbo uses a converted blow through version , but the basics of the carb are different from a lot of others , and seem to be very reliable , and durable .

And thanks mate , all progress will be shown here , slowly , but surely :)
Iv heard so too , the mg metro turbo uses a converted blow through version , but the basics of the carb are different from a lot of others , and seem to be very reliable , and durable .

And thanks mate , all progress will be shown here , slowly , but surely :)
Yeah I have seen that the Turbo SU's have some sort of expansion tank on them. If you need anyhelp best bet is to visit the Turbo Mini forum. They are always turboing SU's.
Im confused with all this , my email says this is what you said :
Wish you luck mate but a turbo and an SU wont end well.. Have you considered putting the carb before the turbo?

Thats quite the oppiste of what you actually said :p

As regards su with turbo , my carb will be going before turbo , so its acting as normal , no real difference as far as its concerned
Im confused with all this , my email says this is what you said :
Wish you luck mate but a turbo and an SU wont end well.. Have you considered putting the carb before the turbo?

Thats quite the oppiste of what you actually said :p

As regards su with turbo , my carb will be going before turbo , so its acting as normal , no real difference as far as its concerned
Yeah originally wrote that as I was thinking about regular carbs. No idea why but alot of people prefer to turbo SU's than any other carb.
See thats how I would do it as well. Okay so you don't have an inter cooler and abit less power. Most VW turbo Beatles run carb before turbo.
Ohh , that explains alot , :p yeah wouldnt try it with a stock carb , as far as power , id rather less , su carb see's a considerable gain by itself , never mind putting a turbo with that , so i wont be mad trying to scrape every last hp , just want this awesome set up to work safely , and thatll do !
Bluuhhh :p 3am and im on the ferry and cant sleep , iv been on many sailings to and from england , but this is a ruff 1 ! think i might just drink instead! Have a few purchases for my car , will upload pictures at some stage when i get home tomorrow ,
Right so ovee the weekend , i got an MA12 head ( Neil ) for my MA10 block and a turbo mani which my turbo fits right onto :D ( also Neil's )
So went and done my first mock up which leads to a another question :

Do i turn the turbo oppiste as shown so the carb can be on o/s instead if how i was holding it in this photo ?
I'd have a look in the engine bay and see what space you have to play with both for carb and running pipework, exhaust and whatever else you may need ;)
Looking good though mate :D
If you keep it the way you have it now, you will have to move the alternator to clear the exhaust you have to make,

Think you will have to move the alternator either way, coz if carb is on other side, it will hit that too
If you keep it the way you have it now, you will have to move the alternator to clear the exhaust you have to make,

Think you will have to move the alternator either way, coz if carb is on other side, it will hit that too
Oh :( that has never struck a
Cell in my brain during this :/ if i had my car i might of :/
This could get tricky for me
I done the exact thing your doing, building it on the bench, then when i fitted to the engine, realised my mistakes! :D

Bracket is easy enough to make

Here's what I made



Jus need to take a nibble out of the cam belt cover so alternator belt fits on
If id known i was going turbo'ing i prob would of asked to buy them cuz i remember you saying on your blog you were getting rid ! I pretty muxh woke up one morning and said hey ima turbo my little 10 ,
Wow, im offically a micraholic , i woke up owning just one micra , and after one blody **** of a long day i go to bed owning 3, however theres a surprising mix, pictures later tomorrow !
Im about to leave to go to my mates garage where two of my micras are :p one of these micras are purely for parts :

As for the third i shall leave you all to speculate and ill put a picture up later , its really not what you'd expect :p