Selling my SR20 micra! - lolol


One Way Mule
im not... lol

But it crossed my mind last night as I had my first drive in a SKYLINE R32 GTR...

OMG... I litterally had cramp in my face from grinning...! it was unbeleiveable..

such a fast car..!.. fastest car ive ever been in and Ive been in some serious cars....

Makes me wonder that I could sell up and sell the Primera GT and will only need another 3/4 grand to make up.. ..

Still... When my micra is turbo charged It should offer similar/better performance... hopefully.. maybe

/a thoughtful kristian
kristian said:
Still... When my micra is turbo charged It should offer similar/better performance... hopefully.. maybe

/a thoughtful kristian

Only one way to find out.. besides, buying a primera GT is being no different than anyone else! I think doing a turbo or your own unique mods etc makes you an individual :) which is one of the reasons we modify micras in the first place
Arnold said:
Only one way to find out.. besides, buying a primera GT is being no different than anyone else! I think doing a turbo or your own unique mods etc makes you an individual :) which is one of the reasons we modify micras in the first place

Pretty certain he said seelling the Primera GT not buying one :p

Do the SR20 Micra Turbo man,,,,,it would be the caught my attention by the title of this topic....thought I was gonna cry.

Well not literally. lol
scottish-sr said:
Who needs a Skyline, Little Bandit can beat them, sure yours will do the same!!
Untill you reach a bend... and kristian understeers into a tree while the skyline disappears off into the distance! :p

You can pick a decent condition skyline for about £5k now! But parts are expensive. :down:

You'd probably rather keep the micra though... i'd rather u did! :)
You could probably swap it for someone with a skyline that wants a wee change whenever you get bored with it.

The choice as they say; is yours! ;)

JamieGti said:
Untill you reach a bend... and kristian understeers into a tree


I dont think It will be that bad, Im not going to have the handling of a skyline but the cornering should still be good, after all its 600/700 Kgs on 225'' profiles..

The car will understeer not because its got bad handling, just because there is a miniscule amount of weight in the back.. It doesn't mean It wont corner well... In the dry ESP!
In the Wet Im just not going to drive the car..

To add further to my Dilemma, My brother has just, as in yesterday, purchased a Supra 3.0TT... OMG, its gorgious and blisteringly fast...

and it get serious attention off everyone!... ha ha...

I cant afford the insurence on one of those just yet.. which is the confounding factor with the skyline also... insurence!!! Hes 26 with 7 years NC.. its 700quid FC

Still, im sure that my micra will keep me entertained while I try and beat my brother and g-f's stepdad around a circuit... in their Supra and Skyline respectively... either way its going to get quite interesting very soon lol
if the back is too light to stick to the ground then get a bad ass chav spoiler :p

could benifit from a JDM spoiler or a small carbon one just to give you alittle extra grip. i know a guy running a motorbike powered kit car and he gets away with a bent bit of metal for a spoiler :D
I dont think It will be that bad, Im not going to have the handling of a skyline but the cornering should still be good, after all its 600/700 Kgs on 225'' profiles..

Wait till its wet, or even worse ice, with a profile like that it may float better than some boats..
Time will tell m8, the supra is a sweet looking car, will be interesting to see which 1 of the 3 cars is the fastest, good luck finishing the micra
Bahaha. Welcome to the GTR experience. Ever since my ride in GTR's I've been in a few other "fast" cars and they felt slow and boring. lol

I think its got something to do with that sound. People who havent been in one won't know what sound I'm talking about but kristian would.

kristian - if you got the money DO IT. The 32's are becoming a dying breed. If you can find yourself a clean one thats already had the engine rebuilt GO FOR IT. You will NOT regret it and in 10 years time you can tell your kids/whatever that you OWNED a Skyline GT-R.

You can always find another micra. Its not like they're uncommon in Europe. haha
I dont think It will be that bad, Im not going to have the handling of a skyline but the cornering should still be good, after all its 600/700 Kgs on 225'' profiles..
I didn't mean that in an offencive way Kristian! Sorry if it did, what I meant to say is that your micra wont be as good as a skyline around bends (that's what I get for trying to be funny). I'm sure the handling will be superb if you get the suspension setup correct. Still, good luck with the project! I've just finished my td04 starlet: IT'S ALIIVVVEEEEEEE!!!!! :laugh:

Comparing the two vehicles is ridiculous ESPECIALLY considering how different they are. I want to slap you (but not with my glove, i'm useless at duels!) for even considering it.
QUOTE=Yom]Comparing the two vehicles is ridiculous ESPECIALLY considering how different they are. I want to slap you (but not with my glove, i'm useless at duels!) for even considering it.[/QUOTE]
But Kristian was considering selling his micra to get a skyline... I was just discussing the Pro's and Con's if you read my previous posts. Of course I know how different they are, that's why I was comparing them. o_O
Is there some reason why I get maliciously attacked (well... slapped) for that post? I demand an apology, :down:

-Jamie"Sore faced"Gti
Now would be a good time for me to realise that I had forgotten to add the ":p" at the end to indicate I wasn't being a monster.

Yom said:
Now would be a good time for me to realise that I had forgotten to add the ":p" at the end to indicate I wasn't being a monster.

Ok... *hugs* you are forgiven! :)
While you're here, what one would you rather have? R32 or Kristians Micra (finished of course).
I suppose that goes to everyone!

Ed said:
Wait till its wet, or even worse ice, with a profile like that it may float better than some boats..
kristian said:
In the Wet Im just not going to drive the car..

I know this.. the car will be phenominal in the dry.. in the wet its just a case of not driving it anything other than like a granny...

Any HighEnd RWD have a similar problem with the wet..

4WD is the answer.. GTIR drivetrain anyone?

lol it IS possible by ripping up a donor car and ripping up the micra chassis, then bodging the two....

...but then again you might aswell drive a Gtir...
Yeah, may as well buy a Gti-R!
You could cut the bodywork of the micra and weld it onto the Sunny chassis.. but yeah, then you'd be better off with a pulsar :p
Too hard... to expensive! Don't want to pee on your fire though! :(
