Rwd micra

Yes, a lot of work but very possible. All you need is a diff and shaft off a RWD car, they this needs modifying/ shortening. Then some major structual work later and it's done.
Get the drivetrain off a bedford rascal and it should fit straight on lol.
But... you wont be able to drift easily if thats what you want, as the short wheelbase is not suited to it and you will go around in circles.
But... you wont be able to drift easily if thats what you want, as the short wheelbase is not suited to it and you will go around in circles.

I dont know really, longer wheel base makes for easier control but i think alot of the old rally cars like stratos have a very short wheel base to make them switch direction quickly and be able to drift on command. But i suppose it all comes down to the suspension.

I dont think this would be a technically challenging modification, but one that would require a good bit of planning and most importanaly a good deall of patience.
Well I have heard of someone putting 200sx running gear in an almera... apparently it was the worst handling thing ever and was undriveable.
This IS technically challenging - what rear suspension are you going to do? How will you set up all the geomoettry? Where will you move the fuel tank to? What engine are you going to use - will the bulkhead need to be modified?
To do this properly it isn't a job for the faint-hearted.
Yeah but rally cars driven by rally drivers is one thing, a micra driven by one of us another! :)
I can testify that the short wheelbase of the micra makes it hard to control a slide or fishtailing, that and my lack of practice at sliding!
just get a 200sx with running gear and put on a micra shell and cut bits off/shorten the chassis of the 200sx to fit the micra shell size... sr20det rwd micra :p
I seem to keep skidding through round-abouts going at 15mph.. maybe drifting isn't for me..................................................... But Micra still rox your sox.
Or just import a 2000 Collet f (4wd 20th aniversary edition) from japan which is a 1.3 auto, switch the auto box for a pulsar manual with locked front differential. realign with prop.

Although its not as much its fun probably cheaper, easier and quicker.
few things to consider you have the time
3.enough money
4.the tools and space
5.can you weld

and imo if you had to ask if it could be done i dont think you could pull i off.
you lot are in a dream world if you think a project like this is easy peasy!
It is a bit easy though, bedford rascal has to be the same dimensions as a micra, anglegrinder and a welder, job done, just watch *runs off to get grinder*
Yeah but rally cars driven by rally drivers is one thing, a micra driven by one of us another! :)
I can testify that the short wheelbase of the micra makes it hard to control a slide or fishtailing, that and my lack of practice at sliding!

i love to drift in my micra its brilliant lol!!
the only way i got my backend to step out was with some negative camber on the front !

a wet car park, a few islands in the car park and the handbreak does it for me!
i love it! have a few vids but u cant see em or i would put em on youtube!
i must ask my mate to felm me doin it lol!
i tried drifting around a 180 corner in weston super mare a couple of sundays ago and lost it half way, would had been insane if i had kept it, i was so close to keeping it aswell lol!
my workplace, priory park nr tamworth
special prices for msc members :grinning:

thats about 3.5 - 4 hours from me!
but sounds like it could be good if we made it a propper meet. its pretty much mid country aswell, so could get quite a lot!!
bens851 said:
Originally Posted by frank
my workplace, priory park nr tamworth
special prices for msc members :grinning:

thats about 3.5 - 4 hours from me!
but sounds like it could be good if we made it a propper meet. its pretty much mid country aswell, so could get quite a lot!!

I'm up for some of this - will start a new thread
You mean slide? cos it certainly aint drifting!

i know its anal of me but, you know!

drifting is sliding with style and skill....
i consider my slides bo be skillful and stylish... drifts...?
am i not correct?
please jump on me and hit me with a hammer if im wrong lol
if your rear wheels are sliding in a perpendicular fasion to the rotation of the front whels.... its drifting... regardless of drive wheels..
rite so if i take a 180 corner going sideways in my micra.. in a controlled manner..
What do u call that?
Drifting, sliding skidding or whatever else u can call it???
if your rear wheels are sliding in a perpendicular fasion to the rotation of the front whels.... its drifting... regardless of drive wheels..

drift is oversteer intentionally induced..

Yes you can FWD drift, but this is not the way..

One way to oversteer in your front-driver is to plow hard into a corner and then lift off the accelerator in the middle of the corner. Lifting off the accelerator will cause the weight of the car to "shift" to the front, thereby putting more weight over the front wheels and, ultimately, adding more grip to the front tires. However, if you are lucky, the rear tires will lose traction and start to slide outwards while you're turning. You are now oversteering.

Using the handbrake is a SLIDE...
I thought the point of drifting was to have your drive wheels spinning as the car slides sideways. Or do they just spin the rear wheels to lose grip on the back end?
a flat tyre on the back wheel makes the back end step out. As i found out in the lupo and needed to change my pants afterwards.. When you don't expect it and its on a round-a-bout on a public road, scary stuff!

But to stay on topic, theres a video of a RWD SR18 micra in japan on youtube.
i did some of this at modded uk on the grass (outside of the show ground), but we got caught and let off with a warning....:glance:


Is that the karting circuit in tamworth...if so this would make a get place for a meet?

and do they allow cars on the circuit?


I thought the point of drifting was to have your drive wheels spinning as the car slides sideways. Or do they just spin the rear wheels to lose grip on the back end?

a drift is oversteer, "tapping" the handbrake on a rear wheel drive basically locks the drive wheels, causing it to oversteer quicker, then its a matter of keeping a steady throttle, not too much but enough to then once the car is straight (pointing in the direction you wanna go) then you can kick out of the corner and fly off.

Where as withn a FWD car you need to hold the handbrake, because as soon as you take it off, the traction on the front wheels drags the car the way the car is steering (pulling you out of the "drift/slide"

Thus why if you hit it hard into a corner (You will notice the engine "lift" the front end up - thus when you wheels spin - but when you take it off the front end drops, giving you more traction) - so hit it hard into a corner, then off the throttle, makes it grab traction, causing the back end to "kick" out, then use constant throttle, not too much blah blah, and that is the only way you will technically drift in a FWD car,

but as i said it is me being anal about it!

P.S. ADVISE do not try it on open roads, best bet is to find some old carpark, GRAVEL is the best, easier to loose the back end, BUT make sure you wont hit any thing!

yes 1+ 1/2 miles from m42/ A5 tamworth junction, the only cars we,ve had on was when vikki butler henderson did a s/c mini shootout thingy (she,s fit in the flesh ! her face lite,s up when she talks to you, its the presenter in her i think)
craig is hoping to get a meet sorted, i,ll bend the bosses ear today for a healthy discount
thanks, and if there is a meet around, we could always do it somewhere near by, then people can have a go on the track etc.

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