Red 1.0 supercharged K11


Ex. Club Member
Does this exist has anyone heard of it?

apparently this guy who works at an alarm shop down the road said he knows a guy who had built one, and it was featured in magazines and everything.

I said i must have heard about or seen it because im the only guy in UK with it, and im on a micra forum, and i have never heard of it at all...

this guy is going to set me his number apparently his a nissan modifying specialist and he might have goodies lying around too his disposal.

urban legend?
folk tale?

will find out soon enough will keep everyone updated
Sounds a bit #### to me. There was a 1ltr turbo and that was blue. But that all thats ever been on here...
Yes I think there has been a 1.0 super charged Micra, was on here some time back with images too. Think it was poorly done as well.

One i saw ages and ages ago had the s/c bolted nearly straight on the inlet manifold or something odd?
Think it was poorly done as well
That was my old car i was experimenting on. The same SC with the same bolt on features is currently on my black super s, so it couldnt have been that poor.

One i saw ages and ages ago had the s/c bolted nearly straight on the inlet manifold or something odd?
Couldnt have been mine, mines at the front.. and with someone of your knowledge how can a SC run from around the inlet manifold?

raging demon.
That used to be my old skool name

Im talking about a completly different one, not my one at all someone elses one like i said a RED ONE that was MAGAZINE featured, im meeting whoever this guy is soon anyway will see what he made then.

thanks for the postive comments
could you have forgotten that you were in a mag? could you be going to meet yourself?? lol, i think you have the only SC micra in the uk.... for now ;)
that would make some sense then...

well i will have a look at this guys nissan garage see if he still got it and go from there....
Ed said:
No, i definately saw this one 4+ years ago.

ah but 2006 is the year in which everyone crashes their micra so it may have died :(

Type-R take a good camera ;) i wanna see the setup he's runnin
i did a search on this site for raging demon and a thread about smoothed roofs was found. raging demon was called a n0bb3r in that thread.

*edit* he was called a retard not a n0bb3r
he was called a retard

noted, i dnt really give a flying monkey anyway mate. End of the day this is a website, like to see him call me that up to my face, then we see whos the retard.
Type-R said:
noted, i dnt really give a flying monkey anyway mate. End of the day this is a website, like to see him call me that up to my face, then we see whos the retard.

i wouldnt worry to much about it either. sorry to bring it up tho.
love the badboy, and the flush bonnet pins :) and those rims too :D
any of the engine bay?
tommo said:
easily one of the best micras in the uk

simple and effective

agreed, oh and i've just noticed those holes in the bumper :) kinda reminds me of the ST grill :D
Type R, That Is ####ing Gorgeous, Please Tell Me How Low That Is, Please..............and Also How Much, And What Exactly You Are Ridng On..........
it looks like 40 - 45 to me? i'm probably wrong... very low, really suits the car nicely
Would you have to roll the arches if you got it that low, my car runs on 15s, and i dont want to have to really change the arches in any way..........
IIRC hes on powecoil springs 3rd set and dampers.. rides well and having driven it its a nice car to drive.. the engine is responsive and pulls well sounds good too.. its easilly one of the best in the club..
Craig_87 said:
Would you have to roll the arches if you got it that low, my car runs on 15s, and i dont want to have to really change the arches in any way..........

not really, if the suspention is stiff enough and you remove the arch linings then you should be fine :D
if you remove the arch linings, do any problems arise in that area, cos its then open to mud and water etc.............
not really, as long as your indicator wires dont catch on the wheel and short the conection :D wasnt me honest. well it was i wondered why i kept blowing fuses.

thing hangin under the car is a bungee strap, he had a problem with the bonnet pins, sorted now though as he brought new ones at JAE
thanks for the comments i might just start a micra blog....

Myth solved!!

the red micra turned out to be a Red ST!! but the turbo had blown up. He kept on using it on the SC and modified it to run with the SC only.

Then about 3years ago it was scrapped and sold off in bits and bobs.

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