part numbers 0280 150 - - - or 155 - - - or 156 - - - i think neil
a bit more for forced induction tho eh neilThat's a handy site,
Say I presume 160 hp at flywheel at 80% duty, I'd need 265 cc injectors
That right
you lose resolution at low throttle neil (same applies to mafs)Any issues going to big?
A few people have recommended them, gunna email them tomorow, see what's best for me, then go from
There........,,,it's on!![]()
Every little bit but they give you little handling tools for the small bits and all the PCB's are pre drilled/tinned etc from what I can tell... and all the components are in individually lables bags. But I wouldn't hold it against you, I've not done alot of board level assembly but from what I remember of it it is pretty fiddly (3 hands would be handy at times!)How involed is the assembly? If it's bolting stuff together and bit off soldering, that's ok, but if it's every resistor/transistor, not sure I've got the steady hand for it
2000 - 02 primera ?
probably easier to find some vw/audi ones neilWhy am I finding so difficult finding these injectors?
My Google fu is weak
I thought the same figure, very reasonable price mateHmm, £100 ?
Carbs are good (very clean)
Bogg bro manifold (though, I have drilled and filled bits down to fit from ma10 to cg13)
Knowing you yesNot bothered if it goes, always use it/parts from it somewhere or on another build
How much mate?I do indeed
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ideally you need the coilpack mani neil (smaller holes) but you can cut some little sleeves from the k11 sunroof drainpipe as collars (nice snug fit)