i think you only need the 255 if you have to run high fuelrail pressures paul (which is unlikely with those huge 370cc injectors imo)
Looking good man!
I picked up an s14 370cc rail and injectors last night
Came out a 36000 s14 from my boss for free
Can you put some pics up of your modified fuel rail please Paul, seems it's proving quiet difficult getting the rail adjusted
Cheers mate and I bet you cant wait!
Could you please verify that the TB will fit with that rail pollypTIA
thanks mate, have you got 2 nistune ecus? are you keeping the modded fuel rail and just swapping to 370cc or you making a new rail from the 200sx?
if so wanna sell that too lol?(Y)
TNT guy came tday with big box
new pressure plate, prob almera? the plate outer diameter is 190mm.
Polly i was a little under £10k on my grey one alone. Never mind the other 7 micras i hadits an expensive/addictive hobby
Nice one mate glad you got them ok and out the rail with ease (Y)
mentioning about the differences between the injectors, You'll probably notice that the plastic cage on the injectors from the US are higher up then ours, dunno what the differences are as there still the same size :wasntme:
Had the same problem with my pintle caps to polly, only i broke one of mine when removing it from the car(so delicate). I think there important for the spray pattern as well as what you said mate. I managed to swap my pintle over by using a flat small screwdriver and stanley blade, you just need to be able to gently prise it past the groove, kinda like a circlip...although I must say it was NOT easy but got there in the end..if its easier get a new set.
How did the injectors go in? nicely?
yea i saw on some pics of the same injectors and on the injector rebuild kits that the side feed gauze were higher n broader.
tried removing pintle with flathead but it just squashes the o-ring or deform the edge lip of the pintle.
afew forums say removing the pintle didn't affect the injector but it prob does stop the small o-ring from being pushed out by fuel pressure or sucked by manifold vacuum, ingested into the engine and cause a big injector leak/run very rich. but can't justify paying £30 for full kit to just replace a single pintle so will try to swap instead.
actually does the ultrasonic cleaning shop take the injectors apart to clean? if so they could do the pintle swapping for me whilst cleaning?
injectors fit in snugly with a push n twist.
you can deffinatly get the pintle off mate, i think it was abit easier on mine, as the sentra rail with 1.6 injectors I had was alot more worn and slightly more flexible to prise. The only thing I was concerned for was the spray pattern of the injector which is what I read somewhere.
No forget the 30quid kit mate, I did come across just a packet of 4 pintle caps for the nissans injectors on ebay when I broke mine, but never got them cause managed to swap it over. I was just having a look for you but nothing yet, ill keep looking and post it if I find.
The ultrasonic cleaning is like a flush, there put into a machine and run at different rates until all flow the same, not 100% on all details, but I believe they refurb the rings too and give you a print of before and after results. I was going to get mine done before the turbo but was no need, had no problems with mine, and didnt like the idea of posting mine off to some random place lol. you should be fine
so just hoop on the new o-rings, slap on the injectors and hope for the best?
i'll try swap the pintle since i got 3 injectors to attempt on
the 256 injectors cage-mesh looks bit dry n rusty from being un-used so long but the 370 injectors appears and smells fresher of fuel so could be fine.
Yeah should be good to go mate, I didnt even get new rings for mine..my only error you know about already :wasntme:
with the pintle try and get under the edge on both sides as opposed to one..more like taking a hat off :laugh: very fiddly.
Yep that what my rails were like, s14 fresh, sentra dried/rusty.
Cant find that packet of four anymore mate..must of been a one off, sorry
If you wanna clean them, theres a poor mans cleaner setup on youtube. Looks easy enough to do and will be a lot cheaper. Providing you can get the bits on (not sure on clearance on those injectors)![]()
We fitted an Almera GTi fuel pump to the turtle today and its a straight swap and works fine. Its rated to about 230-240HP. Just another option for you.
just saw noddie's selling his forged piston engine for 600. would be good as a stronger backup engine incase the stock block is pushed too far.
or should i just fit the forged engine to turbo anyway so that it could either:
a- be able to withstand the 10psi 163bhp more reliably or
b- attempt for more power, risking a more expensive blowup and make the 2 spare stock engines obsolete cos they may not handle the higher power the forged engine was mapped for.
Sadly, I think your right martin.Damn man, didn't tell me it was going dude!! What an awesome setup you could have Paul, I reckon 200bhp is possible
No offence Paul but you seem more capable to put it to use than some of us due to financial reasons, i think you could build the monster slayer!!
Ed what you going for? Mapped at 6-7psi?
You can bed-in the engine without the turbo, im testing the engine that i will use for the turbo, with a 1,75mm headgasket, and it still goes strong, not as powerful, but runs ok...
This is what i would do if i were you tbh.I'll have to add it to my original turbo planning schedule but I guess I could prep and fit the forged engine and LSD gearbox leaving the janspeed exhaust on, bed the forged engine in, then fit and configure the turbo afterwards before remapping?
This is what i would do if i were you tbh.
Maybe ring up Ed and see what he suggests if your taking it down there for the mapping?