Petrols Up Again

anyway i payed 90.0p for some feul today.....anyone want to block the gates off at BP? tomorow?

back on topic and my lasy post in here
theres a difference between expressing your opinion and coming on being sarcy and making incorrect assumptions, its not the point you make its the way you make it, thats why i come on here alot and see you arguing the t*ss with somebody.

RIK said:
and lower themselves to name calling over the net.lmfao

yep guilty, sorry. i should probably start taking the internet more seriously.
Whoa this threads gone quite crazy since my last post!

One more off topic post and it gets locked. Back to petrol prices...

I managed to get just over 40mpg today on my car. I've been watching the computer thingy (thats the technical term!) when i start a journey and its normally about 32 mpg but with just easing off that little bit its improved quite a lot,thus saving me paying these high prices!! grr
i went to east midlands airport last night to pick the parentals up..and got 38.1mpg

usually i get 40mpg to work and small trips tho
It's due to the price of oil going up because of all the Iran malarky I believe. If its not one thing (inflation) its another! :upside:
Ian said:
BP are doing a new racing fuel 102 octane, about £2.50/litre :eek:
Yeah, I was speaking to Ed about this last night, It's not much cheaper than his 109RON racing fuel he said!

One of the forecourts selling it is just down the road from my mums house, I might go just to buy the minimum amount to get this:
And because it fully complies with BS EN 228, the UK specification for unleaded petrol, it can be legally used on the road by any car. What's more, you will be given a Certificate of Analysis for the fuel each time you make a purchase of BP Ultimate 102.
Arnold said:
Petrol here's just hit 98p now! and BP are saying it could top £1 very soon

However BP have also just announced £3 Billion profits for the first 3 months of this year... hmm, and petrol's still going up?

Oil companies really aren't the evil entities you would think they are. I know that is a lot of profit, but compared to their turnover, it isn't great. BP invest a lot of money into research and development as they are interested in staying as an energy provider long after oil stops being viable.

A large chunk of fuel cost is tax. The government do this for simple reasons - they need the money and people are willing to pay, and they wish to reduce the use of private transport. And because drivers are willing to pay and it isn't changing the number of people on the roads, it will go up and up.
Public transport is still relatively expensive though. A 3-day 6 Zone (From my house) Travelcard including peak hours into London is £37.20.

Compare this to Chicago's 3 day pass on any subway or bus in and around Chicago - $13, quite an amazing price difference really!
It's still cheaper than driving though, which is what I think their goal is. It only tends to be city transport that costs so much in the UK, intercity travel is much cheaper here than in the US it seems.

I won't get on buses though, £1.20 is just too much considering that you normally need to wait 10 minutes, then get stuck in traffic. If it's anything less than 2 miles, it's quicker to walk.
Andrew said:
BP invest a lot of money into research and development as they are interested in staying as an energy provider long after oil stops being viable.

BP have invested billions world wide in photovoltaics (solar Electric, Solar Thermal) over the las 10 years. they are the world leaders in this form of technology and are at least 5 years ahead of any other company on the planet. the technology has been around for 50 years + and its only now we are using it properly. but its still inefficient for the amount of energy required to produce the panels.

its a similar argument with smokers, regarding tax on fags, if everyone stopped buying petrol (in this country) where would our government move the tax to? so then imcome tax will be higher?, National Insurance?, make VAT higher? invent another new stealth tax? road tax?

we (as in country and goverment) should be more interested in reducing national debt, and using our tax better to provide the services we pay for. if we cant pay for the NHS through our taxes as they are turn the whole health service private, then there will be less leachers from other countries using our benifits to their own gains. slash the amonut given out as benifits by 50%. that will get people out too find work. our country is headding into recession soon if this sort of thing keeps happening,

im waiting for the recession to buy a house cos i cant afford to at the mo
if you carnt afford to run your car at curent prices then you shouldnt moan about it! oil isnt going to be here forver! man we blockade the roads cos it goes up 5p what we gona do when it runs out! all curl up in a ball and die??

petrol isnt needed to keep you living its nice but not needed! whereas government provided things like police, housing, schools ect ect

but im not siding with the govenment here! i want to know where my 70p of tax is going because the roads are crap the NHS is up the duff and im going to have to shell out more for private healthcare plan so i might have a chance off seeing a doctor/dentist.. we have no nurses to deliver shildren or look after people. yet we have doctors on £1.4 million a year!

we need to stop moaning about the itle things like 5p on peterol and addres the situation of our failing schols and hospitals! aswell as stop this country being railroaded into conflicts over oil becaus thats all we care about! how much have we spent in iraqu in human lives and in cash so we could secure that 3p price drop in petrol for 3 months?
if i had a petrol firm ide be making 10b profit :D.....why should they sell it cheap? i know i wouldn't
btw..petrol is needed in todays world.just think if we had no petroll from tomorow,the world would be at a standstill.

we would have to grow our own food again :D
solarice said:
lol, personally i wouldnt see that as a bad thing, after all its not that hard. :)

and we would probably live longer.

just a shame we have no land to grow the stuff anymore hahaha
Oh well lets all pack up our micras and move to Dubai. World micra owners grouping in Dubai for cheap fuel. :D

OH and I wonder if we are paying for the american's fuel... They still pay half of what we do here in australia. I wouldnt be suprised if what we pay is subsidising their fuel prices.. lol
since my other thread got locked...

petrol is way down, 83.9 up here!

this one is probably going to get locked for being too old now
Its down because of the 6 month low oil price, but i still remember it being about 70 three years ago.

Current prices down south vary between 86 and 93
the petrol increases are nothing new you know, in feb 1974 petrol went up 1.76 pence per litre to 11 pence, it doesn't sound much but it is a 16% rise, thats the equivelant of petrol going up overnight to 99p at todays prices, if that happened now there would be a huge outcry, there was another big rise in '79 when petrol went up 12% it was around 80p per gallon, my dad said that if petrol ever got to £1 per gallon he'd sell his car, he died before it did, if he could see the prices now he'd be turning in his grave.
Yeah, by my calculations we're currently paying about £3.54 a gallon! And when it peaked at 100, we were paying £4.50 something
I remember the huuuge complaints made my students at school when cafeteria prices went up 5p every year :wasntme:

£656.62 << My fuel bill so far this year, for just over 6300 miles. :glare:

Sorta off topic but, very interesting website here about energy...

Even more amazing is the fact that a special metal alloy was patented by Freedman (USA) in 1957 that spontaneously breaks water into Hydrogen and Oxygen with no outside electrical input and without causing any chemical changes in the metal itself. This means that this special metal alloy can make Hydrogen from water for free, forever.

Yom said:

And here I was complaining about a $0.10 increase in fuel prices from $1.20/L to just over $1.33/L

your payin about 53pence a litre,

1.33 AUD Australia Dollars = 0.530169 GBP United Kingdom Pounds

and they recon, if this country stopped smoking and driving tommorow, the goverment would be crippled!